Hi Mike

Ok. Here's the output.

> Don't know if this will come through correctly via email - I'll mail

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ./test_utf8.pl
Test phrases - display and concatenation 
Benützername [UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 12 characters 13 bytes]
Se déconnecter [UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 14 characters 15 bytes]
Verifié ☺ [UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 9 characters 12 bytes]
Benützername Se déconnecter Verifié ☺ [UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 37 characters
42 bytes]

Additional Test data - various languages [use -p if you want poetry]
Czech and Slovak characters: š  ť  ž  ľ  č  ě ď ň ř ů ĺ Š Ť Ž Ľ Č Ě Ď Ň
Ř Ů Ĺ [UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 77 characters 99 bytes]
Polish characters: ł ą ż ę ć ń ś ź Ł Ą Ż Ę Ć Ń Ś Ź [UTF8 on, non-ASCII,
50 characters 66 bytes]
Romanian characters: Ă ă Ş ş Ţ ţ [UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 32 characters 38
Croatian and Slovenian characters: š č ž ć đ Š Č Ž Ć Đ [UTF8 on,
non-ASCII, 54 characters 64 bytes]
Hungarian characters: Ő ő Ű ű [UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 29 characters 33
German characters: Ä, ä, Ö, ö, Ü, ü, ß [UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 38
characters 45 bytes]
Russian alphabet: абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшчьыъэюя
Special Byelorussian and Ukrainian characters: Ў ў Є є Ґ ґ [UTF8 on,
non-ASCII, 58 characters 64 bytes]
Special Serbian and Macedonian characters: Ђ Љ Њ Ћ Џ ђ љ њ ћ џ [UTF8 on,
non-ASCII, 62 characters 72 bytes]
Arabic: ب‎ج‎د‎ﻫ‎و‎ز‎ح‎ط‎ع‎ف‎ص‎ق‎ر‎ش‎ت‎ث‎خ‎ذ‎ض‎ظ‎غ‎ [UTF8 on, non-ASCII,
50 characters 114 bytes]

Could not open file! at ./test_utf8.pl line 47.

Line 47 is:
open (DATA, "<:utf8", "test_utf8.txt") or die("Could not open file!");

OK so far?

Ron Savage

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