ahatanak updated this revision to Diff 129397.
ahatanak added a comment.

In CXXRecordDecl::addedMember, set HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall if 
Method->isTrivialForCall()  returns true. This fixes a bug where 
CXXRecordDecl::hasNonTrivialDestructorForCall would return false for the 
implicit destructor even when the parent class had attribute trivial_abi.

Run test/CodeGenObjCXX/trivial_abi.mm with  -fclang-abi-compat=4.0 to confirm 
the bug has been fixed.



Index: test/SemaObjCXX/attr-trivial-abi.mm
--- /dev/null
+++ test/SemaObjCXX/attr-trivial-abi.mm
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fobjc-runtime-has-weak -fobjc-weak -fobjc-arc -fsyntax-only -verify %s
+void __attribute__((trivial_abi)) foo(); // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' attribute only applies to classes}}
+struct [[clang::trivial_abi]] S0 {
+  int a;
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S1 {
+  int a;
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S2 { // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to 'S2'}}
+  __weak id a;
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S3 { // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to 'S3'}}
+  virtual void m();
+struct S4 {
+  int a;
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S5 : public virtual S4 { // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to 'S5'}}
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S9 : public S4 {
+struct S6 {
+  __weak id a;
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S12 { // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to 'S12'}}
+  __weak id a;
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S13 { // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to 'S13'}}
+  __weak id a[2];
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S7 { // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to 'S7'}}
+  S6 a;
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S11 { // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to 'S11'}}
+  S6 a[2];
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi(1))) S8 { // expected-error {{'trivial_abi' attribute takes no arguments}}
+  int a;
+// Do not warn when 'trivial_abi' is used to annotate a template class.
+template<class T>
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S10 {
+  T p;
+S10<int *> p1;
+S10<__weak id> p2;
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S10<id> { // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to 'S10<id>'}}
+  __weak id a;
+template<class T>
+struct S14 {
+  T a;
+  __weak id b;
+template<class T>
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S15 : S14<T> {
+S15<int> s15;
+template<class T>
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S16 {
+  S14<T> a;
+S16<int> s16;
+template<class T>
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S17 { // expected-warning {{'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to 'S17'}}
+  __weak id a;
+S17<int> s17;
Index: test/Misc/pragma-attribute-supported-attributes-list.test
--- test/Misc/pragma-attribute-supported-attributes-list.test
+++ test/Misc/pragma-attribute-supported-attributes-list.test
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 // The number of supported attributes should never go down!
-// CHECK: #pragma clang attribute supports 66 attributes:
+// CHECK: #pragma clang attribute supports 67 attributes:
 // CHECK-NEXT: AMDGPUFlatWorkGroupSize (SubjectMatchRule_function)
 // CHECK-NEXT: AMDGPUNumSGPR (SubjectMatchRule_function)
 // CHECK-NEXT: AMDGPUNumVGPR (SubjectMatchRule_function)
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT: TLSModel (SubjectMatchRule_variable_is_thread_local)
 // CHECK-NEXT: Target (SubjectMatchRule_function)
 // CHECK-NEXT: TestTypestate (SubjectMatchRule_function_is_member)
+// CHECK-NEXT: TrivialABI (SubjectMatchRule_record)
 // CHECK-NEXT: WarnUnusedResult (SubjectMatchRule_objc_method, SubjectMatchRule_enum, SubjectMatchRule_record, SubjectMatchRule_hasType_functionType)
 // CHECK-NEXT: XRayInstrument (SubjectMatchRule_function, SubjectMatchRule_objc_method)
 // CHECK-NEXT: XRayLogArgs (SubjectMatchRule_function, SubjectMatchRule_objc_method)
Index: test/CodeGenObjCXX/trivial_abi.mm
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenObjCXX/trivial_abi.mm
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-ios11 -std=c++11 -fobjc-arc  -fobjc-weak -fobjc-runtime-has-weak -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-ios11 -std=c++11 -fobjc-arc  -fobjc-weak -fobjc-runtime-has-weak -fclang-abi-compat=4.0 -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK:.*]] = type { i8*, i8* }
+// CHECK: %[[STRUCT_STRONG:.*]] = type { i8* }
+// CHECK: %[[STRUCT_S:.*]] = type { i8* }
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) StrongWeak {
+  id fstrong;
+  __weak id fweak;
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) Strong {
+  id fstrong;
+template<class T>
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) S {
+  T a;
+// CHECK: define void @_Z19testParamStrongWeak10StrongWeak(%[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* %{{.*}})
+// CHECK-NOT: call
+// CHECK: ret void
+void testParamStrongWeak(StrongWeak a) {
+// CHECK: define void @_Z18testCallStrongWeakP10StrongWeak(%[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* %[[A:.*]])
+// CHECK: %[[A_ADDR:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]*, align 8
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]], align 8
+// CHECK: store %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* %[[A]], %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]** %[[A_ADDR]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[V0:.*]] = load %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]*, %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]** %[[A_ADDR]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* @_ZN10StrongWeakC1ERKS_(%[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* %[[AGG_TMP]], %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* dereferenceable(16) %[[V0]])
+// CHECK: call void @_Z19testParamStrongWeak10StrongWeak(%[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* %[[AGG_TMP]])
+// CHECK: %[[CALL1:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* @_ZN10StrongWeakD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* %[[AGG_TMP]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+void testCallStrongWeak(StrongWeak *a) {
+  testParamStrongWeak(*a);
+// CHECK: define void @_Z20testReturnStrongWeakP10StrongWeak(%[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK:.*]]* noalias sret %[[AGG_RESULT:.*]], %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* %[[A:.*]])
+// CHECK: %[[A_ADDR:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]*, align 8
+// CHECK: store %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* %[[A]], %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]** %[[A_ADDR]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[V0:.*]] = load %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]*, %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]** %[[A_ADDR]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* @_ZN10StrongWeakC1ERKS_(%[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* %[[AGG_RESULT]], %[[STRUCT_STRONGWEAK]]* dereferenceable(16) %[[V0]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+StrongWeak testReturnStrongWeak(StrongWeak *a) {
+  return *a;
+// CHECK: define void @_Z15testParamStrong6Strong(i64 %[[A_COERCE:.*]])
+// CHECK: %[[A:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_STRONG]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_STRONG]], %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[A]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_IP:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[A_COERCE]] to i8*
+// CHECK: store i8* %[[COERCE_VAL_IP]], i8** %[[COERCE_DIVE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* @_ZN6StrongD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[A]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: define linkonce_odr %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* @_ZN6StrongD1Ev(
+void testParamStrong(Strong a) {
+// CHECK: define void @_Z14testCallStrongP6Strong(%[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[A:.*]])
+// CHECK: %[[A_ADDR:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]*, align 8
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_STRONG]], align 8
+// CHECK: store %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[A]], %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]** %[[A_ADDR]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[V0:.*]] = load %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]*, %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]** %[[A_ADDR]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* @_ZN6StrongC1ERKS_(%[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[AGG_TMP]], %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* dereferenceable(8) %[[V0]])
