JonasToth updated this revision to Diff 144458.
JonasToth added a comment.

- [Feature] use new statefull const checker
- [Test] add more tests finding false positives

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


Index: unittests/clang-tidy/ExprMutationAnalyzerTest.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ unittests/clang-tidy/ExprMutationAnalyzerTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+//===---------- ExprMutationAnalyzerTest.cpp - clang-tidy -----------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "../clang-tidy/utils/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace test {
+using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
+using ::testing::ElementsAre;
+using ::testing::IsEmpty;
+using ::testing::ResultOf;
+using ::testing::StartsWith;
+using ::testing::Values;
+namespace {
+using ExprMatcher = internal::Matcher<Expr>;
+using StmtMatcher = internal::Matcher<Stmt>;
+ExprMatcher declRefTo(StringRef Name) {
+  return declRefExpr(to(namedDecl(hasName(Name))));
+StmtMatcher withEnclosingCompound(ExprMatcher Matcher) {
+  return expr(Matcher, hasAncestor(compoundStmt().bind("stmt"))).bind("expr");
+bool isMutated(const SmallVectorImpl<BoundNodes> &Results, ASTUnit *AST) {
+  const auto *const S = selectFirst<Stmt>("stmt", Results);
+  const auto *const E = selectFirst<Expr>("expr", Results);
+  return utils::ExprMutationAnalyzer(S, &AST->getASTContext()).isMutated(E);
+SmallVector<std::string, 1>
+mutatedBy(const SmallVectorImpl<BoundNodes> &Results, ASTUnit *AST) {
+  const auto *const S = selectFirst<Stmt>("stmt", Results);
+  SmallVector<std::string, 1> Chain;
+  utils::ExprMutationAnalyzer Analyzer(S, &AST->getASTContext());
+  for (const auto *E = selectFirst<Expr>("expr", Results); E != nullptr;) {
+    const Stmt *By = Analyzer.findMutation(E);
+    std::string buffer;
+    llvm::raw_string_ostream stream(buffer);
+    By->printPretty(stream, nullptr, AST->getASTContext().getPrintingPolicy());
+    Chain.push_back(StringRef(stream.str()).trim().str());
+    E = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(By);
+  }
+  return Chain;
+std::string removeSpace(std::string s) {
+  s.erase(std::remove_if(s.begin(), s.end(),
+                         [](char c) { return std::isspace(c); }),
+          s.end());
+  return s;
+} // namespace
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, Trivial) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x; x; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+class AssignmentTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string> {};
+TEST_P(AssignmentTest, AssignmentModifies) {
+  const std::string ModExpr = "x " + GetParam() + " 10";
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x; " + ModExpr + "; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre(ModExpr));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(AllAssignmentOperators, AssignmentTest,
+                        Values("=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "&=", "|=",
+                               "^=", "<<=", ">>="), );
+class IncDecTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string> {};
+TEST_P(IncDecTest, IncDecModifies) {
+  const std::string ModExpr = GetParam();
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x; " + ModExpr + "; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre(ModExpr));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(AllIncDecOperators, IncDecTest,
+                        Values("++x", "--x", "x++", "x--"), );
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, NonConstMemberFunc) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct Foo { void mf(); }; Foo x;; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre(""));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ConstMemberFunc) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct Foo { void mf() const; }; Foo x;; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, NonConstOperator) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct Foo { Foo& operator=(int); }; Foo x; x = 10; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("x = 10"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ConstOperator) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct Foo { int operator()() const; }; Foo x; x(); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ByValueArgument) {
+  auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void g(int); void f() { int x; g(x); }");
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A {}; A operator+(A, int); A x; x + 1; }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A { A(int); }; int x; A y(x); }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ByNonConstRefArgument) {
+  auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void g(int&); void f() { int x; g(x); }");
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("g(x)"));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A {}; A operator+(A&, int); A x; x + 1; }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("x + 1"));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A { A(int&); }; int x; A y(x); }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("x"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ByConstRefArgument) {
+  auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void g(const int&); void f() { int x; g(x); }");
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A {}; A operator+(const A&, int); A x; x + 1; }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A { A(const int&); }; int x; A y(x); }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ByNonConstRRefArgument) {
+  auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void g(int&&); void f() { int x; g(static_cast<int &&>(x)); }");
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()),
+              ElementsAre("g(static_cast<int &&>(x))"));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A {}; A operator+(A&&, int); "
+      "A x; static_cast<A &&>(x) + 1; }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()),
+              ElementsAre("static_cast<A &&>(x) + 1"));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { struct A { A(int&&); }; "
+                                  "int x; A y(static_cast<int &&>(x)); }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()),
+              ElementsAre("static_cast<int &&>(x)"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ByConstRRefArgument) {
+  auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void g(const int&&); void f() { int x; g(static_cast<int&&>(x)); }");
+  auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A {}; A operator+(const A&&, int); "
+      "A x; static_cast<A&&>(x) + 1; }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+  AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { struct A { A(const int&&); }; "
+                                  "int x; A y(static_cast<int&&>(x)); }");
+  Results = match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, Move) {
+  // Technically almost the same as ByNonConstRRefArgument, just double checking
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "namespace std {"
+      "template<class T> struct remove_reference { typedef T type; };"
+      "template<class T> struct remove_reference<T&> { typedef T type; };"
+      "template<class T> struct remove_reference<T&&> { typedef T type; };"
+      "template<class T> typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&& "
+      "move(T&& t) noexcept; }"
+      "void f() { struct A {}; A x; std::move(x); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("std::move(x)"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, Forward) {
+  // Technically almost the same as ByNonConstRefArgument, just double checking
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "namespace std {"
+      "template<class T> struct remove_reference { typedef T type; };"
+      "template<class T> struct remove_reference<T&> { typedef T type; };"
+      "template<class T> struct remove_reference<T&&> { typedef T type; };"
+      "template<class T> T&& "
+      "forward(typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&) noexcept;"
+      "template<class T> T&& "
+      "forward(typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&&) noexcept;"
+      "void f() { struct A {}; A x; std::forward<A &>(x); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()),
