kimgr added a comment.

Peanut gallery observation: there was a discussion on the Boost list years and 
years ago where someone made the case that `if (x != nullptr) delete x;` was 
measurably faster than just calling `delete x;` I can't find it now, but I 
think it might have been in the context of their `checked_delete` library. 
Anyway, the reasoning was that with an external nullptr check, you'd pay for 
one comparison, but without it you'd always pay for a jump + a comparison. I 
suppose that only holds true for null pointers, for non-null pointers the extra 
check is just waste.

It looks to me like the compiler inserts an external null check, and you're now 
removing it in select cases, did I understand that right? I wonder if this 
could have negative effects for frequent deletion of nullptrs (e.g. a 
sometimes-allocated member of a heavily used value type).

That said, I'm not sure how valid the observation back then still is.

  rC Clang

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