klimek added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp:1707
+          RemainingTokenColumns = Token->getRemainingLength(
+              NextLineIndex, TailOffset, ContentStartColumn);
+          Reflow = true;
krasimir wrote:
> When we're reflowing we replace the reflow split with a space, so IMO this 
> should be:
> ```
> RemainingTokenColumns = Token->getRemainingLength(
>               NextLineIndex, TailOffset, ContentStartColumn + 1);
> ```
Actually, ContentStartColumn is just calculated incorrectly above. Added tests, 
and added the +1 above, which makes it +1 for all code below.

Comment at: lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp:1721
+                Token->getSplit(NextLineIndex, TailOffset, ColumnLimit,
+                                ContentStartColumn, CommentPragmasRegex);
+            if (Split.first == StringRef::npos) {
krasimir wrote:
> Looks like `ContentStartColumn` is consistently used as the start column of 
> the reflown content on the next line.
> I suggest to `++ContentStartColumn` at the beginning of the body of this if 
> statement (and adjust below appropriately).
Yep, that's what I also figured out - that also led to removing 
++ContentStartColumn in the reflow case below, which was what made this work at 
Added tests to ReflowsCommentsPrecise, which flow through all of the corner 
cases of the if's here.


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