aaron.ballman added a comment.

Are the Fuchsia library headers intended to also comply with this rule? I 
notice there's mention of a unique_ptr class, and I can't imagine that working 
without overloading more operators than just assignment. Perhaps this check 
should not be triggered for system headers?

Comment at: docs/clang-tidy/checks/fuchsia-overloaded-operator.rst:15
+  B &operator=(const B& other);  // No warning
+  B &operator=(B &&other) // No warning
`&` should bind to `other` here.

Comment at: test/clang-tidy/fuchsia-overloaded-operator.cpp:11
+  B &operator=(const B& other);
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES-NOT: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: cannot overload 'operator=' 
The `&` should bind to `other`. Same below. Also, the param identifier should 
start with a capital letter (also same below).


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