I'm also pleased. Although I do not go to bars often, when I have gone, the smoke has not made it the most pleasant experience. And when I think about someone like Dana Reeve who never smoked but who nonetheless died of lung cancer, I cannot ignore the dangers of second hand smoke to people like Linda's son or to any of us who are exposed occasionally. I too will say thanks to Council Members Bobby Curran and Mary Pat Clarke.

What we need now is a statewide ban on smoking in bars and adjacent restaurants. While I suspect that the customers who are lost to bars and restaurants in Baltimore City because of the smoking ban will be replaced by other customers who avoid second hand smoke, it certainly will not hurt our local bars to extend the ban statewide (although with a ban only in Baltimore City, they may gain some customers from Baltimore County who previously would have gone to Howard County).


Linda Forlifer wrote:
I am so pleased!  Now my son (who runs the sound at the Ottobar) will be
able to work without injuring his health.  And I, who have developed an
allergy to cigarette smoke, will be able to enjoy, once again, going out
for happy hour or to hear good live music at places like the Haven.  I'm
looking forward to January 2008.

Congratulations and a big THANK YOU to Council Members Curran and Mary
Pat Clarke.

Hip, hip, hooray!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/26/2007 10:18:09 PM >>>
Hello, neighbors,

The Sun is reporting that the City Council approved
the smoking ban by a vote of 9-2 today, and the Mayor
Dixon says she will sign it.  The measure would take
effect January 1, 2008.


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