dmgreen added a comment.

> In my experience, they are used.

Good to know, cheers.

> Could we maybe disable the #pragma clang loop unroll_and_jam spelling ftm to 
> avoid compatibility issues?

Sure, I'm not against. It sounds like you have opinions on how this should 
work. That's good. If there are multiple clang loop pragma's, what is the 
expected behaviour there?

In the llvm side of this, in the unroll and jam pass, I made it so that a loop 
with "llvm.loop.unroll" metadata without any "llvm.loop.unroll_and_jam" 
metadata will not do unroll and jam, it will leave the loop for the unroller. 
On the expectation that the use really wants to unroll (and it applies to 
llvm.loop.unroll.disable too, disabling unroll and jam as well as unroll). I 
haven't done anything with other loop metadata though.

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