Author: a.sidorin
Date: Thu Dec 21 09:41:06 2017
New Revision: 321285

[ASTImporterTest] Add mandatory testing with '-fdelayed-template-parsing'

 * While running ASTImporterTests, we often forget about Windows MSVC
   buildbots which enable '-fdelayed-template-parsing' by default.
   This leads to AST import errors because templates are not parsed
   and corresponding parts of AST are not built so importer cannot import them.
   It takes both reviewing time to find such issues and post-commit time
   to fix unexpected buildbot failures. To solve this issue, we enable testing
   with '-fdelayed-template-parsing' option enabled by default in addition
   to testing with default compiler options. This allows us to catch
   the problem during development.

Differential Revision:


Modified: cfe/trunk/unittests/AST/ASTImporterTest.cpp
--- cfe/trunk/unittests/AST/ASTImporterTest.cpp (original)
+++ cfe/trunk/unittests/AST/ASTImporterTest.cpp Thu Dec 21 09:41:06 2017
@@ -22,38 +22,50 @@
 namespace clang {
 namespace ast_matchers {
-typedef std::vector<std::string> StringVector;
+typedef std::vector<std::string> ArgVector;
+typedef std::vector<ArgVector> RunOptions;
-void getLangArgs(Language Lang, StringVector &Args) {
+static bool isCXX(Language Lang) {
+  return Lang == Lang_CXX || Lang == Lang_CXX11;
+static RunOptions getRunOptionsForLanguage(Language Lang) {
+  ArgVector BasicArgs;
+  // Test with basic arguments.
   switch (Lang) {
   case Lang_C:
-    Args.insert(Args.end(), { "-x", "c", "-std=c99" });
+    BasicArgs = {"-x", "c", "-std=c99"};
   case Lang_C89:
-    Args.insert(Args.end(), { "-x", "c", "-std=c89" });
+    BasicArgs = {"-x", "c", "-std=c89"};
   case Lang_CXX:
-    Args.push_back("-std=c++98");
+    BasicArgs = {"-std=c++98"};
   case Lang_CXX11:
-    Args.push_back("-std=c++11");
+    BasicArgs = {"-std=c++11"};
   case Lang_OpenCL:
   case Lang_OBJCXX:
-    break;
+    llvm_unreachable("Not implemented yet!");
+  // For C++, test with "-fdelayed-template-parsing" enabled to handle MSVC
+  // default behaviour.
+  if (isCXX(Lang)) {
+    ArgVector ArgsForDelayedTemplateParse = BasicArgs;
+    ArgsForDelayedTemplateParse.emplace_back("-fdelayed-template-parsing");
+    return {BasicArgs, ArgsForDelayedTemplateParse};
+  }
+  return {BasicArgs};
 template<typename NodeType, typename MatcherType>
-testImport(const std::string &FromCode, Language FromLang,
-           const std::string &ToCode, Language ToLang,
-           MatchVerifier<NodeType> &Verifier,
-           const MatcherType &AMatcher) {
-  StringVector FromArgs, ToArgs;
-  getLangArgs(FromLang, FromArgs);
-  getLangArgs(ToLang, ToArgs);
+testImport(const std::string &FromCode, const ArgVector &FromArgs,
+           const std::string &ToCode, const ArgVector &ToArgs,
+           MatchVerifier<NodeType> &Verifier, const MatcherType &AMatcher) {
   const char *const InputFileName = "";
   const char *const OutputFileName = "";
@@ -92,7 +104,7 @@ testImport(const std::string &FromCode,
     return testing::AssertionFailure() << "Import failed, nullptr returned!";
   // This should dump source locations and assert if some source locations
-  // were not imported
+  // were not imported.
