* Robert Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-21 03:40]:
> I have followed this list for over a year and this is the first
> time *I* have seen a request like this. So "over and over" is
> once or twice in a year?

It was Jesse who said Ricardo was “not nearly the first” to ask
about it.

> You can correct me if I am wrong but Catalyst and Jifty are
> pretty much the same way and they have tons more dependencies.

Catalyst does not request things it does not actually use.
I neither know nor care how Jifty fares on that count.

> He wrote C::A to scratch his itch and he use H::T. That should
> be explanation enough. The fact that other people think it is a
> whopping cool framework to use is just icing on the C::A cake.

Then he uploaded it to CPAN and made a mailing list. Hmm.

>>> and it's needed for many existing applications (as you've
>>> noticed).
>> I have no interest in any of them.
> So don't use them? That was easy now wasn't it.

That’s what I do, thanks. Which is why being told to install
HTML::Template anyway annoys me.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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