baloghadamsoftware updated this revision to Diff 140061.
baloghadamsoftware marked an inline comment as done.
baloghadamsoftware added a comment.

Comment fixed.


Index: test/Analysis/svalbuilder-rearrange-comparisons.c
--- /dev/null
+++ test/Analysis/svalbuilder-rearrange-comparisons.c
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=debug.ExprInspection,core.builtin -analyzer-config aggressive-relational-comparison-simplification=true -verify %s
+void clang_analyzer_dump(int x);
+void clang_analyzer_eval(int x);
+void exit(int);
+#define UINT_MAX (~0U)
+#define INT_MAX (UINT_MAX & (UINT_MAX >> 1))
+extern void __assert_fail (__const char *__assertion, __const char *__file,
+    unsigned int __line, __const char *__function)
+     __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
+#define assert(expr) \
+  ((expr)  ? (void)(0)  : __assert_fail (#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__))
+int g();
+int f() {
+  int x = g();
+  // Assert that no overflows occur in this test file.
+  // Assuming that concrete integers are also within that range.
+  assert(x <= ((int)INT_MAX / 4));
+  assert(x >= -((int)INT_MAX / 4));
+  return x;
+void compare_different_symbol_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 0}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_equal() {
+  int x = f()+1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_equal() {
+  int x = f()-1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = f()+2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = f()-2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 1}}
+void compare_same_symbol_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x+1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x-1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x+1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x-1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_different_symbol_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 0}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f()+1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f()-1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = f()+2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = f()-2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 1}}
+void compare_same_symbol_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x+1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x-1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x+1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal() {
+  int x = f(), y = x-1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_different_symbol_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 0}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_less() {
+  int x = f()+1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_less() {
+  int x = f()-1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = f()+2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = f()-2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 1}}
+void compare_same_symbol_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = x;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = x;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = x+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = x-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = x+1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = x-1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = x+1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less() {
+  int x = f(), y = x-1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_different_symbol_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 0}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()+1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()-1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = f()+2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = f()-2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) == 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) == 1}}
+void compare_same_symbol_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x == y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_different_symbol_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 0}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()+1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()-1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = f()+2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = f()-2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) >= 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) <= 1}}
+void compare_same_symbol_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_or_equal_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x <= y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{TRUE}}
+void compare_different_symbol_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 0}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()+1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()-1, y = f();
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$9{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = f()+2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = f()-2;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 2}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 1}}
+void compare_different_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()+2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$9{int}) - (conj_$2{int})) > 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 3}}
+void compare_different_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f()-2, y = f()-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 2}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$9{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{((conj_$2{int}) - (conj_$9{int})) < 1}}
+void compare_same_symbol_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{conj_$2{int}}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void compare_same_symbol_plus_left_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+  ++x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_plus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x+1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) + 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{Unknown}} // FIXME: Can this be simplified?
