Quuxplusone added a comment.

> Can you post the diagnostic exactly as it appears in the compiler output? I 
> am surprised that it would appear here. It should appear here only if the 
> standard library's implicit conversion from std::map<...>::iterator to 
> std::map<...>::const_iterator were implemented as a conversion operator 
> instead of as a converting constructor. I have verified that both libstdc++ 
> trunk and libc++ trunk implement it "correctly" as a converting constructor, 
> and I have verified on Wandbox/Godbolt that no warning is emitted on your 
> sample code when using either of those standard libraries.
> Is it possible that you are using a standard library that is neither libc++ 
> or libstdc++?
> Is it possible that that standard library implements the 
> iterator-to-const_iterator conversion as a conversion operator instead of a 
> converting constructor?

@thakis ping — did you ever resolve this issue to your satisfaction?

  rC Clang


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