On 05/26/2010 10:44 PM, Lyle wrote:

> I wrote that module [CGI::Application::Plugin::I18N] and have been
> using it fine myself. Let me know what problems you hit and we can
> figure a solution.

Hello Lyle and thanks for your response !

I installed CAP::I18N again and set up the example (sample/potest) in my 
local web server.

The example runs just fine, but it doesn't localize the example texts - 
no matter what I type as a locale (I assume simple 'de' should be enough 
to get the German version).

I can see the locale value in the html-output is set correctly, but 
$self->localtext seems to do nothing.

I also tried to use $self->localtext_lang, but I got this error:

Error executing run mode 'test': Can't locate object method "get_handle" 
via package "potest::I18N" (perhaps you forgot to load "potest::I18N"?) 
at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/CGI/Application/Plugin/I18N.pm line 271.

Now I have to take a break, but I hope I could continue to investigate 
the issue further today.

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