On Mar 6, 2006, at 8:15 PM, Jason Purdy wrote:

I have - I actually developed my first Firefox extension (been meaning to share the word):

https://addons.mozilla.org/extensions/moreinfo.php? application=firefox&id=1881

Hey that's just cool! (only 9k too, wow) I'll be keeping an eye on how different sites measure up now. Thanks for the handy little tool, Jason.

XUL is pretty neat, but the meat really lies in the underlying Javascript to make stuff happen.

Really want to see what XUL can do, check out what one guy did with it & Amazon:


What a great demo of XUL. It took a little while to load it from the server, but if you install MAB it appears almost instantly when selected from the "Tools" menu in Firefox. Keeping the front end to your app on the client side should have some big advantages. If you use server delivered XUL to update a users front end (GUI) with graphics already stored on the client side then your app would be more efficient, right?

The installed XUL also gives you client side privileges that you wouldn't otherwise have with a traditional web client/server set-up. Read/write privileges can be gained with just a small XUL file with some JS to process it. That's really what caught my attention. Users might work offline and sync up with the server later.

But I think the "meat" can be both client side JS and server side perl/CGI, and that's why I brought it up here. C::A and XUL working together looks pretty interesting to me.


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