Ditto for our experience last Friday in checking out Dizzy
Issie's (sp?) for the first time.  Fastest "in and out" of a
place for Jeff and me due to the smoke--had to be a record.

> Linda,
> Kathleen and I went to The Haven for an event for Mary
> and we rather enjoyed it, but the smoke was just awful.
> It seemed there was more smoke the later it got.  I think
> we would go back if there were not smoke.
> One time my parents and sister visited us, and we thought
> we'd take them duckpin bowling at the Seidel lanes.
> But when we got there, my sister turned around and went
> back out because of the smoke.  I guess we'd gotten used
> to having to tolerate some smoke to go bowling.  It will
> sure be nice not to have to put up with that again.
> We went to a Duck and Roll ( http://www.rootscafe.org/ )
> once and the smoke was pretty bad.
> Maybe if we're lucky, some establishments will see the
> writing on the wall and start going smoke-free before
> January 1, 2008.
> Is anybody else disappointed that Jack Young voted
> against the ban?
> --Emil
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 02:55:47PM -0500, Linda Forlifer
> > wrote: I am so pleased!  Now my son (who runs the sound
> > at the Ottobar) will be able to work without injuring
> > his health.  And I, who have developed an allergy to
> cigarette smoke, will be able to enjoy, once again, going
> > out for happy hour or to hear good live music at places
> > like the Haven.  I'm looking forward to January 2008.
> > 
> > Congratulations and a big THANK YOU to Council Members
> > Curran and Mary Pat Clarke.
> > 
> > Hip, hip, hooray!
> > 
> > Linda
> > 
> -- 
> Emil Volcheck
> http://acm.org/~volcheck
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