+void compare_same_symbol_minus_left_minus_right_int_less_unsigned() {
+  unsigned x = f(), y = x-1;
+  --x;
+  clang_analyzer_dump(x); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_dump(y); // expected-warning{{(conj_$2{int}) - 1}}
+  clang_analyzer_eval(x < y);
+  // expected-warning@-1{{FALSE}}
+void overflow(signed char n, signed char m) {
+  if (n + 0 > m + 0) {
+    clang_analyzer_eval(n - 126 == m + 3); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}}
+  }
Index: test/Analysis/explain-svals.cpp
--- test/Analysis/explain-svals.cpp
+++ test/Analysis/explain-svals.cpp
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
   static int stat;
   clang_analyzer_explain(x + 1); // expected-warning-re{{{{^\(argument 'x'\) \+ 1$}}}}
   clang_analyzer_explain(1 + y); // expected-warning-re{{{{^\(argument 'y'\) \+ 1$}}}}
-  clang_analyzer_explain(x + y); // expected-warning-re{{{{^unknown value$}}}}
+  clang_analyzer_explain(x + y); // expected-warning-re{{{{^\(argument 'x'\) \+ \(argument 'y'\)$}}}}
   clang_analyzer_explain(z); // expected-warning-re{{{{^undefined value$}}}}
   clang_analyzer_explain(&z); // expected-warning-re{{{{^pointer to local variable 'z'$}}}}
   clang_analyzer_explain(stat); // expected-warning-re{{{{^signed 32-bit integer '0'$}}}}
Index: test/Analysis/conditional-path-notes.c
--- test/Analysis/conditional-path-notes.c
+++ test/Analysis/conditional-path-notes.c
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
 void testNonDiagnosableBranchArithmetic(int a, int b) {
   if (a - b) {
     // expected-note@-1 {{Taking true branch}}
+    // expected-note@-2 {{Assuming the condition is true}}
     *(volatile int *)0 = 1; // expected-warning{{Dereference of null pointer}}
     // expected-note@-1 {{Dereference of null pointer}}
@@ -1573,12 +1574,75 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT:         <key>end</key>
 // CHECK-NEXT:          <array>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>79</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>7</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>79</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>7</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          </array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:        </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:       </array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <key>kind</key><string>event</string>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <key>location</key>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:       <key>line</key><integer>79</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:       <key>col</key><integer>7</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:       <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <key>ranges</key>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:        <array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:         <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>line</key><integer>79</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>col</key><integer>7</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:         </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:         <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>line</key><integer>79</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>col</key><integer>11</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:         </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:        </array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      </array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <key>depth</key><integer>0</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <key>extended_message</key>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <string>Assuming the condition is true</string>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <key>message</key>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <string>Assuming the condition is true</string>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:     <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <key>kind</key><string>control</string>
+// CHECK-NEXT:      <key>edges</key>
+// CHECK-NEXT:       <array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:        <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:         <key>start</key>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>79</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>7</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>79</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>7</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          </array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:         <key>end</key>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <array>
+// CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>5</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>5</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
@@ -1594,25 +1658,25 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT:         <key>start</key>
 // CHECK-NEXT:          <array>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>5</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>5</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
 // CHECK-NEXT:          </array>
 // CHECK-NEXT:         <key>end</key>
 // CHECK-NEXT:          <array>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>24</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:            <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>col</key><integer>24</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:            <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:           </dict>
@@ -1624,20 +1688,20 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT:      <key>kind</key><string>event</string>
 // CHECK-NEXT:      <key>location</key>
 // CHECK-NEXT:      <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:       <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:       <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:       <key>col</key><integer>24</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:       <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:      </dict>
 // CHECK-NEXT:      <key>ranges</key>
 // CHECK-NEXT:      <array>
 // CHECK-NEXT:        <array>
 // CHECK-NEXT:         <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:          <key>col</key><integer>5</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:          <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:         </dict>
 // CHECK-NEXT:         <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:          <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:          <key>col</key><integer>26</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:          <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:         </dict>
@@ -1658,10 +1722,10 @@
 // CHECK-NEXT:    <key>issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context</key><string>f56671e5f67c73abef619b56f7c29fa4</string>
 // CHECK-NEXT:   <key>issue_context_kind</key><string>function</string>
 // CHECK-NEXT:   <key>issue_context</key><string>testNonDiagnosableBranchArithmetic</string>
-// CHECK-NEXT:   <key>issue_hash_function_offset</key><string>3</string>
+// CHECK-NEXT:   <key>issue_hash_function_offset</key><string>4</string>
 // CHECK-NEXT:   <key>location</key>
 // CHECK-NEXT:   <dict>
-// CHECK-NEXT:    <key>line</key><integer>81</integer>
+// CHECK-NEXT:    <key>line</key><integer>82</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:    <key>col</key><integer>24</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:    <key>file</key><integer>0</integer>
 // CHECK-NEXT:   </dict>
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/SimpleSValBuilder.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/SimpleSValBuilder.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/SimpleSValBuilder.cpp
@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@
 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SValBuilder.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/AnalysisManager.h"
 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/APSIntType.h"
 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SubEngine.h"
 #include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SValVisitor.h"
 using namespace clang;
@@ -307,6 +309,192 @@
   return makeNonLoc(LHS, op, *ConvertedRHS, resultTy);
+// See if Sym is known to be a relation Rel with Bound.
