Hahnfeld added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D42642#990976, @tra wrote:

> Some linux distributions integrate CUDA into the standard directory 
> structure. I.e. binaries go into /usr/bin, headers into /usr/include, bitcode 
> goes somewhere else, etc. ptxas will be found, but we would still fail to 
> detect CUDA. I'd add  one more test case to make sure that's still the case.

I'm not sure how this can work, we only require `bin/` and `include/` to exist, 
and `nvvm/libdevice/` if `-nocudalib` isn't specified. I agree this can be a 
problem because the defaults might detect an invalid installation...

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D42642#991013, @jlebar wrote:

> Can we document this behavior in 
> https://llvm.org/docs/CompileCudaWithLLVM.html (in the LLVM repo)?  Totally 
> fine if you want to do this in a separate patch.

Sure, will do!

  rC Clang


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