arphaman created this revision.

This patch adds a new tutorial to Clang's talks that walks through an example 
of a refactoring action and how it can be implemented in Clang.



Index: docs/index.rst
--- docs/index.rst
+++ docs/index.rst
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
+   RefactoringActionTutorial
 Using Clang Tools
Index: docs/RefactoringEngine.rst
--- docs/RefactoringEngine.rst
+++ docs/RefactoringEngine.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,10 @@
 to the Clang AST <IntroductionToTheClangAST>` if you want to learn more
 about how the AST is structured.
-..  FIXME: create new refactoring action tutorial and link to the tutorial
+You can also take a look a the
+:doc:`refactoring action tutorial <RefactoringActionTutorial>` to see how
+you can use the components that are described in this document to implement
+actual refactoring actions.
Index: docs/RefactoringActionTutorial.rst
--- /dev/null
+++ docs/RefactoringActionTutorial.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+Tutorial for building refactoring actions
+.. warning::
+  This tutorial talks about a work-in-progress library in Clang.
+  Some of the described features might not be available yet in trunk, but should
+  be there in the near future.
+This document is intended to show how to build refactoring actions that
+perform source-to-source transformations and integrate with editors that
+use ``libclang/clangd`` and the ``clang-refactor`` command-line refactoring
+tool. The document uses Clang's `refactoring engine <RefactoringEngine.html>`_
+and the `LibTooling <LibTooling.html>`_ library.
+In order to work on the compiler, you need some basic knowledge of the
+abstract syntax tree (AST). To this end, the reader is encouraged to
+skim the :doc:`Introduction to the Clang
+AST <IntroductionToTheClangAST>`.
+How to obtain & build Clang
+Before working on the refactoring action, you'll need to download and build
+LLVM and Clang. The
+:doc:`AST matchers tutorial<LibASTMatchersTutorial.html#step-0-obtaining-clang>`
+provides a section that describes how to obtain and build LLVM and Clang.
+Implementing a local source transformation
+This tutorial walks through an implementation of the
+"flatten nested if statements" refactoring operation. This action can take a
+selected ``if`` statement that's nested in another ``if`` and merge the two
+into ``if``s one just one ``if``. For example, the following code:
+.. code-block:: c++
+      int computeArrayOffset(int x, int y) {
+        if (x >= 0) {
+          if (y >= 0) {
+            return x * 4 + y;
+          }
+        }
+        throw std::runtime_error("negative indices");
+      }
+.. code-block:: c++
+      int computeArrayOffset(int x, int y) {
+        if (x >= 0 && y >= 0)
+          return x * 4 + y;
+        throw std::runtime_error("negative indices");
+      }
+after this refactoring.
+This refactoring is a local source transformation, since it only requires one
+translation unit in order to perform the refactoring.
+Before diving into a potential implementation of a refactoring, let's try
+to break it down. This operation is a "flatten" operation, which in theory
+could be applied to other types of directives, like the ``switch`` statements
+or maybe even loops. We can think of the particular flavor of the refactoring
+that merges the ``if`` statements as just one refactoring operation that's
+contained in the "flatten" refactoring action. The refactoring library
+encourages you to think in terms like these. In particular, it encourages
+developers to decompose refactorings into a single action that contains one or
+more operation that either produce similar results or have different refactoring
+modes of operation. The different operations should still be identifiable
+by just one name, like "flatten". For the rest of the tutorial I will talk
+about the decomposed refactoring using terms like the "flatten" refactoring
+action and the "flatten nested if statements" refactoring operation.
+Now that we've established and decomposed the refactoring action, let's go
+ahead and look at how it can be implemented.
+Step 1: Create the "flatten nested if statements" refactoring operation
+Let's start our implementation with the refactoring operation class that will
+be responsible for making the source changes.
+We can start by adding an implementation file in ``lib/Tooling/Refactoring``.
