In implicit ThinLTO, the object files are only temporary.

Sort of similar to using -gsplit-dwarf when compiling straight to an
executable (without using -c): "clang++ x.cpp y.cpp -o a.out" - where
should the .dwo files go then? If they go where the .o files go, then
they'll be in /tmp/ and get deleted either when the ocmpiler ends after it
runs the linker, or perhaps at some uncertain point in the future when the
temp space is reclaimed.
(granted, I'm not suggesting we support that actual case - it's not
terribly common for anyone who'd actually need -gsplit-dwarf - but the
implicit ThinLTO case looks quite similar for demonstration purposes)

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 1:22 PM Paul Robinson via Phabricator <> wrote:

> probinson added a comment.
> I don't think requiring a new option is a great user interface.  In
> existing use cases the location of the .dwo file matches the location of
> the output file.  Why is this one different?
> Repository:
>   rC Clang
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