rjmccall added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Sema/SemaOverload.cpp:3150
+      !getLangOpts().OpenCLCPlusPlus)
+    return false;
yaxunl wrote:
> rjmccall wrote:
> > yaxunl wrote:
> > > rjmccall wrote:
> > > > It's not really OpenCL C++ that's special here, it's the possibility of 
> > > > promotions between address spaces.
> > > For OpenCL C++, there is language rule about address space promotion.
> > > 
> > > For other languages, there is no generic rule about adderss space 
> > > promotion, since the meaning of address space and their relations are 
> > > target dependent. Do we want to introduce a target hook 
> > > Target::canPromote(AddressSpace Src, AddressSpace Dest, LanguageOptions 
> > > LangOpts) to represent this? Or do we just assume a simple rule, that is, 
> > > all address space can be promoted to default address space 0, otherwise 
> > > it is not allowed?
> > A target-specific hook for handling target-specific address spaces makes 
> > sense to me.  I don't think there's a generic rule allowing promotion into 
> > the default AS.
> I checked the current logic about address space promotions. There are several 
> functions Type::Qualifier::isAddressSpaceSupersetOf, 
> Type:;Qualifier::compatiblyIncludes, PointerType::isAddressSpaceOverlapping 
> which checks address space compatibility. However they are only based on 
> language rules and do not depend on targets. Since only OpenCL defined 
> language rules regarding address spaces, address space promotion is only 
> allowed for OpenCL.
> To allow target specific address space promotion, these functions need an 
> extra ASTContext parameter to allow them access LanguageOptions and 
> TargetInfo. I am not sure if this makes things overly complicated.
> I would expect target specific address space casts in C++ to be rare cases 
> since it is not part of language standard. In most cases users would just use 
> generic pointer. When they do use explicit address space cast, I expect they 
> understand what they are doing. Then clang just do not do any target-specific 
> promotion and treat it as reinterpret cast. Promotion is only allowed by 
> language rules e.g. those defined by OpenCL.
Well, address spaces in "pure" C/C++ are specified by ISO/IEC TR 18037, the 
Embedded C specification, which does cover the possibility of target-specific 
overlapping address spaces.  Since we don't support those yet, that's fine, I'm 
not going to ask you to add that infrastructure; but I do think you should at 
least handle the language-specific overlap rules here, and in particular you 
should handle them by calling one of those functions you mentioned, so that if 
someone *does* want to implement target-specific overlapping address spaces, 
it's obvious that this is one of the places that needs to be fixed and tested.


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