   SmallString<1024> ImportChecker;
   llvm::raw_svector_ostream ToNothing(ImportChecker);
@@ -104,148 +116,154 @@ testImport(const std::string &FromCode,
   return Verifier.match(Imported, AMatcher);
+template<typename NodeType, typename MatcherType>
+void testImport(const std::string &FromCode, Language FromLang,
+                const std::string &ToCode, Language ToLang,
+                MatchVerifier<NodeType> &Verifier,
+                const MatcherType &AMatcher) {
+  auto RunOptsFrom = getRunOptionsForLanguage(FromLang);
+  auto RunOptsTo = getRunOptionsForLanguage(ToLang);
+  for (const auto &FromArgs : RunOptsFrom)
+    for (const auto &ToArgs : RunOptsTo)
+      EXPECT_TRUE(testImport(FromCode, FromArgs, ToCode, ToArgs,
+                             Verifier, AMatcher));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportStringLiteral) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { \"foo\"; }",
-                         Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 stringLiteral(
-                                   hasType(
-                                     asString("const char [4]")))))))));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { L\"foo\"; }",
-                         Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 stringLiteral(
-                                   hasType(
-                                     asString("const wchar_t [4]")))))))));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { \"foo\" \"bar\"; }",
-                         Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 stringLiteral(
-                                   hasType(
-                                     asString("const char [7]")))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { \"foo\"; }",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     stringLiteral(
+                       hasType(
+                         asString("const char [4]"))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { L\"foo\"; }",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     stringLiteral(
+                       hasType(
+                        asString("const wchar_t [4]"))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { \"foo\" \"bar\"; }",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     stringLiteral(
+                       hasType(
+                         asString("const char [7]"))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportGNUNullExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { __null; }",
-                         Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 gnuNullExpr(
-                                   hasType(isInteger()))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { __null; }",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     gnuNullExpr(
+                       hasType(isInteger())))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportCXXNullPtrLiteralExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { nullptr; }",
-                         Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 cxxNullPtrLiteralExpr()))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { nullptr; }",
+             Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     cxxNullPtrLiteralExpr())))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportFloatinglLiteralExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { 1.0; }",
-                         Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 floatLiteral(
-                                   equals(1.0),
-                                   hasType(asString("double")))))))));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { 1.0e-5f; }",
-                         Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 floatLiteral(
-                                   equals(1.0e-5f),
-                                   hasType(asString("float")))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { 1.0; }",
+             Lang_C, "", Lang_C, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     floatLiteral(
+                       equals(1.0),
+                       hasType(asString("double"))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { 1.0e-5f; }",
+              Lang_C, "", Lang_C, Verifier,
+              functionDecl(
+                hasBody(
+                  compoundStmt(
+                    has(
+                      floatLiteral(
+                        equals(1.0e-5f),
+                        hasType(asString("float"))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportCompoundLiteralExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-        testImport(
-          "void declToImport() {"
-          "  struct s { int x; long y; unsigned z; }; "
-          "  (struct s){ 42, 0L, 1U }; }",
-          Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-          functionDecl(
-            hasBody(
-              compoundStmt(
-                has(
-                  compoundLiteralExpr(
-                    hasType(asString("struct s")),
-                    has(initListExpr(
-                      hasType(asString("struct s")),
-                      has(integerLiteral(
-                            equals(42), hasType(asString("int")))),
-                      has(integerLiteral(
-                            equals(0), hasType(asString("long")))),
-                      has(integerLiteral(
-                            equals(1),
-                            hasType(asString("unsigned int"))))
-                      )))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() {"
+             "  struct s { int x; long y; unsigned z; }; "
+             "  (struct s){ 42, 0L, 1U }; }",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     compoundLiteralExpr(
+                       hasType(asString("struct s")),
+                       has(initListExpr(
+                         hasType(asString("struct s")),
+                         has(integerLiteral(
+                               equals(42), hasType(asString("int")))),
+                         has(integerLiteral(
+                               equals(0), hasType(asString("long")))),
+                         has(integerLiteral(
+                               equals(1),
+                               hasType(asString("unsigned int"))))
+                         ))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportCXXThisExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-        testImport("class declToImport { void f() { this; } };",