+              ElementsAre("std::forward<A &>(x)"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ReturnAsValue) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode("int f() { int x; return x; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ReturnAsNonConstRef) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode("int& f() { int x; return x; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("return x;"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ReturnAsConstRef) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("const int& f() { int x; return x; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ReturnAsNonConstRRef) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "int&& f() { int x; return static_cast<int &&>(x); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()),
+              ElementsAre("return static_cast<int &&>(x);"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ReturnAsConstRRef) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "const int&& f() { int x; return static_cast<int&&>(x); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, TakeAddress) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void g(int*); void f() { int x; g(&x); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("&x"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ArrayToPointerDecay) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void g(int*); void f() { int x[2]; g(x); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("x"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, FollowRefModified) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { int x; int& r0 = x; int& r1 = r0; int& r2 = r1; "
+      "int& r3 = r2; r3 = 10; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()),
+              ElementsAre("r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r3 = 10"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, FollowRefNotModified) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { int x; int& r0 = x; int& r1 = r0; int& r2 = r1; "
+      "int& r3 = r2; int& r4 = r3; int& r5 = r4;}");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, FollowConditionalRefModified) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { int x, y; bool b; int &r = b ? x : y; r = 10; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("r", "r = 10"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, FollowConditionalRefNotModified) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { int x, y; bool b; int& r = b ? x : y; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ArrayElementModified) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x[2]; x[0] = 10; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("x[0] = 10"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, ArrayElementNotModified) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x[2]; x[0]; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, NestedMemberModified) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A { int vi; }; struct B { A va; }; "
+      "struct C { B vb; }; C x; = 10; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre(" = 10"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, NestedMemberNotModified) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { struct A { int vi; }; struct B { A va; }; "
+      "struct C { B vb; }; C x;; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, CastToValue) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x; static_cast<double>(x); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, CastToRefModified) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { int x; static_cast<int &>(x) = 10; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()),
+              ElementsAre("static_cast<int &>(x) = 10"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, CastToRefNotModified) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x; static_cast<int&>(x); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, CastToConstRef) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { int x; static_cast<const int&>(x); }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, LambdaDefaultCaptureByValue) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x; [=]() { x = 10; }; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, LambdaExplicitCaptureByValue) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x; [x]() { x = 10; }; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, LambdaDefaultCaptureByRef) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x; [&]() { x = 10; }; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()),
+              ElementsAre(ResultOf(removeSpace, "[&](){x=10;}")));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, LambdaExplicitCaptureByRef) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x; [&x]() { x = 10; }; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()),
+              ElementsAre(ResultOf(removeSpace, "[&x](){x=10;}")));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, RangeForArrayByRefModified) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { int x[2]; for (int& e : x) e = 10; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("e", "e = 10"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, RangeForArrayByRefNotModified) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("void f() { int x[2]; for (int& e : x) e; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, RangeForArrayByValue) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { int x[2]; for (int e : x) e = 10; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, RangeForArrayByConstRef) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "void f() { int x[2]; for (const int& e : x) e; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, RangeForNonArrayByRefModified) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("struct V { int* begin(); int* end(); };"
+                                "void f() { V x; for (int& e : x) e = 10; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_THAT(mutatedBy(Results, AST.get()), ElementsAre("e", "e = 10"));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, RangeForNonArrayByRefNotModified) {
+  const auto AST =
+      tooling::buildASTFromCode("struct V { int* begin(); int* end(); };"
+                                "void f() { V x; for (int& e : x) e; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, RangeForNonArrayByValue) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "struct V { const int* begin() const; const int* end() const; };"
+      "void f() { V x; for (int e : x) e; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+TEST(ExprMutationAnalyzerTest, RangeForNonArrayByConstRef) {
+  const auto AST = tooling::buildASTFromCode(
+      "struct V { const int* begin() const; const int* end() const; };"
+      "void f() { V x; for (const int& e : x) e; }");
+  const auto Results =
+      match(withEnclosingCompound(declRefTo("x")), AST->getASTContext());
+  EXPECT_FALSE(isMutated(Results, AST.get()));
+} // namespace test
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: unittests/clang-tidy/CMakeLists.txt
--- unittests/clang-tidy/CMakeLists.txt
+++ unittests/clang-tidy/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+  ExprMutationAnalyzerTest.cpp
Index: test/clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines-const-values.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines-const-values.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s cppcoreguidelines-const %t
+// ------- Provide test samples for primitive builtins ---------
+// - every 'p_*' variable is a 'potential_const_*' variable
+// - every 'np_*' variable is a 'non_potential_const_*' variable
+bool global;
+char np_global = 0; // globals can't be known to be const
+namespace foo {
+int scoped;
+float np_scoped = 1; // namespace variables are like globals
+} // namespace foo
+void some_function(double, wchar_t);
+void some_function(double np_arg0, wchar_t np_arg1) {
+  int p_local0 = 2;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  int np_local0;
+  const int np_local1 = 42;
+  unsigned int np_local2 = 3;
+  np_local2 <<= 4;
+  int np_local3 = 4;
+  ++np_local3;
+  int np_local4 = 4;
+  np_local4++;
+  int np_local5 = 4;
+  --np_local5;
+  int np_local6 = 4;
+  np_local6--;
+void nested_scopes() {
+  int p_local0 = 2;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  int np_local0 = 42;
+  {
+    int p_local1 = 42;
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'int' can be declared const
+    np_local0 *= 2;
+  }
+void some_lambda_environment_capture_all_by_reference(double np_arg0) {
+  int np_local0 = 0;
+  int p_local0 = 1;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  int np_local2;
+  const int np_local3 = 2;
+  // Capturing all variables by reference prohibits making them const.
