* David Kaufman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-10-22 21:35]:
>  a) harder to install
> (not easier, as the OP suggests) because new users whould then
> have to jump through the additional hoops of choosing and then
> installing a templating engine. And the choosing would lead new
> users to threads full of religious templating flame-war debates
> such as this one, which just make choosing that much harder.

Disagree. Catalyst::Runtime does not install a templating engine,
but the tutorial is based on TT2 and Task::Catalyst::Tutorial
pulls it in. No choice is dictated, but one is strongly suggested
to those with no opinion and it’s made *very* easy to buy into.

Result: almost everyone who picks up Catalyst picks up TT2 –
except if they already have a strong opinion on the matter, in
which case Catalyst does not get in their way. Threads about
templating engines spring up on the mailing list from time to
time, but never devolve into flames and usually conclude quickly,
because most people already agree (the TT2 crowd), and those who
don’t aren’t talked down to.

It works.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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