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_STRONG]], %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[AGG_TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[V1:.*]] = load i8*, i8** %[[COERCE_DIVE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_PI:.*]] = ptrtoint i8* %[[V1]] to i64
+// CHECK: call void @_Z15testParamStrong6Strong(i64 %[[COERCE_VAL_PI]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+void testCallStrong(Strong *a) {
+  testParamStrong(*a);
+// CHECK: define i64 @_Z16testReturnStrongP6Strong(%[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[A:.*]])
+// CHECK: entry:
+// CHECK: %[[RETVAL:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_STRONG]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[A_ADDR:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]*, align 8
+// CHECK: store %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[A]], %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]** %[[A_ADDR]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[V0:.*]] = load %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]*, %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]** %[[A_ADDR]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* @_ZN6StrongC1ERKS_(%[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[RETVAL]], %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* dereferenceable(8) %[[V0]])
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_STRONG]], %[[STRUCT_STRONG]]* %[[RETVAL]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[V1:.*]] = load i8*, i8** %[[COERCE_DIVE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_PI:.*]] = ptrtoint i8* %[[V1]] to i64
+// CHECK: ret i64 %[[COERCE_VAL_PI]]
+Strong testReturnStrong(Strong *a) {
+  return *a;
+// CHECK: define void @_Z21testParamWeakTemplate1SIU6__weakP11objc_objectE(%[[STRUCT_S]]* %{{.*}})
+// CHECK-NOT: call
+// CHECK: ret void
+void testParamWeakTemplate(S<__weak id> a) {
Index: test/CodeGenCXX/trivial_abi.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/CodeGenCXX/trivial_abi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-ios11 -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple arm64-apple-ios11 -std=c++11 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -fclang-abi-compat=4.0 -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
+// CHECK: %[[STRUCT_SMALL:.*]] = type { i32* }
+// CHECK: %[[STRUCT_LARGE:.*]] = type { i32*, [128 x i32] }
+// CHECK: %[[STRUCT_TRIVIAL:.*]] = type { i32 }
+// CHECK: %[[STRUCT_NONTRIVIAL:.*]] = type { i32 }
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) Small {
+  int *p;
+  Small();
+  ~Small();
+  Small(const Small &) noexcept;
+  Small &operator=(const Small &);
+struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) Large {
+  int *p;
+  int a[128];
+  Large();
+  ~Large();
+  Large(const Large &) noexcept;
+  Large &operator=(const Large &);
+struct Trivial {
+  int a;
+struct NonTrivial {
+  NonTrivial();
+  ~NonTrivial();
+  int a;
+struct HasTrivial {
+  Small s;
+  Trivial m;
+struct HasNonTrivial {
+  Small s;
+  NonTrivial m;
+// CHECK: define void @_Z14testParamSmall5Small(i64 %[[A_COERCE:.*]])
+// CHECK: %[[A:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[A]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_IP:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[A_COERCE]] to i32*
+// CHECK: store i32* %[[COERCE_VAL_IP]], i32** %[[COERCE_DIVE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* @_ZN5SmallD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[A]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+void testParamSmall(Small a) noexcept {
+// CHECK: define i64 @_Z15testReturnSmallv()
+// CHECK: %[[RETVAL:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_SMALL:.*]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* @_ZN5SmallC1Ev(%[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[RETVAL]])
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[RETVAL]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[V0:.*]] = load i32*, i32** %[[COERCE_DIVE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_PI:.*]] = ptrtoint i32* %[[V0]] to i64
+// CHECK: ret i64 %[[COERCE_VAL_PI]]
+// CHECK: }
+Small testReturnSmall() {
+  Small t;
+  return t;
+// CHECK: define void @_Z14testCallSmall0v()
+// CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_SMALL:.*]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* @_ZN5SmallC1Ev(%[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[T]])
+// CHECK: %[[CALL1:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* @_ZN5SmallC1ERKS_(%[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[AGG_TMP]], %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* dereferenceable(8) %[[T]])
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[AGG_TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[V0:.*]] = load i32*, i32** %[[COERCE_DIVE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_PI:.*]] = ptrtoint i32* %[[V0]] to i64
+// CHECK: call void @_Z14testParamSmall5Small(i64 %[[COERCE_VAL_PI]])
+// CHECK: %[[CALL2:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* @_ZN5SmallD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[T]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+void testCallSmall0() {
+  Small t;
+  testParamSmall(t);
+// CHECK: define void @_Z14testCallSmall1v()
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_SMALL:.*]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call i64 @_Z15testReturnSmallv()
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[AGG_TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_IP:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[CALL]] to i32*
+// CHECK: store i32* %[[COERCE_VAL_IP]], i32** %[[COERCE_DIVE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE1:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[AGG_TMP]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[V0:.*]] = load i32*, i32** %[[COERCE_DIVE1]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_PI:.*]] = ptrtoint i32* %[[V0]] to i64
+// CHECK: call void @_Z14testParamSmall5Small(i64 %[[COERCE_VAL_PI]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+void testCallSmall1() {
+  testParamSmall(testReturnSmall());
+// CHECK: define void @_Z16testIgnoredSmallv()
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP_ENSURED:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_SMALL:.*]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call i64 @_Z15testReturnSmallv()
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[AGG_TMP_ENSURED]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_IP:.*]] = inttoptr i64 %[[CALL]] to i32*
+// CHECK: store i32* %[[COERCE_VAL_IP]], i32** %[[COERCE_DIVE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL1:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* @_ZN5SmallD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[AGG_TMP_ENSURED]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+void testIgnoredSmall() {
+  testReturnSmall();
+// CHECK: define void @_Z14testParamLarge5Large(%[[STRUCT_LARGE:.*]]* %[[A:.*]])
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* @_ZN5LargeD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[A]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+void testParamLarge(Large a) noexcept {
+// CHECK: define void @_Z15testReturnLargev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE:.*]]* noalias sret %[[AGG_RESULT:.*]])
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* @_ZN5LargeC1Ev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_RESULT]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+Large testReturnLarge() {
+  Large t;
+  return t;
+// CHECK: define void @_Z14testCallLarge0v()
+// CHECK: %[[T:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_LARGE:.*]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_LARGE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* @_ZN5LargeC1Ev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[T]])
+// CHECK: %[[CALL1:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* @_ZN5LargeC1ERKS_(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_TMP]], %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* dereferenceable(520) %[[T]])
+// CHECK: call void @_Z14testParamLarge5Large(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_TMP]])
+// CHECK: %[[CALL2:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* @_ZN5LargeD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[T]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+void testCallLarge0() {
+  Large t;
+  testParamLarge(t);
+// CHECK: define void @_Z14testCallLarge1v()
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_LARGE:.*]], align 8
+// CHECK: call void @_Z15testReturnLargev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* sret %[[AGG_TMP]])
+// CHECK: call void @_Z14testParamLarge5Large(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_TMP]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+void testCallLarge1() {
+  testParamLarge(testReturnLarge());
+// CHECK: define void @_Z16testIgnoredLargev()
