smeenai added a subscriber: rsmith.
smeenai added a comment.

In, @jyknight wrote:

> In, @jfb wrote:
> > In, @jyknight wrote:
> >
> > > I also think that special casing these two specifiers doesn't make sense. 
> > > The problem is a general issue -- and one I've often found irritating. 
> > > This exact same situation comes up all the time in non-Darwin contexts 
> > > too.
> >
> >
> > I don't think that's true. In this very specific case the platform 
> > guarantees that `(sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(NSInteger)) && (sizeof(ssize_t) 
> > == sizeof(NSUInteger))` for all architectures this platform supports. This 
> > exact same situation does not come up all the time in other contexts 
> > because the `int` / `long` / `long long` distinction isn't backed by a 
> > portability guarantee. The warning is there to say "this code isn't 
> > portable!", but in the very specific case of `NSInteger` and `NSUInteger` 
> > it is and users rely on it so it cannot be broken. The warning is therefore 
> > spurious, users therefore rightly complain.
> The printf format specifier warning is not primarily a cross-platform 
> portability checker. And, although in a few limited cases it can act somewhat 
> like one, in general it does not. Take my previous example -- you get no 
> warning on a platform that has int64_t as a typedef for long -- if this 
> feature is to be useful as a portability checker, it should require that you 
> used the PRId64 macro. Or, given `ssize_t x = 0; printf("%ld", x);`, it 
> doesn't tell you to use "%zd" instead if ssize_t is a typedef for long -- 
> although to be portable you ought to.
> No, the major usefulness of the printf warning is to tell you that your code 
> is incorrect for the _current_ platform. And //most// importantly when you 
> chose the wrong size for your argument.
> Those types which have matched size and alignment are still different types, 
> and so it's technically appropriate to warn about using the wrong specifier 
> there, too. But it's also entirely reasonable to not want to be bothered by 
> such useless trivia, so skipping the warning when there's only a technical 
> and not actual mismatch seems entirely sensible. (I might suggest that it 
> should even be the default behavior for the warning, and if you want the 
> stricter checks you'd ask for them...but I bet I'll get more pushback on 
> that...)

+1 to everything you said; what are other people's opinions on this? @rsmith 

  rC Clang

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