+  [&]() { ++np_local0; };
+  int p_local1 = 0;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'int' can be declared const
+void some_lambda_environment_capture_all_by_value(double np_arg0) {
+  int np_local0 = 0;
+  int p_local0 = 1;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  int np_local1;
+  const int np_local2 = 2;
+  // Capturing by value has no influence on them.
+  [=]() { (void)p_local0; };
+  np_local0 += 10;
+void function_inout_pointer(int *inout);
+void function_in_pointer(const int *in);
+void some_pointer_taking(int *out) {
+  int p_local0 = 42;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  const int *const p0_p_local0 = &p_local0;
+  int *const p1_p_local0 = &p_local0;
+  // FIXME false positive
+  int np_local0 = 42;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'np_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  const int *const p0_np_local0 = &np_local0;
+  int *const p1_np_local0 = &np_local0;
+  *p1_np_local0 = 43;
+  int np_local1 = 42;
+  function_inout_pointer(&np_local1);
+  // Prevents const.
+  int np_local2 = 42;
+  out = &np_local2; // This returns and invalid address, its just about the AST
+  int p_local1 = 42;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  const int *const p0_p_local1 = &p_local1;
+  int p_local2 = 42;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local2' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  function_in_pointer(&p_local2);
+void function_inout_ref(int &inout);
+void function_in_ref(const int &in);
+void some_reference_taking() {
+  // FIXME False positive
+  int np_local0 = 42;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'np_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  const int &r0_np_local0 = np_local0;
+  int &r1_np_local0 = np_local0;
+  r1_np_local0 = 43;
+  const int &r2_np_local0 = r1_np_local0;
+  int np_local1 = 42;
+  function_inout_ref(np_local1);
+  int p_local0 = 42;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  const int &r0_p_local0 = p_local0;
+  int p_local1 = 42;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  function_in_ref(p_local1);
+double *non_const_pointer_return() {
+  double p_local0 = 0.0;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'double' can be declared const
+  double np_local0 = 24.4;
+  return &np_local0;
+const double *const_pointer_return() {
+  double p_local0 = 0.0;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'double' can be declared const
+  double p_local1 = 24.4;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'double' can be declared const
+  return &p_local1;
+double &non_const_ref_return() {
+  double p_local0 = 0.0;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'double' can be declared const
+  double np_local0 = 42.42;
+  return np_local0;
+const double &const_ref_return() {
+  double p_local0 = 0.0;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'double' can be declared const
+  double p_local1 = 24.4;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'double' can be declared const
+  return p_local1;
+double *&return_non_const_pointer_ref() {
+  double *np_local0 = nullptr;
+  return np_local0;
+void overloaded_arguments(const int &in);
+void overloaded_arguments(int &inout);
+void overloaded_arguments(const int *in);
+void overloaded_arguments(int *inout);
+void function_calling() {
+  int np_local0 = 42;
+  overloaded_arguments(np_local0);
+  const int np_local1 = 42;
+  overloaded_arguments(np_local1);
+  int np_local2 = 42;
+  overloaded_arguments(&np_local2);
+  const int np_local3 = 42;
+  overloaded_arguments(&np_local3);
+template <typename T>
+void define_locals(T np_arg0, T &np_arg1, int np_arg2) {
+  T np_local0 = 0;
+  np_local0 += np_arg0 * np_arg1;
+  T np_local1 = 42;
+  np_local0 += np_local1;
+  // Used as argument to an overloaded function with const and non-const.
+  T np_local2 = 42;
+  overloaded_arguments(np_local2);
+  int np_local4 = 42;
+  // non-template values are ok still.
+  int p_local0 = 42;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  np_local4 += p_local0;
+void template_instantiation() {
+  const int np_local0 = 42;
+  int np_local1 = 42;
+  define_locals(np_local0, np_local1, np_local0);
+  define_locals(np_local1, np_local1, np_local1);
+struct ConstNonConstClass {
+  ConstNonConstClass();
+  ConstNonConstClass(double &np_local0);
+  double nonConstMethod() {}
+  double constMethod() const {}
+  double modifyingMethod(double &np_arg0) const;
+  double NonConstMember;
+  const double ConstMember;
+  double &NonConstMemberRef;
+  const double &ConstMemberRef;
+  double *NonConstMemberPtr;
+  const double *ConstMemberPtr;
+void direct_class_access() {
+  // FIXME False positive
+  ConstNonConstClass np_local0;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'np_local0' of type 'ConstNonConstClass' can be declared const
+  np_local0.constMethod();
+  np_local0.nonConstMethod();
+  ConstNonConstClass p_local0;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'ConstNonConstClass' can be declared const
+  p_local0.constMethod();
+  ConstNonConstClass p_local1;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'ConstNonConstClass' can be declared const
+  double np_local1;
+  p_local1.modifyingMethod(np_local1);
+  double np_local2;
+  ConstNonConstClass p_local2(np_local2);
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local2' of type 'ConstNonConstClass' can be declared const
+  ConstNonConstClass np_local3;
+  np_local3.NonConstMember = 42.;
+  ConstNonConstClass np_local4;
+  np_local4.NonConstMemberRef = 42.;
+  ConstNonConstClass p_local3;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local3' of type 'ConstNonConstClass' can be declared const