+Let's call it something like ``FlattenIfStatements.cpp``. Don't forget to add
+it to the ``CMakeLists.txt`` file that's located in the
+``lib/Tooling/Refactoring`` directory.
+The file will hold the implementation of our refactoring operation. Let's
+take a look at the outline of the operation class:
+.. code-block:: c++
+      #include "clang/Refactoring/RefactoringActions.h"
+      #include "clang/Refactoring/RefactoringActionRules.h"
+      using namespace clang;
+      using namespace tooling;
+      namespace {
+      class FlattenNestedIfStatements final : public SourceChangeRefactoringRule {
+      public:
+        FlattenNestedIfStatements(CodeRangeASTSelection CodeSelection) :
+          CodeSelection(std::move(CodeSelection)) { }
+        Expected<AtomicChanges>
+        createSourceReplacements(RefactoringRuleContext &Context) override;
+      private:
+        CodeRangeASTSelection CodeSelection;
+      };
+      } // end anonymous namespace
+The ``FlattenNestedIfStatements`` refactoring operation class derives from
+the ``SourceChangeRefactoringRule`` class because it's a local refactoring
+operation. The refactoring library supports a number of different kinds of
+refactoring operations, which are describes in the
+:doc:`rule types <RefactoringEngine.html#rule-types>`_ section of the
+refactoring engine documentation.
+The constructor of the ``FlattenNestedIfStatements`` takes in the inputs
+that are necessary to perform the refactoring. The lifecycle of an instance
+of this class is managed automatically by the refactoring library, and the
+initiation refactoring stage produces the input values that are passed to
+the constructor. More specifically, each refactoring operation is
+associated with a set of initiation requirements which produce the input
+values. We will take a look at the requirements that we need in the next
+section of this tutorial.
+This class also declares the actual refactoring function that's responsible
+for creating the source changes: ``createSourceReplacements``. The source
+changes are represented using a list of ``AtomicChange`` values. Let's take a
+look at one possible implementation of this function. This example is
+simplified as it doesn't account for all the possible variations of the AST,
+but still manages to illustrate the point:
+.. code-block:: c++
+      Expected<AtomicChanges>
+      FlattenNestedIfStatements::createSourceReplacements(RefactoringRuleContext &Context) override {
+        // Assume that we've selected a nested 'if' statement.
+        // We'll talk about how the selection is verified in the next section.
+        const IfStmt *NestedIf = cast<IfStmt>(CodeSelection[0]);
+        // The parent if should be the second parent as the first is the
+        // compound statement.
+        const IfStmt *ParentIf = CodeSelection.getParentNode(/*Nth=*/1).get<IfStmt>();
+        // We'd like to move the condition of the nested 'if' into the parent if.
+        const Expr *NestedCond = NestedIf->getCond();
+        const Expr *ParentCond = ParentIf->getCond();
+        // Take the source range of the condition of the nested 'if'.
+        StringRef NestedCondStr = Lexer::getSourceText(
+           CharSourceRange::getTokenRange(NestedCond->getSourceRange()),
+           Context.getASTContext().getSourceManager(),
+           Context.getASTContext().getLangOpts());
+        AtomicChanges Changes;
+        AtomicChange Change(Context.getSources(), CodeSelection[0]->getLocStart());
+        // And insert it with '&&' into the condition of the parent 'if'.
+        Change.insert(Context.getSources(), ParentCond->getLocEnd(),
+                      (llvm::Twine(" && ") + NestedCondStr).str());
+        // Finally, remove the nested if.
