If someone has a design, I have coding time.

Ideally, this should really be a collaborative effort. I'm a very
barebones developer, so I tend to not use a lot of extra modules. That
said, this probably should use all the bells and whistles. Class::DBI,
TT, CA::Apache, CA::Dispatch, CA::ValidateRM ... it should get the
whole crew involved.

Also, we should do things like:
* Allow for any wiki syntax to be used, allowing the user to change
which syntax they want and save it in preferences

That would show the power of C::A's polymorphism and dispatch capabilities.


On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 11:02:12 -0400, Jeff MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1) How much more marketing do we get if we can say "C::A wiki, built
> > on C::A technology"? Or, rather, won't people ask "Why isn't this
> > built on C::A if it's such a good product?" I know that was an initial
> > stumbling block for me ...
> I didn't ask why it wasn't build on C::A, basicaly cause I knew what
> twiki was.. and that it already worked. I was happy to know that the
> guys working on C::A wer working on it, instead of a wiki ;)
> > 2) Reinventing the wheel is -good- if the current wheels aren't all that 
> > round
> MoinMoin is quite round.. but from what i hear twiki isn't... fair point.
> About your third point.. I agree totally. You're right, it would be an
> excellent show case..
> Now, who is gonna tackle it :)
> > 3) It provides an example of best practices simply by reading the code.
> >
> > That #3 is a big deal for me - I get asked a lot on Perlmonks to
> > provide examples of C::A class hierarchies and I don't have any. Being
> > able to point to the wiki and say "Look not only at the wiki text, but
> > look at its code, too!" would be amazing.
> >
> > There's also another big element here - a wiki has all the important
> > web application portions to it.
> > * state / sessions / cookies
> > * authentication
> > * file uploading
> > * form handling / form validation
> > * dispatching to various modules for printing (PDF::Template,
> > HTML::Template, Template Toolkit, Excel::Template, etc.)
> >
> > We would be able to showcase all these amazing new CAP:: modules, like
> > CAP::Stream and ValidateForm (or whatever it's called) ... that would
> > also kinda solve the CGI::Prototype problem, too.
> >
> > Rob

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