> From: Michael Peters 
> While I agree that having a nice name is good for a framework, I'm
> doubtful
> about using it as the name of a perl module. C::A isn't really a framework
> in
> the sense that Maypole, Catalyst, Jifty, C::A::F, etc are.

Hi Michael

But isn't C::A more than just a module? It's even compared to Catalyst on
the wiki:


Although, as it comes, it may not be as big as Catalyst but it extends via
plugins just as Catalyst does. We can use whatever templating solution we
wish, and any ORM if we desire. I don't see C::A being too far behind the
higher profile alternatives.

A question on this thread basically asked if C::A is to help us get our job
done, or whether it is designed to compete with Catalyst, Ruby on Rails et
al. Well, I use C::A for myself - i.e. to get the job done, and I prefer
using it more than any other web dev tool/framework/module (or however you
want to classify it). 

But as a freelancer, I also have to win the job I want to get done. First, I
have fess up to using Perl - which is often seen as Web .01 by the customer.
Then I say I use CGI::Appication, and "CGI" has a bad ring to many
customers' ears, as people have noted. If I can start chucking in words like
MVC, Ajax, ORM etc and throw out words like CGI, then my coding job won't
change, but my sales job will be a lot easier!


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