rjmccall added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D44985#1050674, @yaxunl wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D44985#1050670, @rjmccall wrote:
> > What exactly are you trying to express here?  Are you just trying to make 
> > these external declarations when compiling for the device because 
> > `__shared__` variables are actually defined on the host?  That should be 
> > handled by the frontend by setting up the AST so that these declarations 
> > are not definitions.
> No. These variables are not like external symbols defined on the host. They 
> behave like global variables in the kernel code but never initialized. 
> Currently no targets are able to initialize them and it is users' 
> responsibility to initialize them explicitly.
> Giving them an initial value will cause error in some backends since they 
> cannot handle them, therefore put undef as initializer.

So undef is being used as a special marker to the backends that it's okay not 
to try to initialize these variables?


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