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP_ENSURED:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_LARGE:.*]], align 8
+// CHECK: call void @_Z15testReturnLargev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* sret %[[AGG_TMP_ENSURED]])
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* @_ZN5LargeD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_TMP_ENSURED]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+void testIgnoredLarge() {
+  testReturnLarge();
+// CHECK: define i64 @_Z20testReturnHasTrivialv()
+// CHECK: %[[RETVAL:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_TRIVIAL:.*]], align 4
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_DIVE:.*]] = getelementptr inbounds %[[STRUCT_TRIVIAL]], %[[STRUCT_TRIVIAL]]* %[[RETVAL]], i32 0, i32 0
+// CHECK: %[[V0:.*]] = load i32, i32* %[[COERCE_DIVE]], align 4
+// CHECK: %[[COERCE_VAL_II:.*]] = zext i32 %[[V0]] to i64
+// CHECK: ret i64 %[[COERCE_VAL_II]]
+// CHECK: }
+Trivial testReturnHasTrivial() {
+  Trivial t;
+  return t;
+// CHECK: define void @_Z23testReturnHasNonTrivialv(%[[STRUCT_NONTRIVIAL:.*]]* noalias sret %[[AGG_RESULT:.*]])
+// CHECK: %[[CALL:.*]] = call %[[STRUCT_NONTRIVIAL]]* @_ZN10NonTrivialC1Ev(%[[STRUCT_NONTRIVIAL]]* %[[AGG_RESULT]])
+// CHECK: ret void
+// CHECK: }
+NonTrivial testReturnHasNonTrivial() {
+  NonTrivial t;
+  return t;
+// CHECK: define void @_Z18testExceptionSmallv()
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP1:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_SMALL]], align 8
+// CHECK: call %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* @_ZN5SmallC1Ev(%[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[AGG_TMP]])
+// CHECK: invoke %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* @_ZN5SmallC1Ev(%[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[AGG_TMP1]])
+// CHECK: call void @_Z20calleeExceptionSmall5SmallS_(i64 %{{.*}}, i64 %{{.*}})
+// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
+// CHECK: landingpad { i8*, i32 }
+// CHECK: call %[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* @_ZN5SmallD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_SMALL]]* %[[AGG_TMP]])
+// CHECK: br
+// CHECK: resume { i8*, i32 }
+void calleeExceptionSmall(Small, Small);
+void testExceptionSmall() {
+  calleeExceptionSmall(Small(), Small());
+// CHECK: define void @_Z18testExceptionLargev()
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_LARGE]], align 8
+// CHECK: %[[AGG_TMP1:.*]] = alloca %[[STRUCT_LARGE]], align 8
+// CHECK: call %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* @_ZN5LargeC1Ev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_TMP]])
+// CHECK: invoke %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* @_ZN5LargeC1Ev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_TMP1]])
+// CHECK: call void @_Z20calleeExceptionLarge5LargeS_(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_TMP]], %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_TMP1]])
+// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
+// CHECK: landingpad { i8*, i32 }
+// CHECK: call %[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* @_ZN5LargeD1Ev(%[[STRUCT_LARGE]]* %[[AGG_TMP]])
+// CHECK: br
+// CHECK: resume { i8*, i32 }
+void calleeExceptionLarge(Large, Large);
+void testExceptionLarge() {
+  calleeExceptionLarge(Large(), Large());
Index: lib/Serialization/ASTWriterDecl.cpp
--- lib/Serialization/ASTWriterDecl.cpp
+++ lib/Serialization/ASTWriterDecl.cpp
@@ -528,6 +528,7 @@
+  Record.push_back(D->IsTrivialForCall);
@@ -2066,6 +2067,7 @@
   Abv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(1));                         // HasWrittenProto
   Abv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 1)); // Deleted
   Abv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 1)); // Trivial
+  Abv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 1)); // TrivialForCall
   Abv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 1)); // Defaulted
   Abv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 1)); // ExplicitlyDefaulted
   Abv->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 1)); // ImplicitReturnZero
Index: lib/Serialization/ASTWriter.cpp
--- lib/Serialization/ASTWriter.cpp
+++ lib/Serialization/ASTWriter.cpp
@@ -5986,7 +5986,9 @@
+  Record->push_back(Data.HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall);
+  Record->push_back(Data.DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall);
Index: lib/Serialization/ASTReaderDecl.cpp
--- lib/Serialization/ASTReaderDecl.cpp
+++ lib/Serialization/ASTReaderDecl.cpp
@@ -786,6 +786,7 @@
   FD->HasWrittenPrototype = Record.readInt();
   FD->IsDeleted = Record.readInt();
   FD->IsTrivial = Record.readInt();
+  FD->IsTrivialForCall = Record.readInt();
   FD->IsDefaulted = Record.readInt();
   FD->IsExplicitlyDefaulted = Record.readInt();
   FD->HasImplicitReturnZero = Record.readInt();
@@ -1576,7 +1577,9 @@
   Data.DefaultedMoveAssignmentIsDeleted = Record.readInt();
   Data.DefaultedDestructorIsDeleted = Record.readInt();
   Data.HasTrivialSpecialMembers = Record.readInt();
+  Data.HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall = Record.readInt();
   Data.DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembers = Record.readInt();
+  Data.DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall = Record.readInt();
   Data.HasIrrelevantDestructor = Record.readInt();
   Data.HasConstexprNonCopyMoveConstructor = Record.readInt();
   Data.HasDefaultedDefaultConstructor = Record.readInt();
@@ -1714,7 +1717,9 @@
+  OR_FIELD(HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall)
+  OR_FIELD(DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall)
Index: lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaType.cpp
@@ -7790,7 +7790,8 @@
          diag::note_non_literal_user_provided_dtor :
          diag::note_non_literal_nontrivial_dtor) << RD;
     if (!Dtor->isUserProvided())
-      SpecialMemberIsTrivial(Dtor, CXXDestructor, /*Diagnose*/true);
+      SpecialMemberIsTrivial(Dtor, CXXDestructor, TK_NoTrivialABI,
+                             /*Diagnose*/true);
   return true;
Index: lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaTemplateInstantiate.cpp
@@ -2108,6 +2108,10 @@
+  // See if trivial_abi has to be dropped.
+  if (Instantiation && Instantiation->hasAttr<TrivialABIAttr>())
+    checkIllFormedTrivialABIStruct(*Instantiation);
   // Finish checking fields.
   ActOnFields(nullptr, Instantiation->getLocation(), Instantiation, Fields,
               SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), nullptr);
Index: lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaDeclCXX.cpp
@@ -5768,20 +5768,20 @@
   if (D->needsImplicitCopyConstructor() &&
       !D->defaultedCopyConstructorIsDeleted()) {
-    if (!D->hasTrivialCopyConstructor())
+    if (!D->hasTrivialCopyConstructorForCall())
       return false;
     HasNonDeletedCopyOrMove = true;
   if (S.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus11 && D->needsImplicitMoveConstructor() &&
       !D->defaultedMoveConstructorIsDeleted()) {
-    if (!D->hasTrivialMoveConstructor())
+    if (!D->hasTrivialMoveConstructorForCall())
       return false;
     HasNonDeletedCopyOrMove = true;
   if (D->needsImplicitDestructor() && !D->defaultedDestructorIsDeleted() &&
-      !D->hasTrivialDestructor())
+      !D->hasTrivialDestructorForCall())
     return false;
   for (const CXXMethodDecl *MD : D->methods()) {
@@ -5794,7 +5794,7 @@
     else if (!isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(MD))
-    if (!MD->isTrivial())
+    if (!MD->isTrivialForCall())
       return false;
@@ -5878,6 +5878,13 @@
+  // Set HasTrivialSpecialMemberForCall if the record has attribute
+  // "trivial_abi".
+  bool HasTrivialABI = Record->hasAttr<TrivialABIAttr>();
+  if (HasTrivialABI)
+    Record->setHasTrivialSpecialMemberForCall();
   bool HasMethodWithOverrideControl = false,
        HasOverridingMethodWithoutOverrideControl = false;
   if (!Record->isDependentType()) {
@@ -5900,12 +5907,22 @@
       if (!M->isImplicit() && !M->isUserProvided()) {
         if (CSM != CXXInvalid) {
           M->setTrivial(SpecialMemberIsTrivial(M, CSM));
           // Inform the class that we've finished declaring this member.
+          M->setTrivialForCall(HasTrivialABI ||
+                               SpecialMemberIsTrivial(M, CSM, TK_TrivialABI));
+          Record->setTrivialForCallFlags(M);
+      // Set triviality for the purpose of calls if this is a user-provided
+      // copy/move constructor or destructor.
+      if ((CSM == CXXCopyConstructor || CSM == CXXMoveConstructor ||
+           CSM == CXXDestructor) && M->isUserProvided()) {
+        M->setTrivialForCall(HasTrivialABI);
+        Record->setTrivialForCallFlags(M);
+      }
       if (!M->isInvalidDecl() && M->isExplicitlyDefaulted() &&
           M->hasAttr<DLLExportAttr>()) {
         if (getLangOpts().isCompatibleWithMSVC(LangOptions::MSVC2015) &&
@@ -7017,9 +7034,13 @@
 /// If \p Selected is not \c NULL, \c *Selected will be filled in with the
 /// member that was most likely to be intended to be trivial, if any.