+static bool isInRelation(BinaryOperator::Opcode Rel, SymbolRef Sym,
+                         llvm::APSInt Bound, ProgramStateRef State) {
+  SValBuilder &SVB = State->getStateManager().getSValBuilder();
+  SVal Result =
+      SVB.evalBinOpNN(State, Rel, nonloc::SymbolVal(Sym),
+                      nonloc::ConcreteInt(Bound), SVB.getConditionType());
+  if (auto DV = Result.getAs<DefinedSVal>()) {
+    return !State->assume(*DV, false);
+  }
+  return false;
+// See if Sym is known to be within [min/4, max/4], where min and max
+// are the bounds of the symbol's integral type. With such symbols,
+// some manipulations can be performed without the risk of overflow.
+// assume() doesn't cause infinite recursion because we should be dealing
+// with simpler symbols on every recursive call.
+static bool isWithinConstantOverflowBounds(SymbolRef Sym,
+                                           ProgramStateRef State) {
+  SValBuilder &SVB = State->getStateManager().getSValBuilder();
+  BasicValueFactory &BV = SVB.getBasicValueFactory();
+  QualType T = Sym->getType();
+  assert(T->isSignedIntegerOrEnumerationType() &&
+         "This only works with signed integers!");
+  APSIntType AT = BV.getAPSIntType(T);
+  llvm::APSInt Max = AT.getMaxValue() / AT.getValue(4), Min = -Max;
+  return isInRelation(BO_LE, Sym, Max, State) &&
+         isInRelation(BO_GE, Sym, Min, State);
+// Same for the concrete integers: see if I is within [min/4, max/4].
+static bool isWithinConstantOverflowBounds(llvm::APSInt I) {
+  APSIntType AT(I);
+  assert(!AT.isUnsigned() &&
+         "This only works with signed integers!");
+  llvm::APSInt Max = AT.getMaxValue() / AT.getValue(4), Min = -Max;
+  return (I <= Max) && (I >= -Max);
+static std::pair<SymbolRef, llvm::APSInt>
+decomposeSymbol(SymbolRef Sym, BasicValueFactory &BV) {
+  if (const auto *SymInt = dyn_cast<SymIntExpr>(Sym))
+    if (BinaryOperator::isAdditiveOp(SymInt->getOpcode()))
+      return std::make_pair(SymInt->getLHS(),
+                            (SymInt->getOpcode() == BO_Add) ?
+                            (SymInt->getRHS()) :
+                            (-SymInt->getRHS()));
+  // Fail to decompose: "reduce" the problem to the "$x + 0" case.
+  return std::make_pair(Sym, BV.getValue(0, Sym->getType()));
+// Simplify "(LSym + LInt) Op (RSym + RInt)" assuming all values are of the
+// same signed integral type and no overflows occur (which should be checked
+// by the caller).
+static NonLoc doRearrangeUnchecked(ProgramStateRef State,
+                                   BinaryOperator::Opcode Op,
+                                   SymbolRef LSym, llvm::APSInt LInt,
+                                   SymbolRef RSym, llvm::APSInt RInt) {
+  SValBuilder &SVB = State->getStateManager().getSValBuilder();
+  BasicValueFactory &BV = SVB.getBasicValueFactory();
+  SymbolManager &SymMgr = SVB.getSymbolManager();
+  QualType SymTy = LSym->getType();
+  assert(SymTy == RSym->getType() &&
+         "Symbols are not of the same type!");
+  assert(APSIntType(LInt) == BV.getAPSIntType(SymTy) &&
+         "Integers are not of the same type as symbols!");
+  assert(APSIntType(RInt) == BV.getAPSIntType(SymTy) &&
+         "Integers are not of the same type as symbols!");
+  QualType ResultTy;
+  if (BinaryOperator::isComparisonOp(Op))
+    ResultTy = SVB.getConditionType();
+  else if (BinaryOperator::isAdditiveOp(Op))
+    ResultTy = SymTy;
+  else
+    llvm_unreachable("Operation not suitable for unchecked rearrangement!");
+  // FIXME: Can we use assume() without getting into an infinite recursion?
