belleyb added inline comments.

Comment at: test/
+if platform.system() in ['Windows']:
+    config.substitutions.append(('dos2unix', 'sed -b "s/\r$//"'))
+    config.substitutions.append(('unix2dos', 'sed -b "s/\r*$/\r/"'))
+    config.substitutions.append(('dos2unix', "sed $'s/\r$//'"))
+    config.substitutions.append(('unix2dos', "sed $'s/\r*$/\r/'"))
caoz wrote:
> zturner wrote:
> > Since the user has `sed` already, why wouldn't they have the actual tool 
> > `dos2unix` and `unix2dos`?
> Thanks Zachary. dos2unix and unix2dos aren't installed by default on 
> Linux/Mac. However, if the user can be assumed to have them, I can remove 
> these substitutions.
@zturner According to, we 
shouldn't be relying on `dos2unix` nor `unix2dos` to be present on a build 

Note that the `$'string'` syntax (ANSI-C quotes) is a `bash` extension. 
According to the page mentioned above, the LLVM builds should only be relying 
on having a Bourne shell (`sh`). But, are there still any *nix system out there 
where `/bin/sh` isn't a link for `\bin\bash` ? I.e. Is relying on `bash+sed` 
fine here ?

A fully portable solution would be to write python scripts for `` 
and ``. That way, one would not be relying on build tools that LLVM 
isn't already using.

Any advice on how to proceed ?

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