hintonda added a comment.

I've submitted a patch, https://reviews.llvm.org/D36971, that moves 
find_first_existing_file and
find_first_existing_vc_file to ADDLLVM so they can be reused here.  If that 
patch is accepted and lands, 
you can then remove these versions and check to see if that solves your problem.

Note that you must remove these versions in order for cmake to use the moved 
ones, which would be hidden
by the new ones, but can still be accessed by adding a '_' prefix.

Comment at: lib/Basic/CMakeLists.txt:17
 macro(find_first_existing_vc_file out_var path)
   set(git_path "${path}/.git")
minseong.kim wrote:
> hintonda wrote:
> > LLVM already has a version of find_first_existing_vc_file in 
> > llvm/include/llvm/Support/CMakelists.txt.
> > 
> > Would it make sense move it to an llvm module and reuse it in clang?
> Thanks for the suggestion. 
> My understanding is that "llvm/include/llvm/Support/CMakeLists.txt" is used 
> to generate VCSRevision.h which is used by llvm-specific modules such as opt, 
> not clang. Furthermore find_first_existing_vc_file function in 
> llvm/include/llvm/Support/CMakeLists.txt does not handle the version info 
> either.
I believe the version of `find_first_vc_file` in llvm/Support/CMakeLists.txt 
handles this case correctly.  So, instead of fixing/maintaining this version, 
which is slightly different, perhaps the version in llvm/Support/CMakeList.txt 
could be moved to ADDLLVM.cmake where it could be used by both.


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