+  const double val0 = p_local3.NonConstMember;
+  const double val1 = p_local3.NonConstMemberRef;
+  const double val2 = *p_local3.NonConstMemberPtr;
+  ConstNonConstClass p_local4;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local4' of type 'ConstNonConstClass' can be declared const
+  *np_local4.NonConstMemberPtr = 42.;
+void class_access_array() {
+  // FIXME array access was modifying
+  ConstNonConstClass np_local0[2];
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'np_local0' of type 'ConstNonConstClass [2]' can be declared const
+  np_local0[0].constMethod();
+  np_local0[1].constMethod();
+  np_local0[1].nonConstMethod();
+  ConstNonConstClass p_local0[2];
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'ConstNonConstClass [2]' can be declared const
+  p_local0[0].constMethod();
+  np_local0[1].constMethod();
+struct OperatorsAsConstAsPossible {
+  OperatorsAsConstAsPossible &operator+=(const OperatorsAsConstAsPossible &rhs);
+  OperatorsAsConstAsPossible operator+(const OperatorsAsConstAsPossible &rhs) const;
+struct NonConstOperators {
+NonConstOperators operator+(NonConstOperators &lhs, NonConstOperators &rhs);
+NonConstOperators operator-(NonConstOperators lhs, NonConstOperators rhs);
+void internal_operator_calls() {
+  OperatorsAsConstAsPossible np_local0;
+  OperatorsAsConstAsPossible np_local1;
+  OperatorsAsConstAsPossible p_local0;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'OperatorsAsConstAsPossible' can be declared const
+  OperatorsAsConstAsPossible p_local1;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'OperatorsAsConstAsPossible' can be declared const
+  np_local0 += p_local0;
+  np_local1 = p_local0 + p_local1;
+  NonConstOperators np_local2;
+  NonConstOperators np_local3;
+  NonConstOperators np_local4;
+  np_local2 = np_local3 + np_local4;
+  NonConstOperators p_local2;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local2' of type 'NonConstOperators' can be declared const
+  NonConstOperators p_local3 = p_local2 - p_local2;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local3' of type 'NonConstOperators' can be declared const
+struct MyVector {
+  double *begin();
+  const double *begin() const;
+  double *end();
+  const double *end() const;
+  double &operator[](int index);
+  double operator[](int index) const;
+  double values[100];
+void vector_usage() {
+  double np_local0[10];
+  np_local0[5] = 42.;
+  MyVector np_local1;
+  np_local1[5] = 42.;
+  double p_local0[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'double [10]' can be declared const
+  double p_local1 = p_local0[5];
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'double' can be declared const
+  // The following subscript calls suprisingly choose the non-const operator
+  // version.
+  MyVector np_local2;
+  double p_local2 = np_local2[42];
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local2' of type 'double' can be declared const
+  MyVector np_local3;
+  const double np_local4 = np_local3[42];
+  // This subscript results in const overloaded operator.
+  const MyVector np_local5{};
+  double p_local3 = np_local5[42];
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local3' of type 'double' can be declared const
+void const_handle(const double &np_local0);
+void const_handle(const double *np_local0);
+void non_const_handle(double &np_local0);
+void non_const_handle(double *np_local0);
+void handle_from_array() {
+  // Non-const handle from non-const array forbids declaring the array as const
+  double np_local0[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  double *p_local0 = &np_local0[1]; // Could be `double *const`, but warning deactivated by default
+  double np_local1[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  double &non_const_ref = np_local1[1];
+  non_const_ref = 42.;
+  double np_local2[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  double *np_local3;
+  np_local3 = &np_local2[5];
+  double np_local4[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  non_const_handle(np_local4[2]);
+  double np_local5[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  non_const_handle(&np_local5[2]);
+  // Constant handles are ok
+  double p_local1[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'double [10]' can be declared const
+  const double *p_local2 = &p_local1[2]; // Could be `const double *const`, but warning deactivated by default
+  double p_local3[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local3' of type 'double [10]' can be declared const
+  const double &const_ref = p_local3[2];
+  double p_local4[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local4' of type 'double [10]' can be declared const
+  const double *const_ptr;
+  const_ptr = &p_local4[2];
+  double p_local5[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local5' of type 'double [10]' can be declared const
+  const_handle(p_local5[2]);
+  double p_local6[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local6' of type 'double [10]' can be declared const
+  const_handle(&p_local6[2]);
+void range_for() {
+  int np_local0[2] = {1, 2};
+  for (int &non_const_ref : np_local0) {
+    non_const_ref = 42;
+  }
+  int np_local1[2] = {1, 2};
+  for (auto &non_const_ref : np_local1) {
+    non_const_ref = 43;
+  }
+  int np_local2[2] = {1, 2};
+  for (auto &&non_const_ref : np_local2) {
+    non_const_ref = 44;
+  }
+  // FIXME the warning message is suboptimal. It could be defined as
+  // `int *const np_local3[2]` because the pointers are not reseated.
+  // But this is not easily deducable from the warning.
