EricWF added a comment.

In, @Quuxplusone wrote:

> > I'll take a pass at the tests tomorrow. Some pointers in general:
> > 
> > - Tests should be named after the component they test, not how they're 
> > testing it.
> > - All the tests for a single component should be in the same file.
> I'm certain I'm doing it fairly wrong and you'll have to give me specific 
> handholds like "merge these two tests into one file", "rename this file to 
> x.cpp", etc.
>  The current large number of files is only because *last* iteration, you told 
> me to split up the tests from "one big monotonic_buffer.pass.cpp" into one 
> file per test!

I'm sorry, I don't mean to jerk you around. I'm still learning to be a 
reviewer. I'll provide some specific examples to avoid the ambiguity from 

> The problem with "one file per component" is that I don't understand what a 
> "component" is in this context. From last iteration, I know that "all of 
> `monotonic_buffer_resource`" is too big of a component! I also know that it's 
> impossible to test `deallocate` without also calling `allocate`, but the 
> reverse is not true.

Again, my apologies.

  rCXX libc++

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