Wawha updated this revision to Diff 144460.
Wawha added a reviewer: klimek.
Wawha added a comment.

Hi klimek,
I upload a new patch with the modifications you proposed.
The option is now enable by default in Allman style. So I move the option to 
the BraceWrappingFlags struct, which make more sense.

I also make the second modification you propose to avoid parsing the complete 
Tell me if it's fit your remarks.

  rC Clang



Index: unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
--- unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
+++ unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
@@ -10461,6 +10461,7 @@
   CHECK_PARSE_NESTED_BOOL(BraceWrapping, AfterExternBlock);
   CHECK_PARSE_NESTED_BOOL(BraceWrapping, BeforeCatch);
   CHECK_PARSE_NESTED_BOOL(BraceWrapping, BeforeElse);
+  CHECK_PARSE_NESTED_BOOL(BraceWrapping, BeforeLambdaBody);
   CHECK_PARSE_NESTED_BOOL(BraceWrapping, IndentBraces);
   CHECK_PARSE_NESTED_BOOL(BraceWrapping, SplitEmptyFunction);
   CHECK_PARSE_NESTED_BOOL(BraceWrapping, SplitEmptyRecord);
@@ -11403,6 +11404,49 @@
       "            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa> {\n"
       "      //\n"
       "    });");
+  // Check option "BraceWrapping.BeforeLambdaBody"
+  FormatStyle LLVMWithBeforeLambdaBody = getLLVMStyle();
+  LLVMWithBeforeLambdaBody.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Custom;
+  LLVMWithBeforeLambdaBody.BraceWrapping.BeforeLambdaBody = true;
+  verifyFormat("FunctionWithOneParam(\n"
+               "    []()\n"
+               "    {\n"
+               "      // A cool function...\n"
+               "      return 43;\n"
+               "    },\n"
+               "    87);",
+               LLVMWithBeforeLambdaBody);
+  verifyFormat("FunctionWithTwoParams(\n"
+               "    []()\n"
+               "    {\n"
+               "      // A cool function...\n"
+               "      return 43;\n"
+               "    },\n"
+               "    87);",
+               LLVMWithBeforeLambdaBody);
+  verifyFormat("FunctionWithOneNestedLambdas(\n"
+               "    []()\n"
+               "    {\n"
+               "      return 17;\n"
+               "    });",
+               LLVMWithBeforeLambdaBody);
+  verifyFormat("TwoNestedLambdas(\n"
+               "    []()\n"
+               "    {\n"
+               "      return Call(\n"
+               "          []()\n"
+               "          {\n"
+               "            return 17;\n"
+               "          });\n"
+               "    });",
+               LLVMWithBeforeLambdaBody);
+  verifyFormat("auto array = {[]()\n"
+               "              {\n"
+               "                return 43;\n"
+               "              },\n"
+               "              MyFunctor};",
+               LLVMWithBeforeLambdaBody);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, EmptyLinesInLambdas) {
Index: lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp
--- lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp
+++ lib/Format/UnwrappedLineParser.cpp
@@ -1404,6 +1404,7 @@
       return true;
+  FormatTok->Type = TT_LambdaLBrace;
   LSquare.Type = TT_LambdaLSquare;
   return true;
Index: lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.h
--- lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.h
+++ lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.h
@@ -95,6 +95,17 @@
   template <typename... Ts> bool endsWith(Ts... Tokens) const {
     return Last && Last->endsSequence(Tokens...);
+  /// \c true if this line, starting at token 'Start', contains the given tokens in order,
+  /// ignoring comments.
+  template <typename... Ts> bool containsAfter(const FormatToken& Start, Ts... Tokens) const {
+    const FormatToken *Tok = &Start;
+    while (Tok) {
+        if(Tok->startsSequence(Tokens...))
+            return true;
+        Tok = Tok->Next;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
   /// \c true if this line looks like a function definition instead of a
   /// function declaration. Asserts MightBeFunctionDecl.
Index: lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
--- lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
+++ lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp
@@ -1108,11 +1108,11 @@
     // Reset token type in case we have already looked at it and then
     // recovered from an error (e.g. failure to find the matching >).
-    if (!CurrentToken->isOneOf(TT_LambdaLSquare, TT_ForEachMacro,
-                               TT_FunctionLBrace, TT_ImplicitStringLiteral,
-                               TT_InlineASMBrace, TT_JsFatArrow, TT_LambdaArrow,
-                               TT_OverloadedOperator, TT_RegexLiteral,
-                               TT_TemplateString, TT_ObjCStringLiteral))
+    if (!CurrentToken->isOneOf(
+            TT_LambdaLSquare, TT_LambdaLBrace, TT_ForEachMacro,
+            TT_FunctionLBrace, TT_ImplicitStringLiteral, TT_InlineASMBrace,
+            TT_JsFatArrow, TT_LambdaArrow, TT_OverloadedOperator,
+            TT_RegexLiteral, TT_TemplateString, TT_ObjCStringLiteral))
       CurrentToken->Type = TT_Unknown;
     CurrentToken->MatchingParen = nullptr;
@@ -2896,7 +2896,9 @@
   if (Right.is(TT_InlineASMBrace))
     return Right.HasUnescapedNewline;
   if (isAllmanBrace(Left) || isAllmanBrace(Right))
-    return (Line.startsWith(tok::kw_enum) && Style.BraceWrapping.AfterEnum) ||
+    return ((Left.is(TT_LambdaLBrace) || Right.is(TT_LambdaLBrace)) &&
+            Style.BraceWrapping.BeforeLambdaBody) ||
+           (Line.startsWith(tok::kw_enum) && Style.BraceWrapping.AfterEnum) ||