+  int *np_local3[2] = {&np_local0[0], &np_local0[1]};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'np_local3' of type 'int *[2]' can be declared const
+  for (int *non_const_ptr : np_local3) {
+    *non_const_ptr = 45;
+  }
+  // FIXME same as above, but silenced
+  int *const np_local4[2] = {&np_local0[0], &np_local0[1]};
+  for (auto *non_const_ptr : np_local4) {
+    *non_const_ptr = 46;
+  }
+  int p_local0[2] = {1, 2};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'int [2]' can be declared const
+  for (int value : p_local0) {
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:8: warning: variable 'value' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  }
+  int p_local1[2] = {1, 2};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'int [2]' can be declared const
+  for (const int &const_ref : p_local1) {
+  }
+  int *p_local2[2] = {&np_local0[0], &np_local0[1]};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local2' of type 'int *[2]' can be declared const
+  for (const int *con_ptr : p_local2) {
+  }
+  int *p_local3[2] = {nullptr, nullptr};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local3' of type 'int *[2]' can be declared const
+  for (const auto *con_ptr : p_local3) {
+  }
+inline void *operator new(decltype(sizeof(void *)), void *p) { return p; }
+struct Value {
+void placement_new() {
+  Value Mem;
+  Value *V = new (&Mem) Value;
+struct ModifyingConversion {
+  operator int() { return 15; }
+struct NonModifyingConversion {
+  operator int() const { return 15; }
+void conversion_operators() {
+  ModifyingConversion np_local0;
+  NonModifyingConversion p_local0;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'NonModifyingConversion' can be declared const
+  int np_local1 = np_local0;
+  np_local1 = p_local0;
+void casts() {
+  decltype(sizeof(void *)) p_local0 = 42;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'decltype(sizeof(void *))' (aka 'unsigned long') can be declared const
+  auto np_local0 = reinterpret_cast<void *>(p_local0);
+  np_local0 = nullptr;
+  int p_local1 = 43;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local1' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  short p_local2 = static_cast<short>(p_local1);
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local2' of type 'short' can be declared const
+  int np_local1 = p_local2;
+  int &np_local2 = static_cast<int &>(np_local1);
+  np_local2 = 5;
+void ternary_operator() {
+  int np_local0 = 1, np_local1 = 2;
+  int &np_local2 = true ? np_local0 : np_local1;
+  np_local2 = 2;
+  int p_local0 = 3, np_local3 = 5;
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'int' can be declared const
+  const int &np_local4 = true ? p_local0 : ++np_local3;
+  // FIXME false positive
+  int np_local5[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'np_local5' of type 'int [3]' can be declared const [cppcoreguidelines-const]
+  int &np_local6 = np_local5[1] < np_local5[2] ? np_local5[0] : np_local5[2];
+  np_local6 = 42;
+  // FIXME false positive
+  int np_local7[3] = {1, 2, 3};
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'np_local7' of type 'int [3]' can be declared const [cppcoreguidelines-const]
+  int *np_local8 = np_local7[1] < np_local7[2] ? &np_local7[0] : &np_local7[2];
+  *np_local8 = 42;
Index: test/clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines-const-pointers-as-values.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines-const-pointers-as-values.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s cppcoreguidelines-const %t \
+// RUN: -config='{CheckOptions: \
+// RUN:  [{key: "cppcoreguidelines-const.AnalyzeValues", value: 1},\
+// RUN:   {key: "cppcoreguidelines-const.WarnPointersAsValues", value: 1}]}' \
+// RUN: --
+void potential_const_pointer() {
+  double np_local0[10] = {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.};
+  double *p_local0 = &np_local0[1];
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: variable 'p_local0' of type 'double *' can be declared const
Index: docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
--- docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
+++ docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
    cert-oop11-cpp (redirects to performance-move-constructor-init) <cert-oop11-cpp>
    cppcoreguidelines-c-copy-assignment-signature (redirects to misc-unconventional-assign-operator) <cppcoreguidelines-c-copy-assignment-signature>
+   cppcoreguidelines-const
Index: docs/clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines-const.rst
--- /dev/null
+++ docs/clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines-const.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.. title:: clang-tidy - cppcoreguidelines-const
+FIXME: Describe what patterns does the check detect and why. Give examples.
Index: docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
--- docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
 Improvements to clang-tidy
+- New :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-const
+  <clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines-const>` check
+  FIXME: add release notes.
 - New module `abseil` for checks related to the `Abseil <>`_
Index: clang-tidy/utils/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/utils/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+//===---------- ExprMutationAnalyzer.h - clang-tidy -----------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "clang/AST/AST.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace utils {
+/// Analyzes whether any mutative operations are applied to an expression within
+/// a given statement.
+class ExprMutationAnalyzer {
+  ExprMutationAnalyzer(const Stmt *Stm, ASTContext *Context)
+      : Stm(Stm), Context(Context) {}
+  bool isMutated(const Expr *Exp) { return findMutation(Exp) != nullptr; }
+  const Stmt *findMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+  const Stmt *findExprMutation(ArrayRef<ast_matchers::BoundNodes> Matches);
+  const Stmt *findDeclMutation(ArrayRef<ast_matchers::BoundNodes> Matches);
+  const Stmt *findDirectMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+  const Stmt *findMemberMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+  const Stmt *findArrayElementMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+  const Stmt *findCastMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+  const Stmt *findRangeLoopMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+  const Stmt *findReferenceMutation(const Expr *Exp);
+  const Stmt *const Stm;
+  ASTContext *const Context;
+  llvm::DenseMap<const Expr *, const Stmt *> Results;
+} // namespace utils
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tidy/utils/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/utils/ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+//===---------- ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp - clang-tidy ---------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "ExprMutationAnalyzer.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace utils {
+using namespace ast_matchers;
+namespace {
+AST_MATCHER_P(LambdaExpr, hasCaptureInit, const Expr *, E) {
+  for (const auto *Init : Node.capture_inits()) {
+    if (Init == E)
+      return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+AST_MATCHER_P(CXXForRangeStmt, hasRangeStmt,
+              ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<DeclStmt>, InnerMatcher) {
+  const DeclStmt *const Range = Node.getRangeStmt();
+  return InnerMatcher.matches(*Range, Finder, Builder);
+const auto nonConstReferenceType = [] {
+  return referenceType(pointee(unless(isConstQualified())));
+} // namespace
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+  const auto Memoized = Results.find(Exp);
+  if (Memoized != Results.end()) {
+    return Memoized->second;
+  }
+  for (const auto &Finder : {&ExprMutationAnalyzer::findDirectMutation,
+                             &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMemberMutation,
+                             &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findArrayElementMutation,
+                             &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findCastMutation,
+                             &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findRangeLoopMutation,
+                             &ExprMutationAnalyzer::findReferenceMutation}) {
+    if (const Stmt *S = (this->*Finder)(Exp))
+      return Results[Exp] = S;
+  }
+  return Results[Exp] = nullptr;
+const Stmt *
+ExprMutationAnalyzer::findExprMutation(ArrayRef<BoundNodes> Matches) {
+  for (const auto &Nodes : Matches) {
+    if (const Stmt *S = findMutation(Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>("expr")))
+      return S;
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+const Stmt *
+ExprMutationAnalyzer::findDeclMutation(ArrayRef<BoundNodes> Matches) {
+  for (const auto &DeclNodes : Matches) {
+    const auto Refs = match(
+        findAll(declRefExpr(to(equalsNode(DeclNodes.getNodeAs<Decl>("decl"))))
+                    .bind("expr")),
+        *Stm, *Context);
+    for (const auto &RefNodes : Refs) {
+      const auto *E = RefNodes.getNodeAs<Expr>("expr");
+      if (findMutation(E))
+        return E;
+    }
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findDirectMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+  // LHS of any assignment operators.
