rnk added a comment.

@compnerd's suggestion is still a decent one: https://reviews.llvm.org/D31372

Which, I think is just adding something wacky like `@swiftcc@__Swift@@` which 
would demangle as `__Swift::swiftcc` if the demangler expected an NNS there. Of 
course, it doesn't, so it won't demangle, but at least you can overload between 
cdecl and swiftcc then.

Comment at: lib/AST/MicrosoftMangle.cpp:2133
+      llvm::errs() << "Unsupported CC for mangling: " << CC << ".\n";
     case CC_Win64:
     case CC_X86_64SysV:
smeenai wrote:
> You still need the default label, right?
Surely we can emit a real custom diagnostic, similar to 

  rC Clang


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