+/// If \p ForCall is true, look at CXXRecord::HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall to
+/// determine whether the special member is trivial.
 static bool findTrivialSpecialMember(Sema &S, CXXRecordDecl *RD,
                                      Sema::CXXSpecialMember CSM, unsigned Quals,
-                                     bool ConstRHS, CXXMethodDecl **Selected) {
+                                     bool ConstRHS, Sema::TrivialityKind TK,
+                                     CXXMethodDecl **Selected) {
   if (Selected)
     *Selected = nullptr;
@@ -7060,7 +7081,8 @@
     // C++11 [class.dtor]p5:
     //   A destructor is trivial if:
     //    - all the direct [subobjects] have trivial destructors
-    if (RD->hasTrivialDestructor())
+    if (RD->hasTrivialDestructor() ||
+        (TK == Sema::TK_TrivialABI && RD->hasTrivialDestructorForCall()))
       return true;
     if (Selected) {
@@ -7075,7 +7097,8 @@
     // C++11 [class.copy]p12:
     //   A copy constructor is trivial if:
     //    - the constructor selected to copy each direct [subobject] is trivial
-    if (RD->hasTrivialCopyConstructor()) {
+    if (RD->hasTrivialCopyConstructor() ||
+        (TK == Sema::TK_TrivialABI && RD->hasTrivialCopyConstructorForCall())) {
       if (Quals == Qualifiers::Const)
         // We must either select the trivial copy constructor or reach an
         // ambiguity; no need to actually perform overload resolution.
@@ -7128,6 +7151,10 @@
     // not supposed to!
     if (Selected)
       *Selected = SMOR.getMethod();
+    if (TK == Sema::TK_TrivialABI &&
+        (CSM == Sema::CXXCopyConstructor || CSM == Sema::CXXMoveConstructor))
+      return SMOR.getMethod()->isTrivialForCall();
     return SMOR.getMethod()->isTrivial();
@@ -7166,14 +7193,14 @@
                                       QualType SubType, bool ConstRHS,
                                       Sema::CXXSpecialMember CSM,
                                       TrivialSubobjectKind Kind,
-                                      bool Diagnose) {
+                                      Sema::TrivialityKind TK, bool Diagnose) {
   CXXRecordDecl *SubRD = SubType->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
   if (!SubRD)
     return true;
   CXXMethodDecl *Selected;
   if (findTrivialSpecialMember(S, SubRD, CSM, SubType.getCVRQualifiers(),
-                               ConstRHS, Diagnose ? &Selected : nullptr))
+                               ConstRHS, TK, Diagnose ? &Selected : nullptr))
     return true;
   if (Diagnose) {
@@ -7203,7 +7230,7 @@
           << Kind << SubType.getUnqualifiedType() << CSM;
       // Explain why the defaulted or deleted special member isn't trivial.
-      S.SpecialMemberIsTrivial(Selected, CSM, Diagnose);
+      S.SpecialMemberIsTrivial(Selected, CSM, Sema::TK_NoTrivialABI, Diagnose);
@@ -7214,7 +7241,8 @@
 /// trivial.
 static bool checkTrivialClassMembers(Sema &S, CXXRecordDecl *RD,
                                      Sema::CXXSpecialMember CSM,
-                                     bool ConstArg, bool Diagnose) {
+                                     bool ConstArg, Sema::TrivialityKind TK,
+                                     bool Diagnose) {
   for (const auto *FI : RD->fields()) {
     if (FI->isInvalidDecl() || FI->isUnnamedBitfield())
@@ -7224,7 +7252,7 @@
     // Pretend anonymous struct or union members are members of this class.
     if (FI->isAnonymousStructOrUnion()) {
       if (!checkTrivialClassMembers(S, FieldType->getAsCXXRecordDecl(),
-                                    CSM, ConstArg, Diagnose))
+                                    CSM, ConstArg, TK, Diagnose))
         return false;
@@ -7252,7 +7280,7 @@
     bool ConstRHS = ConstArg && !FI->isMutable();
     if (!checkTrivialSubobjectCall(S, FI->getLocation(), FieldType, ConstRHS,
-                                   CSM, TSK_Field, Diagnose))
+                                   CSM, TSK_Field, TK, Diagnose))
       return false;
@@ -7266,14 +7294,15 @@
   bool ConstArg = (CSM == CXXCopyConstructor || CSM == CXXCopyAssignment);
   checkTrivialSubobjectCall(*this, RD->getLocation(), Ty, ConstArg, CSM,
-                            TSK_CompleteObject, /*Diagnose*/true);
+                            TSK_CompleteObject, TK_NoTrivialABI,
+                            /*Diagnose*/true);
 /// Determine whether a defaulted or deleted special member function is trivial,
 /// as specified in C++11 [class.ctor]p5, C++11 [class.copy]p12,
 /// C++11 [class.copy]p25, and C++11 [class.dtor]p5.
 bool Sema::SpecialMemberIsTrivial(CXXMethodDecl *MD, CXXSpecialMember CSM,
-                                  bool Diagnose) {
+                                  TrivialityKind TK, bool Diagnose) {
   assert(!MD->isUserProvided() && CSM != CXXInvalid && "not special enough");
   CXXRecordDecl *RD = MD->getParent();
@@ -7350,7 +7379,7 @@
   //       destructors]
   for (const auto &BI : RD->bases())
     if (!checkTrivialSubobjectCall(*this, BI.getLocStart(), BI.getType(),
-                                   ConstArg, CSM, TSK_BaseClass, Diagnose))
+                                   ConstArg, CSM, TSK_BaseClass, TK, Diagnose))
       return false;
   // C++11 [class.ctor]p5, C++11 [class.dtor]p5:
@@ -7365,7 +7394,7 @@
   //    -- for all of the non-static data members of its class that are of class
   //       type (or array thereof), each such class has a trivial [default
   //       constructor or destructor]
-  if (!checkTrivialClassMembers(*this, RD, CSM, ConstArg, Diagnose))
+  if (!checkTrivialClassMembers(*this, RD, CSM, ConstArg, TK, Diagnose))
     return false;
   // C++11 [class.dtor]p5:
@@ -7547,6 +7576,50 @@
+void Sema::checkIllFormedTrivialABIStruct(CXXRecordDecl &RD) {
+  auto PrintDiagAndRemoveAttr = [&]() {
+    // No diagnostics if this is a template instantiation.
+    if (!isTemplateInstantiation(RD.getTemplateSpecializationKind()))
+      Diag(RD.getAttr<TrivialABIAttr>()->getLocation(),
+           diag::ext_cannot_use_trivial_abi) << &RD;
+    RD.dropAttr<TrivialABIAttr>();
+  };
+  // Ill-formed if the struct has virtual functions.
+  if (RD.isPolymorphic()) {
+    PrintDiagAndRemoveAttr();
+    return;
+  }
+  for (const auto &B : RD.bases()) {
+    // Ill-formed if the base class is non-trivial for the purpose of calls or a
+    // virtual base.
+    if ((!B.getType()->isDependentType() &&
+         !B.getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()->canPassInRegisters()) ||
+        B.isVirtual()) {
+      PrintDiagAndRemoveAttr();
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  for (const auto *FD : RD.fields()) {
+    // Ill-formed if the field is an ObjectiveC pointer or of a type that is
+    // non-trivial for the purpose of calls.
+    QualType FT = FD->getType();
+    if (FT.getObjCLifetime() == Qualifiers::OCL_Weak) {
+      PrintDiagAndRemoveAttr();
+      return;
+    }
+    if (const auto *RT = FT->getBaseElementTypeUnsafe()->getAs<RecordType>())
+      if (!RT->isDependentType() &&
+          !cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl())->canPassInRegisters()) {
+        PrintDiagAndRemoveAttr();
+        return;
+      }
+  }
 void Sema::ActOnFinishCXXMemberSpecification(Scope* S, SourceLocation RLoc,
                                              Decl *TagDecl,
                                              SourceLocation LBrac,
@@ -7565,12 +7638,17 @@
+  // See if trivial_abi has to be dropped.