+  const auto AsAssignmentLhs =
+      binaryOperator(isAssignmentOperator(), hasLHS(equalsNode(Exp)));
+  // Operand of increment/decrement operators.
+  const auto AsIncDecOperand =
+      unaryOperator(anyOf(hasOperatorName("++"), hasOperatorName("--")),
+                    hasUnaryOperand(equalsNode(Exp)));
+  // Invoking non-const member function.
+  const auto NonConstMethod = cxxMethodDecl(unless(isConst()));
+  const auto AsNonConstThis =
+      expr(anyOf(cxxMemberCallExpr(callee(NonConstMethod), on(equalsNode(Exp))),
+                 cxxOperatorCallExpr(callee(NonConstMethod),
+                                     hasArgument(0, equalsNode(Exp)))));
+  // Taking address of 'Exp'.
+  // We're assuming 'Exp' is mutated as soon as its address is taken, though in
+  // theory we can follow the pointer and see whether it escaped `Stm` or is
+  // dereferenced and then mutated. This is left for future improvements.
+  const auto AsAmpersandOperand =
+      unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("&"),
+                    // A NoOp implicit cast is adding const.
+                    unless(hasParent(implicitCastExpr(hasCastKind(CK_NoOp)))),
+                    hasUnaryOperand(equalsNode(Exp)));
+  const auto AsPointerFromArrayDecay =
+      castExpr(hasCastKind(CK_ArrayToPointerDecay),
+               unless(hasParent(arraySubscriptExpr())), has(equalsNode(Exp)));
+  // Used as non-const-ref argument when calling a function.
+  const auto NonConstRefParam = forEachArgumentWithParam(
+      equalsNode(Exp), parmVarDecl(hasType(nonConstReferenceType())));
+  const auto AsNonConstRefArg =
+      anyOf(callExpr(NonConstRefParam), cxxConstructExpr(NonConstRefParam));
+  // Captured by a lambda by reference.
+  // If we're initializing a capture with 'Exp' directly then we're initializing
+  // a reference capture.
+  // For value captures there will be an ImplicitCastExpr <LValueToRValue>.
+  const auto AsLambdaRefCaptureInit = lambdaExpr(hasCaptureInit(Exp));
+  // Returned as non-const-ref.
+  // If we're returning 'Exp' directly then it's returned as non-const-ref.
+  // For returning by value there will be an ImplicitCastExpr <LValueToRValue>.
+  // For returning by const-ref there will be an ImplicitCastExpr <NoOp> (for
+  // adding const.)
+  const auto AsNonConstRefReturn = returnStmt(hasReturnValue(equalsNode(Exp)));
+  const auto Matches =
+      match(findAll(stmt(anyOf(AsAssignmentLhs, AsIncDecOperand, AsNonConstThis,
+                               AsAmpersandOperand, AsPointerFromArrayDecay,
+                               AsNonConstRefArg, AsLambdaRefCaptureInit,
+                               AsNonConstRefReturn))
+                        .bind("stmt")),
+            *Stm, *Context);
+  return selectFirst<Stmt>("stmt", Matches);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findMemberMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+  // Check whether any member of 'Exp' is mutated.
+  const auto MemberExprs = match(
+      findAll(memberExpr(hasObjectExpression(equalsNode(Exp))).bind("expr")),
+      *Stm, *Context);
+  return findExprMutation(MemberExprs);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findArrayElementMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+  // Check whether any element of an array is mutated.
+  const auto SubscriptExprs = match(
+      findAll(arraySubscriptExpr(hasBase(ignoringImpCasts(equalsNode(Exp))))
+                  .bind("expr")),
+      *Stm, *Context);
+  return findExprMutation(SubscriptExprs);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findCastMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+  // If 'Exp' is casted to any non-const reference type, check the castExpr.
+  const auto Casts =
+      match(findAll(castExpr(hasSourceExpression(equalsNode(Exp)),
+                             anyOf(explicitCastExpr(hasDestinationType(
+                                       nonConstReferenceType())),
+                                   implicitCastExpr(hasImplicitDestinationType(
+                                       nonConstReferenceType()))))
+                        .bind("expr")),
+            *Stm, *Context);
+  return findExprMutation(Casts);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findRangeLoopMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+  // If range for looping over 'Exp' with a non-const reference loop variable,
+  // check all declRefExpr of the loop variable.
+  const auto LoopVars =
+      match(findAll(cxxForRangeStmt(
+                hasLoopVariable(
+                    varDecl(hasType(nonConstReferenceType())).bind("decl")),
+                hasRangeInit(equalsNode(Exp)))),
+            *Stm, *Context);
+  return findDeclMutation(LoopVars);
+const Stmt *ExprMutationAnalyzer::findReferenceMutation(const Expr *Exp) {
+  // If 'Exp' is bound to a non-const reference, check all declRefExpr to that.
