rjmccall added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D45766#1076090, @dblaikie wrote:

> FWIW I don't fundamentalyl object to also having something like -wtest.
>  Probably needs a better name though (unfortunately the double-negative gets
>  confusing... - like you want to describe the set of diagnostics that should
>  not be used in test code, so that as a group might be "-Wnon-test" but then
>  "-Wno-non-test" is pretty awkward) - probably worth chatting to Richard
>  Smith about that, I reckon.

That's why I was suggesting putting it in the `-w` namespace.  We really 
wouldn't expect or want users to ever use a *positive* version of this warning 
option — specifically asking for just the warnings that are known to be 
problematic for test code, across all warnings.  It's just not really a warning 

It could also be something like `-fsuppress-problematic-test-warnings`, of 
course, but I was basically thinking of `-w` as meaning 



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