+  auto *RD = dyn_cast<CXXRecordDecl>(TagDecl);
+  if (RD && RD->hasAttr<TrivialABIAttr>())
+    checkIllFormedTrivialABIStruct(*RD);
   ActOnFields(S, RLoc, TagDecl, llvm::makeArrayRef(
               // strict aliasing violation!
               FieldCollector->getCurNumFields()), LBrac, RBrac, AttrList);
-  CheckCompletedCXXClass(dyn_cast_or_null<CXXRecordDecl>(TagDecl));
+  CheckCompletedCXXClass(RD);
 /// AddImplicitlyDeclaredMembersToClass - Adds any implicitly-declared
@@ -10720,6 +10798,8 @@
   // We don't need to use SpecialMemberIsTrivial here; triviality for
   // destructors is easy to compute.
+  Destructor->setTrivialForCall(ClassDecl->hasAttr<TrivialABIAttr>() ||
+                                ClassDecl->hasTrivialDestructorForCall());
   // Note that we have declared this destructor.
@@ -12021,9 +12101,16 @@
-    ClassDecl->needsOverloadResolutionForCopyConstructor()
-      ? SpecialMemberIsTrivial(CopyConstructor, CXXCopyConstructor)
-      : ClassDecl->hasTrivialCopyConstructor());
+      ClassDecl->needsOverloadResolutionForCopyConstructor()
+          ? SpecialMemberIsTrivial(CopyConstructor, CXXCopyConstructor)
+          : ClassDecl->hasTrivialCopyConstructor());
+  CopyConstructor->setTrivialForCall(
+      ClassDecl->hasAttr<TrivialABIAttr>() ||
+      (ClassDecl->needsOverloadResolutionForCopyConstructor()
+           ? SpecialMemberIsTrivial(CopyConstructor, CXXCopyConstructor,
+             TK_TrivialABI)
+           : ClassDecl->hasTrivialCopyConstructorForCall()));
   // Note that we have declared this constructor.
@@ -12144,9 +12231,16 @@
-    ClassDecl->needsOverloadResolutionForMoveConstructor()
-      ? SpecialMemberIsTrivial(MoveConstructor, CXXMoveConstructor)
-      : ClassDecl->hasTrivialMoveConstructor());
+      ClassDecl->needsOverloadResolutionForMoveConstructor()
+          ? SpecialMemberIsTrivial(MoveConstructor, CXXMoveConstructor)
+          : ClassDecl->hasTrivialMoveConstructor());
+  MoveConstructor->setTrivialForCall(
+      ClassDecl->hasAttr<TrivialABIAttr>() ||
+      (ClassDecl->needsOverloadResolutionForMoveConstructor()
+           ? SpecialMemberIsTrivial(MoveConstructor, CXXMoveConstructor,
+                                    TK_TrivialABI)
+           : ClassDecl->hasTrivialMoveConstructorForCall()));
   // Note that we have declared this constructor.
Index: lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaDeclAttr.cpp
@@ -6436,6 +6436,9 @@
   case AttributeList::AT_LayoutVersion:
     handleLayoutVersion(S, D, Attr);
+  case AttributeList::AT_TrivialABI:
+    handleSimpleAttribute<TrivialABIAttr>(S, D, Attr);
+    break;
   case AttributeList::AT_MSNoVTable:
     handleSimpleAttribute<MSNoVTableAttr>(S, D, Attr);
Index: lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
--- lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
+++ lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp
@@ -10831,23 +10831,18 @@
     // information is added for it.
     diagnoseArrayStarInParamType(*this, PType, Param->getLocation());
-    // MSVC destroys objects passed by value in the callee.  Therefore a
-    // function definition which takes such a parameter must be able to call the
-    // object's destructor.  However, we don't perform any direct access check
-    // on the dtor.
-    if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && Context.getTargetInfo()
-                                       .getCXXABI()
-                                       .areArgsDestroyedLeftToRightInCallee()) {
-      if (!Param->isInvalidDecl()) {
-        if (const RecordType *RT = Param->getType()->getAs<RecordType>()) {
-          CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl = cast<CXXRecordDecl>(RT->getDecl());
-          if (!ClassDecl->isInvalidDecl() &&
-              !ClassDecl->hasIrrelevantDestructor() &&
-              !ClassDecl->isDependentContext()) {
-            CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor = LookupDestructor(ClassDecl);
-            MarkFunctionReferenced(Param->getLocation(), Destructor);
-            DiagnoseUseOfDecl(Destructor, Param->getLocation());
-          }
+    // If the parameter is a c++ class type and it has to be destructed in the
+    // callee function, declare the destructor so that it can be called by the
+    // callee function. Do not perfom any direct access check on the dtor here.
+    if (!Param->isInvalidDecl()) {
+      if (CXXRecordDecl *ClassDecl = Param->getType()->getAsCXXRecordDecl()) {
+        if (!ClassDecl->isInvalidDecl() &&
+            !ClassDecl->hasIrrelevantDestructor() &&
+            !ClassDecl->isDependentContext() &&
+            Context.isParamDestroyedInCallee(Param->getType())) {
+          CXXDestructorDecl *Destructor = LookupDestructor(ClassDecl);
+          MarkFunctionReferenced(Param->getLocation(), Destructor);
+          DiagnoseUseOfDecl(Destructor, Param->getLocation());
Index: lib/CodeGen/MicrosoftCXXABI.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/MicrosoftCXXABI.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/MicrosoftCXXABI.cpp
@@ -827,37 +827,48 @@
     // We can't call out all large objects as being indirect because there are
     // multiple x64 calling conventions and the C++ ABI code shouldn't dictate
     // how we pass large POD types.
-    //
-    // Note: This permits small classes with nontrivial destructors to be
-    // passed in registers, which is non-conforming.
-    if (RD->hasNonTrivialDestructor() &&
-        getContext().getTypeSize(RD->getTypeForDecl()) > 64)
-      return RAA_Indirect;
+    bool CopyCtorIsTrivial = false, CopyCtorIsTrivialForCall = false;
+    bool DtorIsTrivialForCall = false;
-    // If a class has at least one non-deleted, trivial copy constructor, it
-    // is passed according to the C ABI. Otherwise, it is passed indirectly.
-    //
-    // Note: This permits classes with non-trivial copy or move ctors to be
-    // passed in registers, so long as they *also* have a trivial copy ctor,
-    // which is non-conforming.
     if (RD->needsImplicitCopyConstructor()) {
-      // If the copy ctor has not yet been declared, we can read its triviality
-      // off the AST.
-      if (!RD->defaultedCopyConstructorIsDeleted() &&
-          RD->hasTrivialCopyConstructor())
-        return RAA_Default;
+      if (!RD->defaultedCopyConstructorIsDeleted()) {
+        if (RD->hasTrivialCopyConstructor())
+          CopyCtorIsTrivial = true;
+        if (RD->hasTrivialCopyConstructorForCall())
+          CopyCtorIsTrivialForCall = true;
+      }
     } else {
-      // Otherwise, we need to find the copy constructor(s) and ask.
       for (const CXXConstructorDecl *CD : RD->ctors()) {
-        if (CD->isCopyConstructor()) {
-          // We had at least one nondeleted trivial copy ctor.  Return directly.
-          if (!CD->isDeleted() && CD->isTrivial())
-            return RAA_Default;
+        if (CD->isCopyConstructor() && !CD->isDeleted()) {
+          if (CD->isTrivial())
+            CopyCtorIsTrivial = true;
+          if (CD->isTrivialForCall())
+            CopyCtorIsTrivialForCall = true;
-    // We have no trivial, non-deleted copy constructor.