-                   Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                   cxxRecordDecl(
-                     hasMethod(
-                       hasBody(
-                         compoundStmt(
-                           has(
-                             cxxThisExpr(
-                               hasType(
-                                 asString("class declToImport *"))))))))));
+  testImport("class declToImport { void f() { this; } };",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             cxxRecordDecl(
+               hasMethod(
+                 hasBody(
+                   compoundStmt(
+                     has(
+                       cxxThisExpr(
+                         hasType(
+                           asString("class declToImport *")))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportAtomicExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport(
-      "void declToImport() { int *ptr; __atomic_load_n(ptr, 1); }", Lang_CXX,
-      "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-      functionDecl(hasBody(compoundStmt(has(atomicExpr(
-          has(ignoringParenImpCasts(
-              declRefExpr(hasDeclaration(varDecl(hasName("ptr"))),
-                          hasType(asString("int *"))))),
-          has(integerLiteral(equals(1), hasType(asString("int")))))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { int *ptr; __atomic_load_n(ptr, 1); }",
+             Lang_C, "", Lang_C, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(hasBody(compoundStmt(has(atomicExpr(
+                 has(ignoringParenImpCasts(
+                     declRefExpr(hasDeclaration(varDecl(hasName("ptr"))),
+                                 hasType(asString("int *"))))),
+                 has(integerLiteral(equals(1), 
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportLabelDeclAndAddrLabelExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-        testImport(
-          "void declToImport() { loop: goto loop; &&loop; }",
-          Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-          functionDecl(
-            hasBody(
-              compoundStmt(
-                has(labelStmt(hasDeclaration(labelDecl(hasName("loop"))))),
-                has(addrLabelExpr(hasDeclaration(labelDecl(hasName("loop")))))
-                )))));
+  testImport(
+      "void declToImport() { loop: goto loop; &&loop; }", Lang_C, "", Lang_C,
+      Verifier,
+      functionDecl(hasBody(compoundStmt(
+          has(labelStmt(hasDeclaration(labelDecl(hasName("loop"))))),
+          has(addrLabelExpr(hasDeclaration(labelDecl(hasName("loop")))))))));
 AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateDecl, hasTemplateDecl,
@@ -256,7 +274,7 @@ AST_MATCHER_P(TemplateDecl, hasTemplateD
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportParenListExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport(
+  testImport(
       "template<typename T> class dummy { void f() { dummy X(*this); } };"
       "typedef dummy<int> declToImport;"
       "template class dummy<int>;",
@@ -268,187 +286,181 @@ TEST(ImportExpr, ImportParenListExpr) {
+                          hasUnaryOperand(cxxThisExpr())))))))))))))))))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportSwitch) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-      testImport("void declToImport() { int b; switch (b) { case 1: break; } 
-                 Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                 functionDecl(hasBody(compoundStmt(
-                     has(switchStmt(has(compoundStmt(has(caseStmt()))))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { int b; switch (b) { case 1: break; } }",
+             Lang_C, "", Lang_C, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(hasBody(compoundStmt(
+                 has(switchStmt(has(compoundStmt(has(caseStmt())))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportStmtExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
   // NOTE: has() ignores implicit casts, using hasDescendant() to match it
-        testImport(
-          "void declToImport() { int b; int a = b ?: 1; int C = ({int X=4; 
X;}); }",
-          Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-          functionDecl(
-            hasBody(
-              compoundStmt(
-                has(
-                  declStmt(
-                    hasSingleDecl(
-                      varDecl(
-                        hasName("C"),
-                        hasType(asString("int")),
-                        hasInitializer(
-                          stmtExpr(
-                            hasAnySubstatement(
-                              declStmt(
-                                hasSingleDecl(
-                                  varDecl(
-                                    hasName("X"),
-                                    hasType(asString("int")),
-                                    hasInitializer(
-                                      integerLiteral(equals(4))))))),
-                            hasDescendant(
-                              implicitCastExpr()
-                              ))))))))))));
+  testImport(
+    "void declToImport() { int b; int a = b ?: 1; int C = ({int X=4; X;}); }",
+    Lang_C, "", Lang_C, Verifier,
+    functionDecl(
+      hasBody(
+        compoundStmt(
+          has(
+            declStmt(
+              hasSingleDecl(
+                varDecl(
+                  hasName("C"),
+                  hasType(asString("int")),
+                  hasInitializer(
+                    stmtExpr(
+                      hasAnySubstatement(
+                        declStmt(
+                          hasSingleDecl(
+                            varDecl(
+                              hasName("X"),
+                              hasType(asString("int")),
+                              hasInitializer(
+                                integerLiteral(equals(4))))))),
+                      hasDescendant(
+                        implicitCastExpr()
+                        )))))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportConditionalOperator) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-        testImport(
-          "void declToImport() { true ? 1 : -5; }",
-          Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-          functionDecl(
-            hasBody(
-              compoundStmt(
