ilya-biryukov added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/global-symbol-builder/GlobalSymbolBuilderMain.cpp:88
+            (CI.getDiagnosticClient().getNumErrors() > 0)) {
+          llvm::errs() << "Found errors in the translation unit. Igoring "
+                          "collected symbols...\n";
ioeric wrote:
> ilya-biryukov wrote:
> > NIT: Maybe use clangd's `log` here? To get timestamps in the output, etc.
> The default logger doesn't seem to add timestamp? I'll keep `llvm::errs()` 
> here for consistency in this file.
> The default logger doesn't seem to add timestamp?
Ah, yes, it's the `JSONOutput` that adds timestamps.... Sorry.

> I'll keep llvm::errs() here for consistency in this file.
We write to `stderr` at the bottom of the file to show errors to the user. 
This instance looks much more like a logging routine.

Since our dependencies (e.g. `SymbolCollector`) use logs, I'd argue it's 
actually **more** consistent across the program to use `log` here as well. E.g. 
if someone adds a `LoggingSession` that writes timestamps, not only 
SymbolCollector logs should start showing those, but this one as well.


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