+    if (RD->needsImplicitDestructor()) {
+      if (!RD->defaultedDestructorIsDeleted() &&
+          RD->hasTrivialDestructorForCall())
+        DtorIsTrivialForCall = true;
+    } else if (const auto *D = RD->getDestructor()) {
+      if (!D->isDeleted() && D->isTrivialForCall())
+        DtorIsTrivialForCall = true;
+    }
+    // If the copy ctor and dtor are both trivial-for-calls, pass direct.
+    if (CopyCtorIsTrivialForCall && DtorIsTrivialForCall)
+      return RAA_Default;
+    // If a class has at least one non-deleted, trivial copy constructor, it
+    // is passed according to the C ABI. Otherwise, it is passed indirectly.
+    //
+    // Note: This permits classes with non-trivial copy or move ctors to be
+    // passed in registers, so long as they *also* have a trivial copy ctor,
+    // which is non-conforming.
+    if (CopyCtorIsTrivial &&
+        getContext().getTypeSize(RD->getTypeForDecl()) <= 64)
+      return RAA_Default;
     return RAA_Indirect;
Index: lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/ItaniumCXXABI.cpp
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
     if (CGM.getCodeGenOpts().getClangABICompat() <=
             CodeGenOptions::ClangABI::Ver4 ||
         CGM.getTriple().getOS() == llvm::Triple::PS4)
-      return RD->hasNonTrivialDestructor() ||
-             RD->hasNonTrivialCopyConstructor();
+      return RD->hasNonTrivialDestructorForCall() ||
+             RD->hasNonTrivialCopyConstructorForCall();
     return !canCopyArgument(RD);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGDecl.cpp
@@ -1814,7 +1814,7 @@
     // Don't push a cleanup in a thunk for a method that will also emit a
     // cleanup.
     if (!IsScalar && !CurFuncIsThunk &&
-        getTarget().getCXXABI().areArgsDestroyedLeftToRightInCallee()) {
+        getContext().isParamDestroyedInCallee(Ty)) {
       const CXXRecordDecl *RD = Ty->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
       if (RD && RD->hasNonTrivialDestructor())
         pushDestroy(QualType::DK_cxx_destructor, DeclPtr, Ty);
Index: lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
--- lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
+++ lib/CodeGen/CGCall.cpp
@@ -3143,7 +3143,6 @@
 static void deactivateArgCleanupsBeforeCall(CodeGenFunction &CGF,
                                             const CallArgList &CallArgs) {
-  assert(CGF.getTarget().getCXXABI().areArgsDestroyedLeftToRightInCallee());
   ArrayRef<CallArgList::CallArgCleanup> Cleanups =
   // Iterate in reverse to increase the likelihood of popping the cleanup.
@@ -3500,8 +3499,7 @@
   // In the Microsoft C++ ABI, aggregate arguments are destructed by the callee.
   // However, we still have to push an EH-only cleanup in case we unwind before
   // we make it to the call.
-  if (HasAggregateEvalKind &&
-      CGM.getTarget().getCXXABI().areArgsDestroyedLeftToRightInCallee()) {
+  if (HasAggregateEvalKind && getContext().isParamDestroyedInCallee(type)) {
     // If we're using inalloca, use the argument memory.  Otherwise, use a
     // temporary.
     AggValueSlot Slot;
@@ -3513,7 +3511,8 @@
     const CXXRecordDecl *RD = type->getAsCXXRecordDecl();
     bool DestroyedInCallee =
         RD && RD->hasNonTrivialDestructor() &&
-        CGM.getCXXABI().getRecordArgABI(RD) != CGCXXABI::RAA_Default;
+        (CGM.getCXXABI().getRecordArgABI(RD) != CGCXXABI::RAA_Default ||
+         RD->hasTrivialABIOverride());
     if (DestroyedInCallee)
Index: lib/AST/Type.cpp
--- lib/AST/Type.cpp
+++ lib/AST/Type.cpp
@@ -2201,6 +2201,12 @@
   return false;
+bool QualType::hasTrivialABIOverride() const {
+  if (const auto *RD = getTypePtr()->getAsCXXRecordDecl())
+    return RD->hasTrivialABIOverride();
+  return false;
 bool QualType::isNonWeakInMRRWithObjCWeak(const ASTContext &Context) const {
   return !Context.getLangOpts().ObjCAutoRefCount &&
          Context.getLangOpts().ObjCWeak &&
Index: lib/AST/DeclCXX.cpp
--- lib/AST/DeclCXX.cpp
+++ lib/AST/DeclCXX.cpp
@@ -88,7 +88,9 @@
       DefaultedDestructorIsDeleted(false), HasTrivialSpecialMembers(SMF_All),
-      DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembers(0), HasIrrelevantDestructor(true),
+      HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall(SMF_All),
+      DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembers(0),
+      DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall(0), HasIrrelevantDestructor(true),
@@ -281,6 +283,7 @@
       //   operator for a class X] is trivial [...] if:
       //    -- class X has [...] no virtual base classes
       data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &= SMF_Destructor;
+      data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &= SMF_Destructor;
       // C++0x [class]p7:
       //   A standard-layout class is a class that: [...]
@@ -314,13 +317,20 @@
       //       subobject is trivial, and
       if (!BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialCopyConstructor())
         data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &= ~SMF_CopyConstructor;
+      if (!BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialCopyConstructorForCall())
+        data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &= ~SMF_CopyConstructor;
       // If the base class doesn't have a simple move constructor, we'll eagerly
       // declare it and perform overload resolution to determine which function
       // it actually calls. If it does have a simple move constructor, this
       // check is correct.
       if (!BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialMoveConstructor())
         data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &= ~SMF_MoveConstructor;
+      if (!BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialMoveConstructorForCall())
+        data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &= ~SMF_MoveConstructor;
       // C++0x [class.copy]p27:
       //   A copy/move assignment operator for class X is trivial if [...]
       //    [...]
@@ -357,6 +367,9 @@
     if (!BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialDestructor())
       data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &= ~SMF_Destructor;
+    if (!BaseClassDecl->hasTrivialDestructorForCall())
+      data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &= ~SMF_Destructor;
     if (!BaseClassDecl->hasIrrelevantDestructor())
       data().HasIrrelevantDestructor = false;
@@ -539,6 +552,7 @@
       //   assignment operator for a class X] is trivial [...] if:
       //    -- class X has no virtual functions [...]
       data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &= SMF_Destructor;
+      data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &= SMF_Destructor;
       // C++0x [class]p7:
       //   A standard-layout class is a class that: [...]
@@ -623,8 +637,10 @@
     // C++11 [class.dtor]p5:
     //   A destructor is trivial if [...] the destructor is not virtual.
-    if (DD->isVirtual())
+    if (DD->isVirtual()) {
       data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &= ~SMF_Destructor;
+      data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &= ~SMF_Destructor;
+    }
   // Handle member functions.
@@ -670,16 +686,30 @@
       // If this is the first declaration of a special member, we no longer have
       // an implicit trivial special member.
       data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &=
-        data().DeclaredSpecialMembers | ~SMKind;
+          data().DeclaredSpecialMembers | ~SMKind;
+      data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &=
+          data().DeclaredSpecialMembers | ~SMKind;
       if (!Method->isImplicit() && !Method->isUserProvided()) {
         // This method is user-declared but not user-provided. We can't work out
         // whether it's trivial yet (not until we get to the end of the class).
         // We'll handle this method in finishedDefaultedOrDeletedMember.
