From: [] On Behalf Of 
Ellen Ball
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 8:15 PM
Subject: Personnel needed to tackle Ebola with Last Mile Health (Liberia), 
Wellbody Alliance, and PIH

Dear colleagues and friends,
As you know, the Ebola outbreak that began in West Africa this spring is the 
worst in history.  It has already affected more than 2000 people and has spread 
from Guinea to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.  Ebola is spread by direct 
contact with bodily fluids (saliva, urine, feces, vomit, and semen) through 
broken skin or mucus membranes.  The case fatality rate in the current West 
African outbreak is reported as 58%. While no specific treatment exists, early 
detection, good fluid and electrolyte management can be lifesaving.
Partners In Health has committed to supporting two outstanding grassroots 
organizations—Last Mile Health in Liberia and Wellbody Alliance in Sierra 
Leone. These groups are already working valiantly to train health workers, 
support community based case finding and referral and provide some basic 
treatment. But as the epidemic advances, these two groups need support to truly 
provide comprehensive prevention, care and treatment.
Both Wellbody and Last Mile are looking for a few long term volunteers to help 
with the current activities of community outreach and primary health care 
stewardship in this environment including:
1) Physicians that can do health facility preparedness, training at hospital 
level on ebola case isolation and setting up isolation/referral pathways
2) RNs that can do community-based training, support management for CHWs & 
Primary Health Care Centers
3) Experienced health systems professional to support staffing to MoHs National 
incident management committee (ideally health systems background)
PIH is also committed to establishing Ebola Treatment Units (or ETUs) in Grand 
Gedeh, Liberia and Kono, Sierra Leone to work in a comprehensive faction with 
LMH and WBA community  and health center work.   The majority of the staff of 
these units will be local nationals (Liberians and Sierra Leoneans) however, 
given the chronic health workforce crisis in these countries, a sizable number 
of expats will be needed to augment the response and to train the local teams 
in high quality medical care across the spectrum of care.
We will be recruiting a large number of expat clinicians and other public 
health specialists to help staff the ETUs as well as the help support the 
community based work that is needed.
We are looking for the following personnel  to staff the ETUs  (6 week minimum 

Nurses (Ratio is 1 Nurse per 10 beds)  (total 160 volunteers)


Physicians ( Ratio is 1 MD per 20 beds)  (total 80)


Lab Consultants (total 16)


Chief Medical Officer (total 16)


Chief Nursing Officer (total 16)


Logistics Manager (total 16)


Communication, IT, data systems (total 16)
WASH/Environmental/infection control Manager (total 16)


Program Managers (total 16)

 The team will work together to implement ebola testing and care.

•         Physicians and Nurses: Care for critically ill patients will be 
predominating focused on fluid management to treat shock therefore a broad 
cadre of physicians or nurses with this experience would be welcome from 
critical care to cardiology nursing, from general internal medicine to 
pediatrics or ID.

•         Specialists in WASH and environmental health/sanitation are also 

•         Both ETUs will have laboratory capability and laboratory technologist 

International staff will be trained at the CDC facility in Atlanta beginning 
Sept 21 for 3 days and continue training at one of currently functioning 
facilities in country for an additional 10 days before being deployed to the 
ETUs in Grand Gedeh and Kono districts. For those who are interested in 
attending the first training and deploying ASAP, we need names by Thursday Sept 

All personnel will have access to personal protective equipment PPE
We are working with the US government on evacuation protocols

Compensation:  We are working on a compensation package to backfill any salary 
gaps which would be caused by your service to this important cause of Ebola 
Please contact me if you are interested or if you know of other people or 
networks that we should contact to meet this challenge!
I know you will have questions and we are available to answer and talk further.


Joia S. Mukherjee, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer, Partners In Health
Associate Professor of Medicine
Division of Global Health Equity, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
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