malaperle added a comment.

Hi! I got a bit further in my experiment in integrating this in Clangd. I put 
some comments (in the first more complete revision). But since the scope of 
this patch changed, if you feel like we should take the discussions elsewhere, 
please let me know! Thanks!

Comment at: include/indexstore/IndexStoreCXX.h:84
+  std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> getLineCol() {
+    unsigned line, col;
From what I understand, this returns the beginning of the occurrence. It would 
be useful to also have the end of the occurrence. From what I tested in Xcode, 
when you do "Find Selected Symbol in Workspace", it highlights the symbol name 
in yellow in the list of matches, so it mush use that LineCol then highlight 
the matching name. This is works in many situations but others occurrences 
won't have the name of the symbol. For example:
"MyClass o1, o2;"
If I use "Find Selected Symbol in Workspace" on MyClass constructor, if won't 
be able to highlight o1 and o2
Do you think it would be possible to add that (EndLineCol)? If not, how would 
one go about extending libindexstore in order to add additional information per 
occurrence? It is not obvious to me so far.
We also need other things, for example in the case of definitions, we need the 
full range of the definition so that users can "peek" at definitions in a 
pop-up. Without storing the end of the definition in the index, we would need 
to reparse the file.

Comment at: include/indexstore/IndexStoreCXX.h:374
+  enum class DependencyKind {
+    Unit,
As part of this dependency tracking mechanism, I haven't found that it could 
provide information about about the files including a specific header. So given 
a header (or source file in odd cases), I do not see a way to get all the files 
that would need to be reindexed if that header changed. Is that something you 
achieve outside the index? Or perhaps this is something I missed in the code.

Comment at: include/indexstore/IndexStoreCXX.h:377
+    Record,
+    File,
+  };
Could there be a bit of explanation about what's a File dependency versus 
record and unit? All units and records are file dependencies, right? Are there 
any files that are neither records or units?

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