-      } else if (Method->isTrivial())
+      } else if (Method->isTrivial()) {
         data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers |= SMKind;
-      else
+        data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall |= SMKind;
+      } else if (Method->isTrivialForCall()) {
+        data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall |= SMKind;
         data().DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembers |= SMKind;
+      } else {
+        data().DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembers |= SMKind;
+        // If this is a user-provided function, do not set
+        // DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall here since we don't know
+        // yet whether the method would be considered non-trivial for the
+        // purpose of calls (attribute "trivial_abi" can be dropped from the
+        // class later, which can change the special method's triviality).
+        if (!Method->isUserProvided())
+          data().DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall |= SMKind;
+      }
       // Note when we have declared a declared special member, and suppress the
       // implicit declaration of this special member.
@@ -772,6 +802,7 @@
         struct DefinitionData &Data = data();
         Data.PlainOldData = false;
         Data.HasTrivialSpecialMembers = 0;
+        Data.HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall = 0;
         Data.HasIrrelevantDestructor = false;
       } else if (!Context.getLangOpts().ObjCAutoRefCount) {
@@ -899,12 +930,19 @@
         //       member is trivial;
         if (!FieldRec->hasTrivialCopyConstructor())
           data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &= ~SMF_CopyConstructor;
+        if (!FieldRec->hasTrivialCopyConstructorForCall())
+          data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &= ~SMF_CopyConstructor;
         // If the field doesn't have a simple move constructor, we'll eagerly
         // declare the move constructor for this class and we'll decide whether
         // it's trivial then.
         if (!FieldRec->hasTrivialMoveConstructor())
           data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &= ~SMF_MoveConstructor;
+        if (!FieldRec->hasTrivialMoveConstructorForCall())
+          data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &= ~SMF_MoveConstructor;
         // C++0x [class.copy]p27:
         //   A copy/move assignment operator for class X is trivial if [...]
         //    [...]
@@ -921,6 +959,8 @@
         if (!FieldRec->hasTrivialDestructor())
           data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers &= ~SMF_Destructor;
+        if (!FieldRec->hasTrivialDestructorForCall())
+          data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &= ~SMF_Destructor;
         if (!FieldRec->hasIrrelevantDestructor())
           data().HasIrrelevantDestructor = false;
         if (FieldRec->hasObjectMember())
@@ -1103,6 +1143,23 @@
     data().DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembers |= SMKind;
+void CXXRecordDecl::setTrivialForCallFlags(CXXMethodDecl *D) {
+  unsigned SMKind = 0;
+  if (CXXConstructorDecl *Constructor = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(D)) {
+    if (Constructor->isCopyConstructor())
+      SMKind = SMF_CopyConstructor;
+    else if (Constructor->isMoveConstructor())
+      SMKind = SMF_MoveConstructor;
+  } else if (isa<CXXDestructorDecl>(D))
+    SMKind = SMF_Destructor;
+  if (D->isTrivialForCall())
+    data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall |= SMKind;
+  else
+    data().DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall |= SMKind;
 bool CXXRecordDecl::isCLike() const {
   if (getTagKind() == TTK_Class || getTagKind() == TTK_Interface ||
Index: lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
--- lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
+++ lib/AST/ASTContext.cpp
@@ -2640,6 +2640,11 @@
+bool ASTContext::isParamDestroyedInCallee(QualType T) const {
+  return getTargetInfo().getCXXABI().areArgsDestroyedLeftToRightInCallee() ||
+         T.hasTrivialABIOverride();
 /// getComplexType - Return the uniqued reference to the type for a complex
 /// number with the specified element type.
 QualType ASTContext::getComplexType(QualType T) const {
Index: include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
--- include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
+++ include/clang/Sema/Sema.h
@@ -2235,7 +2235,14 @@
   bool CheckNontrivialField(FieldDecl *FD);
   void DiagnoseNontrivial(const CXXRecordDecl *Record, CXXSpecialMember CSM);
+  enum TrivialityKind {
+    TK_NoTrivialABI, // The triviality of a method unaffected by "trivial_abi".
+    TK_TrivialABI // The triviality of a method affected by "trivial_abi".
+  };
   bool SpecialMemberIsTrivial(CXXMethodDecl *MD, CXXSpecialMember CSM,
+                              TrivialityKind TK = TK_NoTrivialABI,
                               bool Diagnose = false);
   CXXSpecialMember getSpecialMember(const CXXMethodDecl *MD);
   void ActOnLastBitfield(SourceLocation DeclStart,
@@ -5791,6 +5798,11 @@
       SourceLocation BaseLoc);
   void CheckCompletedCXXClass(CXXRecordDecl *Record);
+  /// Check that the C++ class annoated with "trivial_abi" satisfies all the
+  /// conditions that are needed for the attribute to have an effect.
+  void checkIllFormedTrivialABIStruct(CXXRecordDecl &RD);
   void ActOnFinishCXXMemberSpecification(Scope* S, SourceLocation RLoc,
                                          Decl *TagDecl,
                                          SourceLocation LBrac,
Index: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
--- include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td
@@ -2881,6 +2881,9 @@
 def err_invalid_attribute_on_virtual_function : Error<
   "%0 attribute cannot be applied to virtual functions">;
+def ext_cannot_use_trivial_abi : ExtWarn<
+  "'trivial_abi' cannot be applied to %0">, InGroup<IgnoredAttributes>;
 // Availability attribute
 def warn_availability_unknown_platform : Warning<
   "unknown platform %0 in availability macro">, InGroup<Availability>;
Index: include/clang/Basic/AttrDocs.td
--- include/clang/Basic/AttrDocs.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/AttrDocs.td
@@ -2224,6 +2224,48 @@
+def TrivialABIDocs : Documentation {
+  let Category = DocCatVariable;
+  let Content = [{
+The ``trivial_abi`` attribute can be applied to a C++ class, struct, or union.
+It instructs the compiler to pass and return the type using the C ABI for the
+underlying type when the type would otherwise be considered non-trivial for the
+purpose of calls.
+A class annotated with `trivial_abi` can have non-trivial destructors or copy/move constructors without automatically becoming non-trivial for the purposes of calls. For example:
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    // A is trivial for the purposes of calls because `trivial_abi` makes the
+    // user-provided special functions trivial.
+    struct __attribute__((trivial_abi)) A {
+      ~A();
+      A(const A &);
+      A(A &&);
+      int x;
+    };
+    // B's destructor and copy/move constructor are considered trivial for the
+    // purpose of calls because A is trivial.
+    struct B {
+      A a;
+    };
+If a type is trivial for the purposes of calls, has a non-trivial destructor,
+and is passed as an argument by value, the convention is that the callee will
+destroy the object before returning.
+Attribute ``trivial_abi`` has no effect in the following cases:
+- The class directly declares a virtual base or virtual methods.
+- The class has a base class that is non-trivial for the purposes of calls.
+- The class has a non-static data member whose type is non-trivial for the
+purposes of calls, which includes:
+ - classes that are non-trivial for the purposes of calls
+ - __weak-qualified types in Objective-C++
+ - arrays of any of the above
+  }];
 def MSInheritanceDocs : Documentation {
   let Category = DocCatType;
   let Heading = "__single_inhertiance, __multiple_inheritance, __virtual_inheritance";
Index: include/clang/Basic/Attr.td
--- include/clang/Basic/Attr.td
+++ include/clang/Basic/Attr.td
@@ -1159,6 +1159,13 @@
   let Documentation = [LayoutVersionDocs];
+def TrivialABI : InheritableAttr {
+  let Spellings = [Clang<"trivial_abi">];
+  let Subjects = SubjectList<[CXXRecord]>;
+  let Documentation = [TrivialABIDocs];
+  let LangOpts = [CPlusPlus];
 def MaxFieldAlignment : InheritableAttr {
   // This attribute has no spellings as it is only ever created implicitly.
   let Spellings = [];
Index: include/clang/AST/Type.h
--- include/clang/AST/Type.h
+++ include/clang/AST/Type.h
@@ -808,6 +808,11 @@
   /// Return true if this is a trivially copyable type (C++0x [basic.types]p9)
   bool isTriviallyCopyableType(const ASTContext &Context) const;
+  /// Determine whether this is a class whose triviality for the purpose of
+  /// calls is overridden to be trivial because the class or the type of one of
+  /// its subobjects has attribute "trivial_abi".
