Hi Mike

On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 11:18 +0100, Mike Tonks wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> Don't know if this will come through correctly via email - I'll mail

Yep, received. $many x $thanx;

> In summary - I found I did not need encode or decode functions, but
> did need to 'use utf8' and binmode utf8, and when run as cgi or CA
> need to ensure all correct utf8 headers are sent to browser.

Just for the record, what exactly do you send?

> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use utf8; #Explicitly allow utf8 in our script - this is critical
> binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"; # Explicitly output utf8 - this is critical

I have not tried these 2 yet, but I will today.

Ron Savage

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