+  const auto Refs = match(
+      stmt(forEachDescendant(
+          varDecl(
+              hasType(nonConstReferenceType()),
+              hasInitializer(anyOf(equalsNode(Exp),
+                                   conditionalOperator(anyOf(
+                                       hasTrueExpression(equalsNode(Exp)),
+                                       hasFalseExpression(equalsNode(Exp)))))),
+              hasParent(declStmt().bind("stmt")),
+              // Don't follow the reference in range statement, we've handled
+              // that separately.
+              unless(hasParent(declStmt(hasParent(
+                  cxxForRangeStmt(hasRangeStmt(equalsBoundNode("stmt"))))))))
+              .bind("decl"))),
+      *Stm, *Context);
+  return findDeclMutation(Refs);
+} // namespace utils
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tidy/utils/CMakeLists.txt
--- clang-tidy/utils/CMakeLists.txt
+++ clang-tidy/utils/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+  ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp
Index: clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/CppCoreGuidelinesTidyModule.cpp
--- clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/CppCoreGuidelinesTidyModule.cpp
+++ clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/CppCoreGuidelinesTidyModule.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "../ClangTidyModuleRegistry.h"
 #include "../misc/UnconventionalAssignOperatorCheck.h"
 #include "AvoidGotoCheck.h"
+#include "ConstCheck.h"
 #include "InterfacesGlobalInitCheck.h"
 #include "NoMallocCheck.h"
 #include "OwningMemoryCheck.h"
@@ -38,6 +39,8 @@
   void addCheckFactories(ClangTidyCheckFactories &CheckFactories) override {
+    CheckFactories.registerCheck<ConstCheck>(
+        "cppcoreguidelines-const");
Index: clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/ConstCheck.h
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/ConstCheck.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+//===--- ConstCheck.h - clang-tidy-------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "../ClangTidy.h"
+#include "../utils/ExprMutationAnalyzer.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace utils {
+class ExprMutationAnalyzer;
+namespace cppcoreguidelines {
+/// This check warns for every variable, that could be declared as const, but
+/// isn't.
+/// For the user-facing documentation see:
+class ConstCheck : public ClangTidyCheck {
+  ConstCheck(StringRef Name, ClangTidyContext *Context)
+      : ClangTidyCheck(Name, Context),
+        AnalyzeValues(Options.get("AnalyzeValues", 1)),
+        AnalyzeReferences(Options.get("AnalyzeReferences", 1)),
+        WarnPointersAsValues(Options.get("WarnPointersAsValues", 0)) {}
+  void storeOptions(ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &Opts) override;
+  void registerMatchers(ast_matchers::MatchFinder *Finder) override;
+  void check(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) override;
+  void registerScope(const CompoundStmt *Scope, ASTContext *Context);
+  bool usedNonConst(const VarDecl *Variable, const CompoundStmt *Scope,
+                    const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result);
+  using MutationAnalyzer = std::unique_ptr<utils::ExprMutationAnalyzer>;
+  llvm::DenseMap<const CompoundStmt *, MutationAnalyzer> Scopes;
+  const bool AnalyzeValues;
+  const bool AnalyzeReferences;
+  const bool WarnPointersAsValues;
+} // namespace cppcoreguidelines
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/ConstCheck.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/ConstCheck.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+//===--- ConstCheck.cpp - clang-tidy---------------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "ConstCheck.h"
+// #include "../utils/ASTUtils.h"
+// #include "../utils/DeclRefExprUtils.h"
+#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace cppcoreguidelines {
+ * General Thoughts
+ * ================
+ *
+ * For now: Only local variables are considered. Globals/namespace variables,
+ * paramters and class members are not analyzed.
+ * Parameters have a check already: readability-non-const-parameter
+ *
+ *
+ * Handle = either a pointer or reference
+ * Value  = everything else (Type variable_name;)
+ *
+ * Value Semantic
+ * ==============
+ *  - it is neither global nor namespace level                        + CHECK
+ *  - it never gets assigned to after initialization                  + CHECK
+ *    -> every uninitialized variable can not be const                + CHECK
+ *  - no non-const handle is created with it                          + CHECK
+ *    - no non-const pointer from it                                  + CHECK
+ *    - no non-const pointer argument                                 + CHECK
+ *    - no non-const reference from it                                + CHECK
+ *    - no non-const reference argument                               + CHECK
+ *    - no non-const capture by reference in a lambda                 + CHECK
+ *  - it is not returned as non-const handle from a function          + CHECK
+ *  - it address is not assigned to an out pointer parameter          + CHECK
+ *
+ * primitive Builtins
+ * ----------------
+ *  - it is not modified with an operator (++i,i++,--i,i--)           + CHECK
+ *  - it is not modified with an operator-assignment                  + CHECK
+ *
+ * objects
+ * -------
+ *  - there is no non-const access to a member
+ *  - there is no call to a non-const method                          + CHECK
+ *  - there is no call to an non-const overloaded operator            + CHECK
+ *  - there is no non-const iterator created from this type           + CHECK
+ *    (std::begin and friends)
+ *
+ * arrays
+ * ------
+ *  - there is no non-const operator[] access                         + CHECK
+ *  - there is no non-const handle creation of one of the elements    + CHECK
+ *  - there is no non-const iterator created from this type           + CHECK
+ *    (std::begin and friends)
+ *
+ * templated variables
+ * -------------------
+ *  - one can not reason about templated variables, because every sensible
+ *    operation is overloadable and different instantiations will result
+ *    in types with different const-properties.
+ *  - Example: operator+(T& lhs, T& rhs) -> modification might occur for this
+ * type
+ *    -> this fordbids `val = val1 + val2` val1 and val2 to be const
+ *  - only concepts give possibility to infer constness of templated variables
+ *
+ * Handle Semantic
+ * ===============
+ *  - modification of the pointee prohibit constness
+ *  - Handles follow the typ of the pointee
+ *
+ *  - no assignment to the target of the handle
+ *
+ * pointers
+ * --------
+ *  - match both for value and handle semantic
+ *
+ * references
+ * ----------
+ *  - only handle semantic applies
+ *  - references to templated types suffer from the same problems as templated
+ *    values
+ *
+ * forwarding reference
+ * --------------------
+ *  - same as references?
