coby marked 2 inline comments as done.
coby added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Basic/Targets/X86.cpp:589
+    // Enable BWI instruction if VBMI/VBMI2 is being enabled.
+    if (Name.startswith("avx512vbmi") && Enabled)
       Features["avx512bw"] = true;
craig.topper wrote:
> Do two equality checks ORed together. I think bad target attributes on 
> functions only issue a warning and are discarded in codegen. So strings like 
> avx512vbmifoo can get here and we should ignore them.
conditions on 582 .. 585 see that only "avx512vbmi" and "avx512vbmi2" will be 
candidates to the added check at 589, so we should be fine

  rC Clang

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