            (Line.startsWith(tok::kw_typedef, tok::kw_enum) &&
             Style.BraceWrapping.AfterEnum) ||
            (Line.startsWith(tok::kw_class) && Style.BraceWrapping.AfterClass) ||
Index: lib/Format/FormatToken.h
--- lib/Format/FormatToken.h
+++ lib/Format/FormatToken.h
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
   TYPE(JsTypeOptionalQuestion)                                                 \
   TYPE(LambdaArrow)                                                            \
   TYPE(LambdaLSquare)                                                          \
+  TYPE(LambdaLBrace)                                                           \
   TYPE(LeadingJavaAnnotation)                                                  \
   TYPE(LineComment)                                                            \
   TYPE(MacroBlockBegin)                                                        \
Index: lib/Format/Format.cpp
--- lib/Format/Format.cpp
+++ lib/Format/Format.cpp
@@ -447,6 +447,7 @@
     IO.mapOptional("AfterExternBlock", Wrapping.AfterExternBlock);
     IO.mapOptional("BeforeCatch", Wrapping.BeforeCatch);
     IO.mapOptional("BeforeElse", Wrapping.BeforeElse);
+    IO.mapOptional("BeforeLambdaBody", Wrapping.BeforeLambdaBody);
     IO.mapOptional("IndentBraces", Wrapping.IndentBraces);
     IO.mapOptional("SplitEmptyFunction", Wrapping.SplitEmptyFunction);
     IO.mapOptional("SplitEmptyRecord", Wrapping.SplitEmptyRecord);
@@ -543,9 +544,9 @@
   if (Style.BreakBeforeBraces == FormatStyle::BS_Custom)
     return Style;
   FormatStyle Expanded = Style;
-  Expanded.BraceWrapping = {false, false, false, false, false,
-                            false, false, false, false, false,
-                            false, false, true,  true,  true};
+  Expanded.BraceWrapping = {false, false, false, false, false, false,
+                            false, false, false, false, false, false,
+                            false, true,  true,  true};
   switch (Style.BreakBeforeBraces) {
   case FormatStyle::BS_Linux:
     Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterClass = true;
@@ -578,6 +579,7 @@
     Expanded.BraceWrapping.AfterExternBlock = true;
     Expanded.BraceWrapping.BeforeCatch = true;
     Expanded.BraceWrapping.BeforeElse = true;
+    Expanded.BraceWrapping.BeforeLambdaBody = true;
   case FormatStyle::BS_GNU:
     Expanded.BraceWrapping = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true,
@@ -617,9 +619,9 @@
   LLVMStyle.BreakBeforeBinaryOperators = FormatStyle::BOS_None;
   LLVMStyle.BreakBeforeTernaryOperators = true;
   LLVMStyle.BreakBeforeBraces = FormatStyle::BS_Attach;
-  LLVMStyle.BraceWrapping = {false, false, false, false, false,
-                             false, false, false, false, false,
-                             false, false, true,  true,  true};
+  LLVMStyle.BraceWrapping = {false, false, false, false, false, false,
+                             false, false, false, false, false, false,
+                             false, true,  true,  true};
   LLVMStyle.BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations = false;
   LLVMStyle.BreakConstructorInitializers = FormatStyle::BCIS_BeforeColon;
   LLVMStyle.BreakBeforeInheritanceComma = false;
Index: lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
--- lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
+++ lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
@@ -1066,7 +1066,10 @@
       !Previous->isOneOf(TT_DictLiteral, TT_ObjCMethodExpr)) {
     State.Stack.back().NestedBlockInlined =
         !Newline &&
-        (Previous->isNot(tok::l_paren) || Previous->ParameterCount > 1);
+        (Previous->isNot(tok::l_paren) ||
+         (Previous->ParameterCount > 1 ||
+          (Style.BraceWrapping.BeforeLambdaBody &&
+           State.Line->containsAfter(*Previous, TT_LambdaLSquare))));
   moveStatePastFakeLParens(State, Newline);
@@ -1299,7 +1302,10 @@
       ParenState(NewIndent, LastSpace, AvoidBinPacking, NoLineBreak));
   State.Stack.back().NestedBlockIndent = NestedBlockIndent;
   State.Stack.back().BreakBeforeParameter = BreakBeforeParameter;
-  State.Stack.back().HasMultipleNestedBlocks = Current.BlockParameterCount > 1;
+  State.Stack.back().HasMultipleNestedBlocks =
+      (Current.BlockParameterCount > 1 ||
+       (Style.BraceWrapping.BeforeLambdaBody &&
+        State.Line->containsAfter(Current, TT_LambdaLSquare)));
   State.Stack.back().IsInsideObjCArrayLiteral =
       Current.is(TT_ArrayInitializerLSquare) && Current.Previous &&
Index: include/clang/Format/Format.h
--- include/clang/Format/Format.h
+++ include/clang/Format/Format.h
@@ -738,6 +738,23 @@
     ///   }
     /// \endcode
     bool BeforeElse;
+    /// \brief Wrap lambda block inside function parameters list.
+    /// \code
+    ///   true:
+    ///   connect(
+    ///     []()
+    ///     {
+    ///       foo();
+    ///       bar();
+    ///     });
+    ///
+    ///   false:
+    ///   connect([]() {
+    ///     foo();
+    ///     bar();
+    ///   });
+    /// \endcode
+    bool BeforeLambdaBody;
     /// \brief Indent the wrapped braces themselves.
     bool IndentBraces;
     /// \brief If ``false``, empty function body can be put on a single line.
@@ -871,7 +888,7 @@
   ///    };
   /// \endcode
   bool BreakBeforeInheritanceComma;
   /// \brief If ``true``, consecutive namespace declarations will be on the same
   /// line. If ``false``, each namespace is declared on a new line.
   /// \code
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