-                has(
-                  conditionalOperator(
-                    hasCondition(cxxBoolLiteral(equals(true))),
-                    hasTrueExpression(integerLiteral(equals(1))),
-                    hasFalseExpression(
-                      unaryOperator(hasUnaryOperand(integerLiteral(equals(5))))
-                      ))))))));
+  testImport(
+    "void declToImport() { true ? 1 : -5; }",
+    Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+    functionDecl(
+      hasBody(
+        compoundStmt(
+          has(
+            conditionalOperator(
+              hasCondition(cxxBoolLiteral(equals(true))),
+              hasTrueExpression(integerLiteral(equals(1))),
+              hasFalseExpression(
+                unaryOperator(hasUnaryOperand(integerLiteral(equals(5))))
+                )))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportBinaryConditionalOperator) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-        testImport(
-          "void declToImport() { 1 ?: -5; }",
-          Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-          functionDecl(
-            hasBody(
-              compoundStmt(
-                has(
-                  binaryConditionalOperator(
-                    hasCondition(
-                      implicitCastExpr(
-                        hasSourceExpression(
-                          opaqueValueExpr(
-                            hasSourceExpression(integerLiteral(equals(1))))),
-                        hasType(booleanType()))),
-                    hasTrueExpression(
-                      opaqueValueExpr(hasSourceExpression(
-                                        integerLiteral(equals(1))))),
-                    hasFalseExpression(
-                      unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("-"),
-                      )))))));
+  testImport(
+    "void declToImport() { 1 ?: -5; }", Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+    functionDecl(
+      hasBody(
+        compoundStmt(
+          has(
+            binaryConditionalOperator(
+              hasCondition(
+                implicitCastExpr(
+                  hasSourceExpression(
+                    opaqueValueExpr(
+                      hasSourceExpression(integerLiteral(equals(1))))),
+                  hasType(booleanType()))),
+              hasTrueExpression(
+                opaqueValueExpr(hasSourceExpression(
+                                  integerLiteral(equals(1))))),
+              hasFalseExpression(
+                unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("-"),
+                              hasUnaryOperand(integerLiteral(equals(5)))))
+                ))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportDesignatedInitExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() {"
-                         "  struct point { double x; double y; };"
-                         "  struct point ptarray[10] = "
-                                "{ [2].y = 1.0, [2].x = 2.0, [0].x = 1.0 }; }",
-                         Lang_C, "", Lang_C, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 declStmt(
-                                   hasSingleDecl(
-                                     varDecl(
-                                       hasInitializer(
-                                         initListExpr(
-                                           hasSyntacticForm(
-                                             initListExpr(
-                                               has(
-                                                 designatedInitExpr(
-                                                   designatorCountIs(2),
-                                                   has(floatLiteral(
-                                                         equals(1.0))),
-                                                   has(integerLiteral(
-                                                         equals(2))))),
-                                               has(
-                                                 designatedInitExpr(
-                                                   designatorCountIs(2),
-                                                   has(floatLiteral(
-                                                         equals(2.0))),
-                                                   has(integerLiteral(
-                                                         equals(2))))),
-                                               has(
-                                                 designatedInitExpr(
-                                                   designatorCountIs(2),
-                                                   has(floatLiteral(
-                                                         equals(1.0))),
-                                                   has(integerLiteral(
-                                                         equals(0)))))
-                                               )))))))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() {"
+             "  struct point { double x; double y; };"
+             "  struct point ptarray[10] = "
+                    "{ [2].y = 1.0, [2].x = 2.0, [0].x = 1.0 }; }",
+             Lang_C, "", Lang_C, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     declStmt(
+                       hasSingleDecl(
+                         varDecl(
+                           hasInitializer(
+                             initListExpr(
+                               hasSyntacticForm(
+                                 initListExpr(
+                                   has(
+                                     designatedInitExpr(
+                                       designatorCountIs(2),
+                                       has(floatLiteral(
+                                             equals(1.0))),
+                                       has(integerLiteral(
+                                             equals(2))))),
+                                   has(
+                                     designatedInitExpr(
+                                       designatorCountIs(2),
+                                       has(floatLiteral(
+                                             equals(2.0))),
+                                       has(integerLiteral(
+                                             equals(2))))),
+                                   has(
+                                     designatedInitExpr(
