hamzasood added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D37182#855262, @smeenai wrote:

> The other question, of course, is why the experimental library needs to be 
> static. If it were built shared, the annotations would just work on Windows 
> in theory (though I'm sure there are other issues there).

Even if libc++experimental is no longer forced to be static, it'd probably be 
too restrictive to force libc++ and libc++experimental to be the same library 
type. E.g. someone might want a dynamic libc++ but a static libc++experimental. 
If that's possible (even if not by default), different visibility macros will 
be needed.

Comment at: include/experimental/__config:57
smeenai wrote:
> I think it would make more sense to make these macros empty on all platforms, 
> not just Windows. It's true that they'll only cause link errors on Windows 
> (since you'll attempt to dllimport functions from a static library), but on 
> ELF and Mach-O, the visibility annotations would cause these functions to be 
> exported from whatever library c++experimental gets linked into, which is 
> probably not desirable either.
> The exception (if you'll pardon the pun) is `_LIBCPPX_EXCEPTION_ABI`, which 
> will still need to expand to at least `__type_visibility__((default))` for 
> non-COFF in order for throwing and catching those types to work correctly.
I might be mistaken, but I think the regular libc++ library still uses 
visibility annotations when it's being built as a static library on non-Windows 
platforms. So I figured it'd be best to match that behaviour.


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