+        Change.replace(Context.getSources(),
+                       CharSorceRange::getTokenRange(NestedIf->getLocStart(),
+                          NestedIf->getThen()->getLocStart()), "");
+        Change.replace(Context.getSources(),
+                       CharSorceRange::getTokenRange(NestedIf->getLocEnd(),
+                          NestedIf->getLocEnd()), "");
+        Changes.push_back(std::move(Change));
+        return std::move(Changes);
+      }
+Step 2: Create the "flatten" refactoring action
+Now that we've have the refactoring operation class, let's create the
+"flatten" refactoring action. We can add this class to our
+``FlattenIfStatements.cpp`` implementation file:
+.. code-block:: c++
+      class FlattenCodeRefactoring final : public RefactoringAction {
+      public:
+        StringRef getCommand() const override { return "flatten"; }
+        StringRef getDescription() const override {
+          return "Flattens nested statements like 'if' into one";
+        }
+        RefactoringActionRules createActionRules() const override {
+          RefactoringActionRules Rules;
+          // The refactoring action rule wraps around the
+          // FlattenNestedIfStatements operation.
+          Rules.push_back(
+              createRefactoringActionRule<FlattenNestedIfStatements>(
+                  NestedIfSelectionRequirement()));
+          return Rules;
+        }
+      };
+The ``FlattenCodeRefactoring`` class provides a high-level description
+of the refactoring, in particular the name and the description of the
+subcommand that's available in ``clang-refactor``.
+This class also implements the ``createActionRules`` function that creates the
+rule that wraps around the ``FlattenNestedIfStatements`` operation. The
+``FlattenNestedIfStatements`` class is passed as a template parameter to
+the function. This call also passes in another ``NestedIfSelectionRequirement``
+value to the function. This is our custom initiation requirement that
+actually verifies that a nested ``if`` has been selected. If this requirement
+is satisfied, the refactoring library constructs the
+``FlattenNestedIfStatements`` and passes in the input ``CodeRangeASTSelection``
+that's produced by this requirement class to the constructor. However, the
+refactoring either fails or is completely unavailable when this requirement
+is not satisfied.
+Initiation requirements
+We mentioned that the ``NestedIfSelectionRequirement`` class is a custom
+initiation requirement. Let's take a look at how it can be implemented:
+.. code-block:: c++
+      class NestedIfSelectionRequirement final
+          : final CodeRangeSelectionRequirement {
+      public:
+        Expected<CodeRangeASTSelection>
+        evalute(RefactoringRuleContext &Context) const {
+          // Get the selection from the base class.
+          Expected<CodeRangeASTSelection> Selection =
+              CodeRangeSelectionRequirement::evalute(Context);
+          if (!Selection)
+            return Selection.takeError();
+          CodeRangeASTSelection &Code = *Selection;
+          // Verify that we've selected an 'if' statement (without 'else')
+          // and return a builtin error if no such 'if' is selected.
+          if (Code.size() != 1 || !isa<IfStmt>(Code[0]) ||
+              cast<IfStmt>(Code[0])->getElse() != nullptr)
+            return Context.createDiagnosticError(
+                       diag::err_refactor_selection_invalid_ast);
+          // Verify that the selected 'if' is nested in another 'if' (that
+          // doesn't have an 'else') and return a builtin error if there is
+          // not such parent 'if'.
+          const CompoundStmt *ThenBody = CodeSelection.getParentNode().get<CompoundStmt>();
+          const IfStmt *ParentIf = CodeSelection.getParentNode(/*Nth=*/1).get<IfStmt>();
+          if (!ThenBody || !ParentIf || ParentIf->getThen() != ThenBody ||
+              ParentIf->getElse() != nullptr)
+              return Context.createDiagnosticError(
+                         diag::err_refactor_selection_invalid_ast);
+          return Selection;
+       }
+     };
+The ``NestedIfSelectionRequirement`` class implements the custom initiation
+logic that verifies correctness of the selected ``if``. It derives from the
+``CodeRangeSelectionRequirement`` because this is a source selection requirement
+that requires either the ``-selection`` option in ``clang-refactor``, or an
+actual selection in an editor.
