djasper added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp:1579
         (Text.startswith(Prefix = "_T(\"") && Text.endswith(Postfix = "\")"))) 
+      unsigned UnbreakableTailLength = (State.NextToken && canBreak(State))
+                                           ? 0
krasimir wrote:
> djasper wrote:
> > I think a comment might help here. Specifically, it should mention that 
> > this is required for the special case where there is an unbreakable tail 
> > only if certain other formatting decisions have been taken. The 
> > UnbreakableTailLength is an overapproximation in that case and we need to 
> > be correct here.
> > 
> > Thinking about this some more, there might actually be cases where this is 
> > still not correct as the unbreakable tail is neither 0 nor the precomputed 
> > value.
> > 
> > E.g. can we construct a case where there is a trailing comma in a braced 
> > list? Maybe this:
> > 
> > vector<string> x = {"aaaaaa",};
> > 
> > In this case, I think the comma will always be part of the string literal, 
> > but the "};" only get part of the tail if we don't wrap after the "{".
> In the `vector<string> x = {"aaaaa",};` only the comma is part of the 
> `UnbreakableTailLength` of the string:
> ```
> M=1 C=1 T=Unknown S=0 B=0 BK=0 P=59 Name=string_literal L=100 PPK=2 
> FakeLParens=1/ FakeRParens=0 Text='"aaaaa"'
> M=0 C=0 T=Unknown S=0 B=0 BK=0 P=41 Name=comma L=101 PPK=2 FakeLParens= 
> FakeRParens=1 Text=','
> M=1 C=1 T=Unknown S=1 B=0 BK=0 P=41 Name=r_brace L=181 PPK=2 FakeLParens= 
> FakeRParens=1 Text='}'
> M=0 C=0 T=Unknown S=0 B=0 BK=0 P=23 Name=semi L=182 PPK=2 FakeLParens= 
> FakeRParens=0 Text=';'
> breakProtrudingToken: CanBreak=0, UnbreakableTailLength=1
> ```
Ok. The comma works around this by forcing a break before the "}". But what 

  vector<string> x = {"abc" /*comment*/};

The comment should be an unbreakable tail.

  rC Clang

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