+ *
+ * Implementation strategy
+ * =======================
+ *
+ *  - Register every declared local variable/constant with value semantic.
+ *    (pointers, values)
+ *    Store if they can be made const.
+ *    (const int i = 10 : no,
+ *     int *const = &i  : no,
+ *     int i = 10       : yes, -> const int i = 10
+ *     int *p_i = &i    : yes, -> int *const p_i = &i)
+ *  - Register every declared local variable/constant with handle semantic.
+ *    (pointers, references)
+ *    Store if they can be made const, meaning if they can be a const target
+ *    (const int *cp_i = &i : no,
+ *     const int &cr_i = i  : no,
+ *     int *p_i = &i        : yes, -> const int *p_i = &i
+ *     int &r_i = i         : yes, -> const int &r_i = i)
+ *  - Keep 2 dictionaries for values and handles
+ *
+ *  - Match operations/events that forbid values to be const -> mark then 'no'
+ *  - Match operations/events that forbid handles to be const -> mark then 'no'
+ *
+ *  - once the translation unit is finished, determine what can be const, by
+ *    just iterating over all keys and check if they map to 'true'.
+ *    - values that can be const -> emit warning for their type and name
+ *    - handles that can be const -> emit warning for the pointee type and name
+ *    - ignore the rest
+ *
+ */
+namespace {
+AST_MATCHER(VarDecl, isLocal) { return Node.isLocalVarDecl(); }
+} // namespace
+void ConstCheck::storeOptions(ClangTidyOptions::OptionMap &Opts) {
+, "AnalyzeValues", AnalyzeValues);
+, "AnalyzeReferences", AnalyzeReferences);
+, "WarnPointersAsValues", WarnPointersAsValues);
+void ConstCheck::registerMatchers(MatchFinder *Finder) {
+  if (!getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
+    return;
+  const auto ConstType = hasType(isConstQualified());
+  const auto ConstReference = hasType(references(isConstQualified()));
+  const auto TemplateType = anyOf(hasType(templateTypeParmType()),
+                                  hasType(substTemplateTypeParmType()));
+  // Match local variables, that could be const.
+  // Example: `int i = 10`, `int i` (will be used if program is correct)
+  const auto LocalValDecl = varDecl(allOf(
+      isLocal(), hasInitializer(anything()), unless(ConstType),
+      unless(ConstReference), unless(TemplateType), unless(isImplicit())));
+  // Match the function scope for which the analysis of all local variables
+  // shall be run.
+  const auto FunctionScope =
+      functionDecl(allOf(hasBody(compoundStmt().bind("scope")),
+                         findAll(LocalValDecl.bind("new-local-value"))));
+  Finder->addMatcher(FunctionScope, this);
+void ConstCheck::check(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
+  if (!getLangOpts().CPlusPlus)
+    return;
+  const auto *Scope = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<CompoundStmt>("scope");
+  registerScope(Scope, Result.Context);
+  const auto *Variable = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<VarDecl>("new-local-value");
+  assert(Variable && "Did not match local variable definition");
+  if (Variable->getType()->isPointerType() && !WarnPointersAsValues)
+    return;
+  if (Variable->getType()->isReferenceType() && !AnalyzeReferences)
+    return;
+  if (usedNonConst(Variable, Scope, Result) || !AnalyzeValues)
+    return;
+  diag(Variable->getLocStart(), "variable %0 of type %1 can be declared const")
+      << Variable << Variable->getType();
+#if 0
+  if (const auto *Variable =
+          Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<VarDecl>("new-local-handle")) {
+    assert(AnalyzeHandles && "Matched local handle without analyzing them");
+    if (usedNonConst(Variable, Scope, Result))
+      return;
+    // if (!utils::decl_ref_expr::isOnlyUsedAsConst(*Variable, *Scope,
+    // *Result.Context))
+    // return;
+    // Differentiate between pointers and references.
+    QualType HandleType = Variable->getType();
+    if (HandleType->isReferenceType())
+      diag(Variable->getLocStart(),
+           "reference variable %0 of type %1 can be declared const")
+          << Variable << HandleType;
+    else if (HandleType->isPointerType())
+      diag(Variable->getLocStart(),
+           "pointer variable %0 of type %1 can be declared const")
+          << Variable << HandleType;
+    else
+      llvm_unreachable("Expected handle type");
+  }
+void ConstCheck::registerScope(const CompoundStmt *Scope, ASTContext *Context) {
+  if (Scopes.find(Scope) == Scopes.end()) {
+    Scopes.insert(std::make_pair(
+        Scope, llvm::make_unique<utils::ExprMutationAnalyzer>(Scope, Context)));
+  }
+bool ConstCheck::usedNonConst(const VarDecl *Variable,
+                              const CompoundStmt *Scope,
+                              const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
+  // find usage of that variable
+  // if a declRefExpr is found -> analyze
+  // else -> constant
+  const auto Usage = match(
+      findAll(declRefExpr(hasDeclaration(equalsNode(Variable))).bind("use")),
+      *Scope, *Result.Context);
+  const auto *UseExpr = selectFirst<Expr>("use", Usage);
+  // The declared variables was used in non-const conserving way and can not
+  // be declared as const.
+  if (UseExpr && Scopes[Scope]->isMutated(UseExpr)) {
+    // diag(UseExpr->getLocStart(), "Investigating starting with this use",
+    // DiagnosticIDs::Note);
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+} // namespace cppcoreguidelines
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/CMakeLists.txt
--- clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/CMakeLists.txt
+++ clang-tidy/cppcoreguidelines/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+  ConstCheck.cpp
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