hamzasood added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Parse/ParseExprCXX.cpp:1116
+  if (HasExplicitTemplateParams) {
+    SmallVector<Decl*, 4> TemplateParams;
+    SourceLocation LAngleLoc, RAngleLoc;
faisalv wrote:
> hamzasood wrote:
> > faisalv wrote:
> > > Why not Just use/pass LSI->TemplateParams?
> > I thought that Parser and Sema stay separate, and communicate through 
> > various ActOn functions? Directly accessing LSI would violate that.
> Aah yes - you're right.  Still it does seem a little wasteful to create two 
> of those (and then append).  What are your thoughts about passing the 
> argument by (moved from) value, and then swapping their guts within ActOn 
> (i..e value-semantics) ?  (I suppose the only concern would be the small 
> array case - but i think that would be quite easy for any optimizer to 
> inline).   
I don't think a SmallVectorImpl can be passed by value.

So to make that work, the function would either needed to be templated 
(SmallVector<Decl*, I>) or only accept a SmallVector<Decl*, 4>. And I don't 
think either of those options are worthwhile.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaLambda.cpp:858
+    KnownDependent = CurScope->getTemplateParamParent() != nullptr;
+  }
faisalv wrote:
> Hmm - now that you drew my attention to this ;) - I'm pretty sure this is 
> broken - but (embarrassingly) it broke back when i implemented generic 
> lambdas (and interestingly is less broken w generic lambdas w explicit TPLs) 
> - could I ask you to add a FIXME here that states something along the lines 
> of:  
> When parsing default arguments that contain lambdas, it seems necessary to 
> know whether the containing parameter-declaration clause is that of a 
> template to mark the closure type created in the default-argument as 
> dependent.  Using template params to detect dependence is not enough for all 
> generic lambdas since you can have generic lambdas without explicit template 
> parameters, and whose default arguments contain lambdas that should be 
> dependent - and you can not rely on the existence of a template parameter 
> scope to detect those cases.  Consider:
>    auto L = [](int I = [] { return 5; }(), auto a) { };  
> The above nested closure type (of the default argument) occurs within a 
> dependent context and is therefore dependent - but we won't know that until 
> we parse the second parameter.  
> p.s. I'll try and get around to fixing this if no one else does.
Good point. Now you mention it, isn't it even more broken than than?

 auto L = [](auto A, int I = [] { return 5; }());

L is known to be generic before we parse the nested lambda, but template param 
scopes aren't established for auto parameters (I think), so the nested lambda 
won't get marked as dependent


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