+                                       designatorCountIs(2),
+                                       has(floatLiteral(
+                                             equals(1.0))),
+                                       has(integerLiteral(
+                                             equals(0)))))
+                                   ))))))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportPredefinedExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
   // __func__ expands as StringLiteral("declToImport")
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { __func__; }",
-                         Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 predefinedExpr(
-                                   hasType(
-                                     asString("const char [13]")),
-                                   has(
-                                     stringLiteral(
-                                       hasType(
-                                         asString("const char [13]")))))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { __func__; }",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     predefinedExpr(
+                       hasType(
+                         asString("const char [13]")),
+                       has(
+                         stringLiteral(
+                           hasType(
+                             asString("const char [13]"))))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportInitListExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-        testImport(
-          "void declToImport() {"
-          "  struct point { double x; double y; };"
-          "  point ptarray[10] = { [2].y = 1.0, [2].x = 2.0,"
-          "                        [0].x = 1.0 }; }",
-          Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-          functionDecl(
-            hasBody(
-              compoundStmt(
-                has(
-                  declStmt(
-                    hasSingleDecl(
-                      varDecl(
-                        hasInitializer(
-                          initListExpr(
-                            has(
-                              cxxConstructExpr(
-                                requiresZeroInitialization())),
-                            has(
-                              initListExpr(
-                                hasType(asString("struct point")),
-                                has(floatLiteral(equals(1.0))),
-                                has(implicitValueInitExpr(
-                                      hasType(asString("double")))))),
-                            has(
-                              initListExpr(
-                                hasType(asString("struct point")),
-                                has(floatLiteral(equals(2.0))),
-                                has(floatLiteral(equals(1.0)))))
-                              )))))))))));
+  testImport(
+    "void declToImport() {"
+    "  struct point { double x; double y; };"
+    "  point ptarray[10] = { [2].y = 1.0, [2].x = 2.0,"
+    "                        [0].x = 1.0 }; }",
+    Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+    functionDecl(
+      hasBody(
+        compoundStmt(
+          has(
+            declStmt(
+              hasSingleDecl(
+                varDecl(
+                  hasInitializer(
+                    initListExpr(
+                      has(
+                        cxxConstructExpr(
+                          requiresZeroInitialization())),
+                      has(
+                        initListExpr(
+                          hasType(asString("struct point")),
+                          has(floatLiteral(equals(1.0))),
+                          has(implicitValueInitExpr(
+                                hasType(asString("double")))))),
+                      has(
+                        initListExpr(
+                          hasType(asString("struct point")),
+                          has(floatLiteral(equals(2.0))),
+                          has(floatLiteral(equals(1.0)))))
+                        ))))))))));
@@ -456,73 +468,70 @@ const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatc
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportVAArgExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-        testImport(
-          "void declToImport(__builtin_va_list list, ...) {"
-          "  (void)__builtin_va_arg(list, int); }",
-          Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-          functionDecl(
-            hasBody(
-              compoundStmt(
-                has(
-                  cStyleCastExpr(
-                    hasSourceExpression(
-                      vaArgExpr()))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport(__builtin_va_list list, ...) {"
+             "  (void)__builtin_va_arg(list, int); }",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     cStyleCastExpr(
+                       hasSourceExpression(
+                         vaArgExpr())))))));
 TEST(ImportType, ImportAtomicType) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { typedef _Atomic(int) a_int; }",
-                         Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 declStmt(
-                                   has(
-                                     typedefDecl(
-                                       has(atomicType()))))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { typedef _Atomic(int) a_int; }",
+             Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     declStmt(
+                       has(
+                         typedefDecl(
+                           has(atomicType())))))))));
 TEST(ImportType, ImportTypeAliasTemplate) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("template <int K>"
-                         "struct dummy { static const int i = K; };"
-                         "template <int K> using dummy2 = dummy<K>;"
-                         "int declToImport() { return dummy2<3>::i; }",
-                         Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 returnStmt(
-                                   has(
-                                     implicitCastExpr(
-                                       has(
-                                         declRefExpr()))))))))));
+  testImport("template <int K>"
+             "struct dummy { static const int i = K; };"
+             "template <int K> using dummy2 = dummy<K>;"