+  bool hasTrivialABIOverride() const;
   // Don't promise in the API that anything besides 'const' can be
   // easily added.
Index: include/clang/AST/DeclCXX.h
--- include/clang/AST/DeclCXX.h
+++ include/clang/AST/DeclCXX.h
@@ -437,14 +437,25 @@
     /// which have been declared but not yet defined.
     unsigned HasTrivialSpecialMembers : 6;
+    /// These bits keep track of the triviality of special functions for the
+    /// purpose of calls. Only the bits corresponding to SMF_CopyConstructor,
+    /// SMF_MoveConstructor, and SMF_Destructor are meaningful here.
+    unsigned HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall : 6;
     /// \brief The declared special members of this class which are known to be
     /// non-trivial.
     /// This excludes any user-declared but not user-provided special members
     /// which have been declared but not yet defined, and any implicit special
     /// members which have not yet been declared.
     unsigned DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembers : 6;
+    /// These bits keep track of the declared special members that are
+    /// non-trivial for the purpose of calls.
+    /// Only the bits corresponding to SMF_CopyConstructor,
+    /// SMF_MoveConstructor, and SMF_Destructor are meaningful here.
+    unsigned DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall : 6;
     /// \brief True when this class has a destructor with no semantic effect.
     unsigned HasIrrelevantDestructor : 1;
@@ -1349,28 +1360,50 @@
     return data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers & SMF_CopyConstructor;
+  bool hasTrivialCopyConstructorForCall() const {
+    return data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall & SMF_CopyConstructor;
+  }
   /// \brief Determine whether this class has a non-trivial copy constructor
   /// (C++ [class.copy]p6, C++11 [class.copy]p12)
   bool hasNonTrivialCopyConstructor() const {
     return data().DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembers & SMF_CopyConstructor ||
+  bool hasNonTrivialCopyConstructorForCall() const {
+    return (data().DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &
+            SMF_CopyConstructor) ||
+           !hasTrivialCopyConstructorForCall();
+  }
   /// \brief Determine whether this class has a trivial move constructor
   /// (C++11 [class.copy]p12)
   bool hasTrivialMoveConstructor() const {
     return hasMoveConstructor() &&
            (data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers & SMF_MoveConstructor);
+  bool hasTrivialMoveConstructorForCall() const {
+    return hasMoveConstructor() &&
+           (data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall & SMF_MoveConstructor);
+  }
   /// \brief Determine whether this class has a non-trivial move constructor
   /// (C++11 [class.copy]p12)
   bool hasNonTrivialMoveConstructor() const {
     return (data().DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembers & SMF_MoveConstructor) ||
            (needsImplicitMoveConstructor() &&
             !(data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers & SMF_MoveConstructor));
+  bool hasNonTrivialMoveConstructorForCall() const {
+    return (data().DeclaredNonTrivialSpecialMembersForCall &
+            SMF_MoveConstructor) ||
+           (needsImplicitMoveConstructor() &&
+            !(data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall & SMF_MoveConstructor));
+  }
   /// \brief Determine whether this class has a trivial copy assignment operator
   /// (C++ [class.copy]p11, C++11 [class.copy]p25)
   bool hasTrivialCopyAssignment() const {
@@ -1405,12 +1438,25 @@
     return data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers & SMF_Destructor;
+  bool hasTrivialDestructorForCall() const {
+    return data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall & SMF_Destructor;
+  }
   /// \brief Determine whether this class has a non-trivial destructor
   /// (C++ [class.dtor]p3)
   bool hasNonTrivialDestructor() const {
     return !(data().HasTrivialSpecialMembers & SMF_Destructor);
+  bool hasNonTrivialDestructorForCall() const {
+    return !(data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall & SMF_Destructor);
+  }
+  void setHasTrivialSpecialMemberForCall() {
+    data().HasTrivialSpecialMembersForCall =
+        (SMF_CopyConstructor | SMF_MoveConstructor | SMF_Destructor);
+  }
   /// \brief Determine whether declaring a const variable with this type is ok
   /// per core issue 253.
   bool allowConstDefaultInit() const {
@@ -1440,6 +1486,13 @@
     data().CanPassInRegisters = CanPass;
+  /// Determine whether the triviality for the purpose of calls for this class
+  /// is overridden to be trivial because this class or the type of one of its
+  /// subobjects has attribute "trivial_abi".
+  bool hasTrivialABIOverride() const {
+    return canPassInRegisters() && hasNonTrivialDestructor();
+  }
   /// \brief Determine whether this class has a non-literal or/ volatile type
   /// non-static data member or base class.
   bool hasNonLiteralTypeFieldsOrBases() const {
@@ -1797,6 +1850,8 @@
   /// member function is now complete.
   void finishedDefaultedOrDeletedMember(CXXMethodDecl *MD);
+  void setTrivialForCallFlags(CXXMethodDecl *MD);
   /// \brief Indicates that the definition of this class is now complete.
   void completeDefinition() override;
Index: include/clang/AST/Decl.h
--- include/clang/AST/Decl.h
+++ include/clang/AST/Decl.h
@@ -1732,6 +1732,12 @@
   unsigned HasWrittenPrototype : 1;
   unsigned IsDeleted : 1;
   unsigned IsTrivial : 1; // sunk from CXXMethodDecl
+  /// This flag indicates whether this function is trivial for the purpose of
+  /// calls. This is meaningful only when this function is a copy/move
+  /// constructor or a destructor.
+  unsigned IsTrivialForCall : 1;
   unsigned IsDefaulted : 1; // sunk from CXXMethoDecl
   unsigned IsExplicitlyDefaulted : 1; //sunk from CXXMethodDecl
   unsigned HasImplicitReturnZero : 1;
@@ -1842,7 +1848,8 @@
         IsInline(isInlineSpecified), IsInlineSpecified(isInlineSpecified),
         IsExplicitSpecified(false), IsVirtualAsWritten(false), IsPure(false),
         HasInheritedPrototype(false), HasWrittenPrototype(true),
-        IsDeleted(false), IsTrivial(false), IsDefaulted(false),
+        IsDeleted(false), IsTrivial(false), IsTrivialForCall(false),
+        IsDefaulted(false),
         IsExplicitlyDefaulted(false), HasImplicitReturnZero(false),
         IsLateTemplateParsed(false), IsConstexpr(isConstexprSpecified),
         InstantiationIsPending(false), UsesSEHTry(false), HasSkippedBody(false),
@@ -2007,6 +2014,9 @@
   bool isTrivial() const { return IsTrivial; }
   void setTrivial(bool IT) { IsTrivial = IT; }
+  bool isTrivialForCall() const { return IsTrivialForCall; }
+  void setTrivialForCall(bool IT) { IsTrivialForCall = IT; }
   /// Whether this function is defaulted per C++0x. Only valid for
   /// special member functions.
   bool isDefaulted() const { return IsDefaulted; }
Index: include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
--- include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
+++ include/clang/AST/ASTContext.h
@@ -1179,6 +1179,10 @@
                            const FunctionProtoType::ExceptionSpecInfo &ESI,
                            bool AsWritten = false);
+  /// Determine whether a type is a class that should be detructed in the
+  /// callee function.
+  bool isParamDestroyedInCallee(QualType T) const;
   /// \brief Return the uniqued reference to the type for a complex
   /// number with the specified element type.
   QualType getComplexType(QualType T) const;
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