
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Brad Van Sickle <> wrote:
> All of that can be done with mod rewrite.  A (sanitized) example of a
> rewrite/proxy rule I have working in an existing application
> RewriteRule Runmode/([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)
> http://server/perl/$1&PARAM2=$2 [P,L]
> Which takes the URI "Runmode/20/Data" and turns it into
> ""

Do us all a favor... please write up a short tute on this (and on
mod_proxy) and put it up on the wiki and highlight it in bold colors.
You are absolutely correct, the above will work, and work well.

I think CAD helps when you have multiple modules, and you want to call
runmodes in them. In my case, I have only a single module with half a
dozen runmodes, so I will go your way.

By the way, one does need to have a rule for every runmode, so it
doesn't matter whether one uses Apache or CAD to do it... you will
need a rule for every rm anyway.

By the way, here is an interesting post by Sukrieh (Dancer's creator)
on Dancer's load response under hundreds of runmodes...

I will never run into such a problem (can't imagine more than a dozen
runmodes, max, in my app).

Anyway, thanks for your insight, Brad.

> By making use of optional parameters and regular expressions I find it
> to be very powerful and extremely easy.  The fact that I can use
> MOD_PROXY in conjuction with this for load balancing, is also awesome.
> The only downside is that I have to create one of these rules in
> httpd.conf or in .htaccess for each "pretty" URL, but I don't see a way
> of getting around.
> Maybe CGI::Application::Dispatch or CAP::Routes is a better/more
> powerful way to do this... but I don't see how.  Which is why I'm asking.
> P Kishor wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 8:25 AM, Brad Van Sickle <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Tangential discussion on this... but what is the value in using
>>> dispatching modules like CAP::Routes and CGI::Application::Dispatch?
>>> I've looked at them in the past, and I've heard it mentioned many times
>>> that they are wonderfully useful.. but I've never fully understood why.
>>> Currently I'm using mod_rewrite to implement pretty URL's and mapping
>>> them to individual instance scripts.  As I understand it, dispatch
>>> modules do basically the same thing, except they move the config out of
>>> .htacces/httpd.conf and will allow me to get rid of the instance scripts
>>> (which I personally don't consider a HUGE benefit)
>>> I think I'm missing something here. Can someone educate me?
>> actually, perhaps you can educate me... I too use mod_rewrite, which
>> basically takes
>> /server/foo/id/32?action=edit
>> and converts it to
>> /server/index.cgi?page=foo&id=32&action=edit
>> and so on.
>> Now, we need to call the 'edit' runmode with the various params as
>> above. This is where CAD and CAPRoutes and the ilk come in. Without
>> those, how do you accomplish that?
>> The painful aspect, to me, is that a lot of work is required to get clean 
>> URIs.
>> Step 1. Create the route table
>> Step 2. Create the RewriteRules
>> This is where my recent experience with Dancer was rather lovely.
>> Clean URIs from the get go. And then I realized why -- I wasn't using
>> Apache at all. I was simply firing up which was acting as the
>> webserver and also interpreting the URIs for me. Added side-effect --
>> since was permanently running, it was noticeably faster than
>> Apache restarting Perl and DBI and stuff. But, more than anything, it
>> was clean URIs from get-go.
>>> P Kishor wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Mike Tonks <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I am using CAP::Routes and it works very well for me.
>>>> Thanks for the report. This is good to know, because this proves I
>>>> must be doing something wrong, even though I can't figure out what. I
>>>> am not using ScriptAlias, but am using .htaccess with RewriteConds and
>>>> RewriteRule.
>>>> By the way, could you please check if $self->route_dbg works for you?
>>>> My one thought is -- perhaps I am not doing anything wrong, but that
>>>> it is my combination of various plugins. I recall (from a while back),
>>>> I think I had identified some clash between CAPRoutes and
>>>> CAPAuthentication, but it could be some other plug in well that seems
>>>> to redefine the runmodes.
>>>>> First off, I am using ScriptAlias to map the url and hide the script
>>>>> name it the url:
>>>>> So I have a few lines in my /etc/apache2/sites-available/app virtual host 
>>>>> file:
>>>>>        ScriptAlias /contacts   /var/www/app/cgi-bin/contacts.cgi
>>>>>        ScriptAlias /jobs        /var/www/app/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi
>>>>>        ScriptAlias /titles       /var/www/app/cgi-bin/titles.cgi
>>>>> Then in contacts.cgi:
>>>>> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>>>>> use strict;
>>>>> use App::Contacts;
>>>>> my $app = App::Contacts->new();
>>>>> $app->run();
>>>>> and finally the run modes in
>>>>> sub setup
>>>>> {
>>>>>        my $self = shift;
>>>>>        $self->start_mode('view');
>>>>>        $self->routes_root('');
>>>>>        $self->routes([
>>>>>                ''                                                         
>>>>>              => 'view' ,
>>>>>                '/guest'                                                   
>>>>>              => 'guest',
>>>>>                '/staff/edit/:id'                                          
>>>>>      => 'edit_staff',
>>>>>                '/staff/process/:id'                                    => 
>>>>> 'edit_staff_process',
>>>>>                '/:id/address/new'                                         
>>>>>      => 'edit_address',
>>>>>                '/:id/address/:id2'                                     => 
>>>>> 'edit_address',
>>>>>                '/:id/address/process/:id2'                     => 
>>>>> 'edit_address_process',
>>>>>                '/:id/email/process/:id2'                               => 
>>>>> 'edit_email_process',
>>>>>                '/:id/email/new'                                           
>>>>>      => 'edit_email',
>>>>>                '/:id/email/:id2'                                          
>>>>>      => 'edit_email',
>>>>>                '/:id'                                                     
>>>>>              => 'view' ,
>>>>>                ]);
>>>>> etc.
>>>>> Then my urls are e.g.
>>>>> http://mysite/contacts - default page
>>>>> http://mysite/contacts/1234 - view a specific contact record
>>>>> http://mysite/contacts/1234/address/new - add address to a contact record
>>>>> Note that I haven't got the /contacts/ bit in my routes_root - it
>>>>> doesn't seem to need it.
>>>>> I've been using this for 6 months plus now and as I say it works really 
>>>>> well.
>>>>> Hope this helps.
>>>>> mike
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Puneet Kishor
Carbon Model
Charter Member, Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Science Commons Fellow,
Nelson Institute, UW-Madison
Assertions are politics; backing up assertions with evidence is science

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