+The ``evaluate`` member function implements the initiation logic. Firstly, it
+gets the selection from the base class. Then it verifies that an ``if``
+statement is selected by inspecting the ``CodeRangeASTSelection`` value, and
+then verifies that the ``if`` has a corresponding parent ``if`` as well.
+Step 3: Register the action
+The "flatten" refactoring action has to be registered before it can be
+used in ``clang-refactor`` and other clients. This process is rather simple, and
+has two steps only:
+1) The refactoring action should have a corresponding entry in the refactoring
+   action registry. We can add "flatten" to the registry by adding the following
+   line to the ``RefactoringActionRegistry.def`` file that's located in the
+   ``include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring`` directory:
+.. code-block:: c++
+2) In addition to the entry in the registry, we have to provide a factory
+   function that can create an instance of the action class. The following
+   function should be sufficient for the "flatten" action:
+.. code-block:: c++
+      std::unique_ptr<RefactoringAction> createFlattenAction() {
+        return llvm::make_unique<FlattenCodeRefactoring>();
+      }
+Once these steps are complete, the "flatten" refactoring action and the
+"flatten nested if statements" operation are automatically supported by the
+``clang-refactor`` command-line tool.
+Step 4: Integrate with the editor
+In addition to ``clang-refactor`` support, we would like to integrate the
+"flatten nested if statements" operation with an editor client that supports
+Clang's refactoring library. We have to complete the following two things in
+order to achieve this integration:
+1) A new editor command will enable us to use the refactoring operation in
+   an editor (probably through a menu item). We can add a new command for
+   our operation by adding the following line to the
+   ``EditorCommandRegistry.def`` file that's located in the
+   ``include/clang/Tooling/Refactoring`` directory:
+.. code-block:: c++
+      REFACTORING_EDITOR_COMMAND(FlattenIf, "Flatten Nested If")
+2) Once the editor command is defined, it has to be bound to our refactoring
+   operation. We have to modify the ``createActionRules`` member function in
+   the ``FlattenCodeRefactoring`` class to bind the
+   "flatten nested if statements" operation to the editor command:
+.. code-block:: c++
+        RefactoringActionRules createActionRules() const override {
+          RefactoringActionRules Rules;
+          // The refactoring action rule wraps around the
+          // FlattenNestedIfStatements operation.
+          Rules.push_back(
+              EditorCommand::FlattenIf().bind( // This line is added!
+              createRefactoringActionRule<FlattenNestedIfStatements>(
+                  NestedIfSelectionRequirement())));
+          return Rules;
+        }
+Once these steps are complete, the "flatten nested if statements" refactoring
+operation becomes supported by editor services like ``libclang`` or ``clangd``
+and is available in editors that use these services.
+The ``clang-refactor`` command-line tool can be used to test a refactoring
+operation like "flatten nested if statements". The tool has a special testing
+mode that can be enabled using a special selection argument. This is an
+example of a test you can use for the "flatten" action:
+.. code-block:: c++
+      // RUN: clang-refactor flatten -selection=test:%s %s -- | FileCheck %s
+      int computeArrayOffset(int x, int y) {
+        if (x >= 0) {
+          /*range=->+2:5*/if (y >= 0) {
+            return x * 4 + y;
+          }
+          // CHECK: 1 '' results:
+          //
+          // CHECK:      int computeArrayOffset(int x, int y) {
+          // CHECK-NEXT:   if (x >= 0 && y >= 0)
+          // CHECK-NEXT:     return x * 4 + y;
+          // CHECK-NEXT:    throw std::runtime_error("negative indices");
+          // CHECK-NEXT:  }
+        }
+        throw std::runtime_error("negative indices");
+      }
+The test mode in ``clang-refactor`` scans the test file and looks for the
+``range=`` commands in comments. These commands specify the selection ranges
+that are used for different refactoring invocations. The exact syntax for
+the range command is specified in comments to the ``findTestSelectionRanges``
+function in ``TestSupport.h`` in the implementation of ``clang-refactor``.
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