+  if (LSym == RSym)
+    return SVB.evalBinOpNN(State, Op, nonloc::ConcreteInt(LInt),
+                           nonloc::ConcreteInt(RInt), ResultTy)
+        .castAs<NonLoc>();
+  SymbolRef ResultSym = nullptr;
+  BinaryOperator::Opcode ResultOp;
+  llvm::APSInt ResultInt;
+  if (BinaryOperator::isComparisonOp(Op)) {
+    // Prefer comparing to a non-negative number.
+    // FIXME: Maybe it'd be better to have consistency in
+    // "$x - $y" vs. "$y - $x" because those are solver's keys.
+    if (LInt > RInt) {
+      ResultSym = SymMgr.getSymSymExpr(RSym, BO_Sub, LSym, SymTy);
+      ResultOp = BinaryOperator::reverseComparisonOp(Op);
+      ResultInt = LInt - RInt; // Opposite order!
+    } else {
+      ResultSym = SymMgr.getSymSymExpr(LSym, BO_Sub, RSym, SymTy);
+      ResultOp = Op;
+      ResultInt = RInt - LInt; // Opposite order!
+    }
+  } else {
+    ResultSym = SymMgr.getSymSymExpr(LSym, Op, RSym, SymTy);
+    ResultInt = (Op == BO_Add) ? (LInt + RInt) : (LInt - RInt);
+    ResultOp = BO_Add;
+    // Bring back the cosmetic difference.
+    if (ResultInt < 0) {
+      ResultInt = -ResultInt;
+      ResultOp = BO_Sub;
+    } else if (ResultInt == 0) {
+      // Shortcut: Simplify "$x + 0" to "$x".
+      return nonloc::SymbolVal(ResultSym);
+    }
+  }
+  const llvm::APSInt &PersistentResultInt = BV.getValue(ResultInt);
+  return nonloc::SymbolVal(
+      SymMgr.getSymIntExpr(ResultSym, ResultOp, PersistentResultInt, ResultTy));
+// Rearrange if symbol type matches the result type and if the operator is a
+// comparison operator, both symbol and constant must be within constant
+// overflow bounds.
+static bool shouldRearrange(ProgramStateRef State, BinaryOperator::Opcode Op,
+                            SymbolRef Sym, llvm::APSInt Int, QualType Ty) {
+  return Sym->getType() == Ty &&
+    (!BinaryOperator::isComparisonOp(Op) ||
+     (isWithinConstantOverflowBounds(Sym, State) && 
+      isWithinConstantOverflowBounds(Int)));
+static Optional<NonLoc> tryRearrange(ProgramStateRef State,
+                                     BinaryOperator::Opcode Op, NonLoc Lhs,
+                                     NonLoc Rhs, QualType ResultTy) {
+  ProgramStateManager &StateMgr = State->getStateManager();
+  SValBuilder &SVB = StateMgr.getSValBuilder();
+  // We expect everything to be of the same type - this type.
+  QualType SingleTy;
+  auto &Opts =
+    StateMgr.getOwningEngine()->getAnalysisManager().getAnalyzerOptions();
+  SymbolRef LSym = Lhs.getAsSymbol();
+  if (!LSym)
+    return None;
+  // Always rearrange additive operations but rearrange comparisons only if
+  // option is set.
+  if (BinaryOperator::isComparisonOp(Op) &&
+      Opts.shouldAggressivelySimplifyRelationalComparison()) {
+    SingleTy = LSym->getType();
+    if (ResultTy != SVB.getConditionType())
+      return None;
+    // Initialize SingleTy later with a symbol's type.
