ahatanak marked 2 inline comments as done.
ahatanak added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CGExprAgg.cpp:315
+    }
+  }
rjmccall wrote:
> ahatanak wrote:
> > rjmccall wrote:
> > > Do these functions have a memcpy as a precondition?  I would expect them 
> > > to do the full copy (for code size if nothing else).
> > Yes, there should always be a call to memcpy before the copy/move special 
> > functions are called.  I don't think we want to fold the call to memcpy 
> > into the body of the special functions since another special function can 
> > be called from the body if the non-trivial C struct has a field whose type 
> > is a non-trivial C struct too (in which case, there will be a redundant 
> > memcpy to copy the C struct field).
> > 
> > For example, in the following code, there shouldn't be a call to memcpy to 
> > copy field "f0" of StrongOuter if there is already a memcpy that copies 
> > struct StrongOuter:
> > 
> > ```
> > typedef struct {
> >   int f0;
> >   id f1;
> > } Strong;
> > 
> > typedef struct {
> >   Strong f0;
> >   id f1;
> > } StrongOuter;
> > ```
> > 
> Well, I guess I was imagining something more C++-ish where you don't 
> necessarily have a struct-wide memcpy, and instead you just memcpy the parts 
> where that's profitable and otherwise do something type-specific, which would 
> mean recursing for a struct.  Your approach is reasonable if the non-trivial 
> copying is relatively sparse and the structure is large; on the other hand, 
> if the non-trivial copying is dense, the memcpy itself might be mostly 
> redundant.  And it does mean a bigger code-size hit in the original place 
> that kicks off the copy.
> IIRC we do already have some code in copy-constructor emission that's capable 
> of emitting sequences of field copies with a memcpy, if you wanted to try the 
> C++ style, you could probably take advantage of that pretty easily.  But I 
> won't hold up the patch if you think the memcpy precondition is the right way 
> to go.
I made changes so that either a load/store pair or a call to memcpy is emitted 
in the copy/move special functions to copy fields that are not non-trivial.

Comment at: lib/CodeGen/CodeGenCStruct.cpp:27
+  FK_Array   // array that has non-trivial elements.
rjmccall wrote:
> ahatanak wrote:
> > rjmccall wrote:
> > > There's no need to put this in an anonymous namespace.
> > > 
> > > This enum makes me wonder if it would make more sense to create 
> > > equivalents to QualType::DestructionKind for each of these operations and 
> > > all of the different primitive types.  That would let you e.g. implement 
> > > your only-strong-members check above much more easily, and it would also 
> > > make it simpler to guarantee that all the places that need to 
> > > exhaustively enumerate the reasons why something might need special 
> > > initialization/copying logic don't miss an important new case.
> > I'm not sure if I understood your point here. Do you mean there should be 
> > DestructionKinds for arrays or structs too or merge these enums into 
> > DestructionKind?
> I was suggesting there should be equivalents to DestructionKind for some of 
> the other operations, like a NonTrivialCopyKind, and queries on QualType 
> analogous to isDestructedType(), e.g. isNonTrivialToCopy().  That way you can 
> directly put this stuff in the AST, and then here you can just walk the 
> struct fields and switch on the enum, at which point I think you don't need 
> FieldKind at all.  Remember that some types are non-trivial in only a subset 
> of these dimensions.
I added enum NonTrivialCopyKind and function isNonTrivialToCopy to QualType and 
removed FieldKind from CGNonTrivialStruct.cpp. Since there are special 
functions other than copy constructor/assignment operator, should the enum's 
name be NonTrivialStructKind or something instead of NonTrivialCopyKind?


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