Jani Hurskainen wrote:
> To conclude this thread I've now an internationalization example that 
> uses CGI::Application::Plugin::I18N:
> http://metsankulma.homelinux.net/cgi-bin/l10n_example_4/main.cgi
> (source tarball download link should work this time from the beginning - 
> thanks to Anders to point that out).
> I extract the translatable strings with xgettext.pl (a part of 
> Locale::Maketext::Lexicon) and mangle and edit them with GNU gettext 
> tools (including Emacs' PO Mode).
> At the moment I'm more comfortable with CAP::I18N than plain 
> Locale::Maketext, so my future localizations will be based on 
> l10n_example_4.

This is excellent stuff :) I'll update the plugin to include this and 
the other info you've sent me. I just remembered I blogged about my 
steps to creating this plugin, it may answer some questions for you:-


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