On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Brad Van Sickle <bvansick...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Tangential discussion on this... but what is the value in using
> dispatching modules like CAP::Routes and CGI::Application::Dispatch?
> I've looked at them in the past, and I've heard it mentioned many times
> that they are wonderfully useful.. but I've never fully understood why.
> Currently I'm using mod_rewrite to implement pretty URL's and mapping
> them to individual instance scripts.  As I understand it, dispatch
> modules do basically the same thing, except they move the config out of
> .htacces/httpd.conf and will allow me to get rid of the instance scripts
> (which I personally don't consider a HUGE benefit)
> I think I'm missing something here. Can someone educate me?

actually, perhaps you can educate me... I too use mod_rewrite, which
basically takes


and converts it to


and so on.

Now, we need to call the 'edit' runmode with the various params as
above. This is where CAD and CAPRoutes and the ilk come in. Without
those, how do you accomplish that?

The painful aspect, to me, is that a lot of work is required to get clean URIs.

Step 1. Create the route table
Step 2. Create the RewriteRules

This is where my recent experience with Dancer was rather lovely.
Clean URIs from the get go. And then I realized why -- I wasn't using
Apache at all. I was simply firing up dance.pl which was acting as the
webserver and also interpreting the URIs for me. Added side-effect --
since dance.pl was permanently running, it was noticeably faster than
Apache restarting Perl and DBI and stuff. But, more than anything, it
was clean URIs from get-go.

> P Kishor wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Mike Tonks <fluffym...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> I am using CAP::Routes and it works very well for me.
>> Thanks for the report. This is good to know, because this proves I
>> must be doing something wrong, even though I can't figure out what. I
>> am not using ScriptAlias, but am using .htaccess with RewriteConds and
>> RewriteRule.
>> By the way, could you please check if $self->route_dbg works for you?
>> My one thought is -- perhaps I am not doing anything wrong, but that
>> it is my combination of various plugins. I recall (from a while back),
>> I think I had identified some clash between CAPRoutes and
>> CAPAuthentication, but it could be some other plug in well that seems
>> to redefine the runmodes.
>>> First off, I am using ScriptAlias to map the url and hide the script
>>> name it the url:
>>> So I have a few lines in my /etc/apache2/sites-available/app virtual host 
>>> file:
>>>        ScriptAlias /contacts   /var/www/app/cgi-bin/contacts.cgi
>>>        ScriptAlias /jobs        /var/www/app/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi
>>>        ScriptAlias /titles       /var/www/app/cgi-bin/titles.cgi
>>> Then in contacts.cgi:
>>> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>>> use strict;
>>> use App::Contacts;
>>> my $app = App::Contacts->new();
>>> $app->run();
>>> and finally the run modes in Contacts.pm
>>> sub setup
>>> {
>>>        my $self = shift;
>>>        $self->start_mode('view');
>>>        $self->routes_root('');
>>>        $self->routes([
>>>                ''                                                           
>>>            => 'view' ,
>>>                '/guest'                                                     
>>>            => 'guest',
>>>                '/staff/edit/:id'                                            
>>>    => 'edit_staff',
>>>                '/staff/process/:id'                                    => 
>>> 'edit_staff_process',
>>>                '/:id/address/new'                                           
>>>    => 'edit_address',
>>>                '/:id/address/:id2'                                     => 
>>> 'edit_address',
>>>                '/:id/address/process/:id2'                     => 
>>> 'edit_address_process',
>>>                '/:id/email/process/:id2'                               => 
>>> 'edit_email_process',
>>>                '/:id/email/new'                                             
>>>    => 'edit_email',
>>>                '/:id/email/:id2'                                            
>>>    => 'edit_email',
>>>                '/:id'                                                       
>>>            => 'view' ,
>>>                ]);
>>> etc.
>>> Then my urls are e.g.
>>> http://mysite/contacts - default page
>>> http://mysite/contacts/1234 - view a specific contact record
>>> http://mysite/contacts/1234/address/new - add address to a contact record
>>> Note that I haven't got the /contacts/ bit in my routes_root - it
>>> doesn't seem to need it.
>>> I've been using this for 6 months plus now and as I say it works really 
>>> well.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> mike
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Puneet Kishor http://www.punkish.org
Carbon Model http://carbonmodel.org
Charter Member, Open Source Geospatial Foundation http://www.osgeo.org
Science Commons Fellow, http://sciencecommons.org/about/whoweare/kishor
Nelson Institute, UW-Madison http://www.nelson.wisc.edu
Assertions are politics; backing up assertions with evidence is science

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