+  } else if (BinaryOperator::isAdditiveOp(Op)) {
+    SingleTy = ResultTy;
+    // Substracting unsigned integers is a nightmare.
+    if (!SingleTy->isSignedIntegerOrEnumerationType())
+      return None;
+  } else {
+    // Don't rearrange other operations.
+    return None;
+  }
+  assert(!SingleTy.isNull() && "We should have figured out the type by now!");
+  SymbolRef RSym = Rhs.getAsSymbol();
+  if (!RSym || RSym->getType() != SingleTy)
+    return None;
+  BasicValueFactory &BV = State->getBasicVals();
+  llvm::APSInt LInt, RInt;
+  std::tie(LSym, LInt) = decomposeSymbol(LSym, BV);
+  std::tie(RSym, RInt) = decomposeSymbol(RSym, BV);
+  if (!shouldRearrange(State, Op, LSym, LInt, SingleTy) ||
+      !shouldRearrange(State, Op, RSym, RInt, SingleTy))
+    return None;
+  // We know that no overflows can occur anymore.
+  return doRearrangeUnchecked(State, Op, LSym, LInt, RSym, RInt);
 SVal SimpleSValBuilder::evalBinOpNN(ProgramStateRef state,
                                   BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
                                   NonLoc lhs, NonLoc rhs,
@@ -559,6 +747,9 @@
       if (const llvm::APSInt *RHSValue = getKnownValue(state, rhs))
         return MakeSymIntVal(Sym, op, *RHSValue, resultTy);
+      if (Optional<NonLoc> V = tryRearrange(state, op, lhs, rhs, resultTy))
+        return *V;
       // Give up -- this is not a symbolic expression we can handle.
       return makeSymExprValNN(state, op, InputLHS, InputRHS, resultTy);
Index: lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.cpp
--- lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.cpp
+++ lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.cpp
@@ -445,6 +445,14 @@
   return DisplayNotesAsEvents.getValue();
+bool AnalyzerOptions::shouldAggressivelySimplifyRelationalComparison() {
+  if (!AggressiveRelationalComparisonSimplification.hasValue())
+    AggressiveRelationalComparisonSimplification =
+      getBooleanOption("aggressive-relational-comparison-simplification",
+                       /*Default=*/false);
+  return AggressiveRelationalComparisonSimplification.getValue();
 StringRef AnalyzerOptions::getCTUDir() {
   if (!CTUDir.hasValue()) {
     CTUDir = getOptionAsString("ctu-dir", "");
Index: include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.h
--- include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.h
+++ include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/AnalyzerOptions.h
@@ -312,6 +312,9 @@
   /// \sa shouldDisplayNotesAsEvents
   Optional<bool> DisplayNotesAsEvents;
+  /// \sa shouldAggressivelySimplifyRelationalComparison
+  Optional<bool> AggressiveRelationalComparisonSimplification;
   /// \sa getCTUDir
   Optional<StringRef> CTUDir;
@@ -666,6 +669,20 @@
   /// to false when unset.
   bool shouldDisplayNotesAsEvents();
+  /// Returns true if SValBuilder should rearrange comparisons of symbolic
+  /// expressions which consist of a sum of a symbol and a concrete integer
+  /// into the format where symbols are on the left-hand side and the integer
+  /// is on the right. This is only done if both symbols and both concrete
+  /// integers are signed, greater than or equal to the quarter of the minimum
+  /// value of the type and less than or equal to the quarter of the maximum
+  /// value of that type.
+  ///
+  /// A + n <REL> B + m becomes A - B <REL> m - n, where A and B symbolic,
+  /// n and m are integers. <REL> is any of '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>' or '>='.
+  /// The rearrangement also happens with '-' instead of '+' on either or both
+  /// side and also if any or both integers are missing.
+  bool shouldAggressivelySimplifyRelationalComparison();
   /// Returns the directory containing the CTU related files.
   StringRef getCTUDir();
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