Hi Brad

On Wed, 2009-05-06 at 21:47 -0400, Brad Van Sickle wrote:
> This isn't a technical question, so I hope I'm not misusing this list...

Not at all. Questions about CGI::App are not limited to the source, but
include usages too.

> I just "discovered" CGI::App a few weeks ago, and I'm still pretty new 
> to writing web applications using a reusable, extendable OO framework.   
> I can clearly see it's a better way of doing things than chaining .cgi 
> scripts together, but I can't help but wonder if I'm not using 
> CGI::Application to it's full potential.

For beginners, this is a common feeling. Don't let it worry you!

It's good that you are going thru these stages slowly, absorbing various
ideas and different ways of doing things.

> Currently, I'm working on creating a content management system for a 
> static website.  The CMS has quite a few sections (manage users, manage 

CMS! Ahhhhhh! This is a massive topic, even if restricted to Perl CMS's.

Here are a couple I could find the links for in a few seconds.



You can also see a list of Perl CMS's here:


The real questions is the direction of your future development.

Probably you want to both learn more Perl and to consider not
re-inventing the wheel (i.e. switch to a pre-existing fully-formed CSM).

So how do you choose?

Exactly by doing what you've just done: Asking around.

I'll let you read up on the ones I've mentioned, and we'll also wait for
others the answer your question.

And lastly, as for Which One Is Best? None of them, of course. It all
depends on many things, one of which will be whether or not you want to
install it on your web host's (publically-accessible) machine, and thus
whether or not your web hosting company will provide enough support to
make that possible.

So, keep reading and keep in touch. We'll follow along and throw in the
occasional comment.

Ron Savage

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