+             "int declToImport() { return dummy2<3>::i; }",
+             Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     returnStmt(
+                       has(
+                         implicitCastExpr(
+                           has(
+                             declRefExpr())))))))));
 TEST(ImportType, ImportPackExpansion) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("template <typename... Args>"
-                         "struct dummy {"
-                         "  dummy(Args... args) {}"
-                         "  static const int i = 4;"
-                         "};"
-                         "int declToImport() { return dummy<int>::i; }",
-                         Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 returnStmt(
-                                   has(
-                                     implicitCastExpr(
-                                       has(
-                                         declRefExpr()))))))))));
+  testImport("template <typename... Args>"
+             "struct dummy {"
+             "  dummy(Args... args) {}"
+             "  static const int i = 4;"
+             "};"
+             "int declToImport() { return dummy<int>::i; }",
+             Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     returnStmt(
+                       has(
+                         implicitCastExpr(
+                           has(
+                             declRefExpr())))))))));
 /// \brief Matches __builtin_types_compatible_p:
@@ -536,35 +545,35 @@ const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatc
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportTypeTraitExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("void declToImport() { "
-                         "  __builtin_types_compatible_p(int, int);"
-                         "}",
-                         Lang_C, "", Lang_C, Verifier,
-                         functionDecl(
-                           hasBody(
-                             compoundStmt(
-                               has(
-                                 typeTraitExpr(hasType(asString("int")))))))));
+  testImport("void declToImport() { "
+             "  __builtin_types_compatible_p(int, int);"
+             "}",
+             Lang_C, "", Lang_C, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               hasBody(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     typeTraitExpr(hasType(asString("int"))))))));
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportTypeTraitExprValDep) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-  EXPECT_TRUE(testImport("template<typename T> struct declToImport {"
-                         "  void m() { __is_pod(T); }"
-                         "};"
-                         "void f() { declToImport<int>().m(); }",
-                         Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
-                         classTemplateDecl(
+  testImport("template<typename T> struct declToImport {"
+             "  void m() { __is_pod(T); }"
+             "};"
+             "void f() { declToImport<int>().m(); }",
+             Lang_CXX11, "", Lang_CXX11, Verifier,
+             classTemplateDecl(
+               has(
+                 cxxRecordDecl(
+                   has(
+                     functionDecl(
+                       hasBody(
+                         compoundStmt(
-                             cxxRecordDecl(
-                               has(
-                                 functionDecl(
-                                   hasBody(
-                                     compoundStmt(
-                                       has(
-                                         typeTraitExpr(
-                                           hasType(booleanType())
-                                           )))))))))));
+                             typeTraitExpr(
+                               hasType(booleanType())
+                               ))))))))));
 const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatcher<Expr, CXXPseudoDestructorExpr>
@@ -572,31 +581,28 @@ const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatc
 TEST(ImportExpr, ImportCXXPseudoDestructorExpr) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-      testImport("typedef int T;"
-                 "void declToImport(int *p) {"
-                 "  T t;"
-                 "  p->T::~T();"
-                 "}",
-                 Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-                 functionDecl(has(compoundStmt(has(
-                     callExpr(has(cxxPseudoDestructorExpr()))))))));
+  testImport("typedef int T;"
+             "void declToImport(int *p) {"
+             "  T t;"
+             "  p->T::~T();"
+             "}",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(has(compoundStmt(has(
+                 callExpr(has(cxxPseudoDestructorExpr())))))));
 TEST(ImportDecl, ImportUsingDecl) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-        testImport(
-          "namespace foo { int bar; }"
-          "int declToImport(){ using foo::bar; }",
-          Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-          functionDecl(
-            has(
-              compoundStmt(
-                has(
-                  declStmt(
-                    has(
-                      usingDecl()))))))));
+  testImport("namespace foo { int bar; }"
+             "int declToImport(){ using foo::bar; }",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             functionDecl(
+               has(
+                 compoundStmt(
+                   has(
+                     declStmt(
+                       has(
+                         usingDecl())))))));
 /// \brief Matches shadow declarations introduced into a scope by a
@@ -614,14 +620,10 @@ const internal::VariadicDynCastAllOfMatc
 TEST(ImportDecl, ImportUsingShadowDecl) {
   MatchVerifier<Decl> Verifier;
-        testImport(
-          "namespace foo { int bar; }"
-          "namespace declToImport { using foo::bar; }",
-          Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
-          namespaceDecl(
-            has(
-              usingShadowDecl()))));
+  testImport("namespace foo { int bar; }"
+             "namespace declToImport { using foo::bar; }",
+             Lang_CXX, "", Lang_CXX, Verifier,
+             namespaceDecl(has(usingShadowDecl())));
 } // end namespace ast_matchers

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