klimek added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Format/TokenAnnotator.cpp:627
+    if(Style.BraceWrapping.BeforeLambdaBody && Current->is(TT_LambdaLSquare)) {
+        ++Left->BlockParameterCount;
Wawha wrote:
> klimek wrote:
> > Why do we want to increase the parameter count here? Specifically, why is 
> > it not enough to || this condition to the first is in the function?
> I'm not sure to understand. You want to move this test in the first "if" of 
> updateParameterCount()?
> Like :
> ```
> if ((Current->is(tok::l_brace) && Current->BlockKind == BK_Block) ||
>  Style.BraceWrapping.BeforeLambdaBody && Current->is(TT_LambdaLSquare))
> ++Left->BlockParameterCount;
> ```
> If it's the case, doing that won't work, because updateParameterCount() is 
> call only for brace, not square, so the condition while be true only once and 
> the BlockParameterCount while be equal to 1.
> And ContinuationIndenter::moveStatePastScopeOpener() while require a value 
> greater than 1 to flag true 'HasMultipleNestedBlocks'.
> Same for ParameterCount.
> I had this code because I was thinking that you want me to have this 
> BlockParameterCount equal to 2 in case a lambda is alone inside a function.
Ok, sorry, I'll need to look at this on more detail again. If we only have one 
nested block Blockparametercount should probably be one. I'm unfortunately out 
for the next two weeks. If Sam or Daniel or somebody else can look at that it 
might work earlier, otherwise we'll need to wait. 

  rC Clang


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