sammccall added a comment.

Sorry, last comments were concurrent with the latest snapshot.

Except where noted, the old comments still apply I think.

Comment at: clangd/ClangdLSPServer.cpp:317
   for (Diagnostic &D : Params.context.diagnostics) {
-    auto Edits = getFixIts(Params.textDocument.uri.file(), D);
-    if (!Edits.empty()) {
+    auto Fixes = getFixIts(Params.textDocument.uri.file(), D);
+    for (auto &F : Fixes) {
inline this into the for loop?

Comment at: clangd/ClangdLSPServer.h:76
-  std::vector<TextEdit> getFixIts(StringRef File, const clangd::Diagnostic &D);
+  std::vector<Fix> getFixIts(StringRef File, const clangd::Diagnostic &D);

Comment at: clangd/Diagnostics.h:35
+  DiagnosticsEngine::Level Severity;
+  llvm::SmallVector<TextEdit, 1> FixIts;
+  // Since File is only descriptive, we store a separate flag to distinguish
sammccall wrote:
> sammccall wrote:
> > As discussed offline - I think fixits should probably be a different struct 
> > hanging off the main diagnostic, with a name. Following clang's example 
> > seems... less than clear here.
> > 
> > They could also be modeled as notes with an optional TextEdit - this seems 
> > sligthly less clear but more faithful to clang internals*.
> > Either way, it should be clear that they're only allowed in *one* of these 
> > locations - having notes and main diags be distinct types would help.
> > 
> > I think this probably affects how we should expose them through LSP - they 
> > should be named code actions attached to the original diagnostic.
> > Maybe they should also be separate diagnostics, but only if they contribute 
> > a unique opportunity to the user e.g. they have a non-empty range that 
> > isn't contained within the diagnostic's range.
> > This patch seems like a reasonable place to do that, but also OK if you 
> > want to defer.
> Nit: can we call these "Fix"es, which is a noun (at least in common usage?)
> Clang calls them FixItHint, but I think Fix is no less clear (and shorter)
This is done, and looks good to me.

Comment at: clangd/Diagnostics.h:40
+struct PersistentDiag {
+  /// Main diagnostic.
sammccall wrote:
> I don't understand what "persistent" means in this context.
> This does seem to be an is-a relationship rather than has-a, so I'd find 
> DiagBase/Diag + inheritance clearer.
> But with composition, this one seems rike it should be "Diag" and the type of 
> Main could be DiagDetails or so?
(this happened already, yay!)

Comment at: clangd/Diagnostics.h:47
+/// Represents a note for the diagnostic. Severity of this Diagnostic can only
+/// be 'note' or 'remark'.
nit: severity of notes can...

Comment at: clangd/Diagnostics.h:51
+/// A non-note diagnostic with Notes and fix-its.
+struct Diag : DiagBase {
Seems a bit confusing to use "diagnostic" to mean something importantly 
different than "diag", and to define top-level diagnostic in terms of notes.

Maybe just "A top-level diagnostic that may have Notes and Fixes"?

Comment at: clangd/Diagnostics.h:54
+  std::vector<Note> Notes;
+  std::vector<Fix> Fixes;
I think these deserve some comments:
 - fixes are *alternative* fixes for this diagnostic, one should be chosen
 - notes elaborate on the problem, usually pointing to a related piece of code

Comment at: clangd/Diagnostics.h:57
+/// Conventional conversion to LSP diagnostics. Formats the error message of
+/// each diagnostic to include all its notes. Notes inside main file are also
I'm not sure what "conventional" means here?

Comment at: unittests/clangd/ClangdUnitTests.cpp:24
+void PrintTo(const DiagBase &D, std::ostream *O) {
+  llvm::raw_os_ostream OS(*O);
can you make these operator<< and move to the main code? This seems a fine 
general-purpose debug representation (could be tweaked, but also later).

That avoids the ODR issue, and makes casual logging easier.

Comment at: unittests/clangd/ClangdUnitTests.cpp:70
+class WithFixesMatcher : public testing::MatcherInterface<const Diag &> {
Ah, and now that you've written this... ;-)

For the specific case of "field X matches matcher M" you can use 
::testing::Field (you'd keep WithNote, but make it call Field)

Messages are good as long as you pass the optional field_name param.

Comment at: unittests/clangd/ClangdUnitTests.cpp:149
+/// Matches diagnostic that has exactly one fix with the same range and message
+/// as the diagnostic itself.
+testing::Matcher<const clangd::Diag &>
this "same range and message as the diagnostic itself" is an important property 
of the code being tested, and it's hidden here in a comment of a helper 
I'd probably prefer avoiding this helper altogether (spelling the string twice 
in the test) so the test behavior/change is obvious when changing the code.
Failing that, DiagWithEqualFix or something?

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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