Typz marked 2 inline comments as done.
Typz added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Format/UnwrappedLineFormatter.cpp:723
       FormatDecision LastFormat = Node->State.NextToken->Decision;
       if (LastFormat == FD_Unformatted || LastFormat == FD_Continue)
+        addNextStateToQueue(Penalty, Node, /*NewLine=*/false,
Typz wrote:
> djasper wrote:
> > This is almost certainly a no-go. It turns the algorithm from exploring a 
> > state space with a branching factor of 2 into something with a branching 
> > factor of 4.
> > 
> > Even assuming we can perfectly reuse results from computations (or in other 
> > words hit the same state through different path using Dijkstra's 
> > algorithm), the additional bool in StateNode doubles the number of states 
> > we are going to visit. You don't even seem to make a distinction of whether 
> > the token under investigation can possibly be split. You do look at 
> > NoLineBreak(InOperand), but even if those are false, the vast majority of 
> > tokens will never be split.
> > 
> > However, even if you narrow that down, I am not convinced that fixing this 
> > inconsistency around the formatting penalties is worth the runtime 
> > performance hit. I am generally fine with changing the behavior in the way 
> > you are proposing, but only if it has zero (negative) effect on performance.
> Making the distinction to skip some path is done at the beginning of 
> addNextStateToQueue(), though indeed not very precisely at the moment.
> I can improve the check (i.e. by copying all the early return conditions from 
> the beginning of `ContinuationIndenter::breakProtrudingToken()`, which will 
> greatly reduce the number of possible state, but stilll have a small impact.
> The alternative would be modify ContinuationIndenter::breakProtrudingToken(), 
> so that it computes the penalty for reflowing as well as not-reflowing, and 
> updates the LineState with the best solution. It would certainly have an 
> impact on performance, but would not increase the size of the state space.
> Another issue with that approach is that the information is not passed from 
> the DRYRUN phase to the actual rewriting phase. I could store this 
> information in the LineState, to re-use it in the reconstruction phase, but 
> this seems really wrong (and would work only in the exact case of the 
> optimizing line formatter).
> What do you think? Should I keep the same structure but reduce the number of 
> explored state; or move the decision into ContinuationIndenter, possibly 
> storing the result in LineState?
Actually, it seems it cannot be done inside 
ContinuationIndenter::breakProtrudingToken(), since this causes the whitespace 
manager to be called twice for the same token.


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