mstorsjo added a comment.

In, @rnk wrote:

> Sorry, I skipped over the message and looked at the code, which seems pretty 
> straightforward.
> > Tests still are TBD, but posting this early to see if there's comments. 
> > (How do I easily do a test that checks something relative to the clang 
> > binary, since I don't control the location of the tested binary when 
> > running tests?)
> As much fun as it is to create sysroot subtrees in the clang test input 
> directories and test them with -###, I don't feel like they have that much 
> value. I've seen people write tests that do things like `mkdir -p %t/bin ... 
> cp %clang %t/bin/clang && %t/bin/clang -###`, but it's pretty expensive, and 
> the tests are hard to debug and modify.

Yeah, I also agree that's kinda overkill. Proceeding without tests for this 

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