My Gmail account is 99.9% correct in it's spam/not-spam decisions. All of
the J forum stuff is always detected as not-spam. If it ever gets it wrong,
I just click on the appropriate  "not-spam" or "spam" button, and Google
remembers my decision. I can send end-to-end encrypted email using the free
Virtru plug-in. I use the "Important" flag feature to keep all the most
interesting stuff at the top of my inbox. Plus, I can access my Gmail on
anything with a browser, including my Nexus 6 Android, My Dell laptop, my
Mac Pro laptop, and my Linux box. Plus I get a word processor, spreadsheet
and PowerPoint clone, all of which runs on all of these devices (in the
browser). And it is all free!


Skip Cave

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 1:43 PM, Joey K Tuttle <> wrote:

> I use a McAfee (Intel) spam filtering service. Recently the service has
> been declaring many J forum messages to be 99.9% certainly spam (and
> quarantining them).
> Even after I release them from the quarantine, my Thunderbird email client
> consistently stuffs them into a Junk mail folder. This action may by
> triggered by some X- tags. e.g. for a recent Roger Stokes message -
> X-Spam-Flag: YES
> X-Spam: [F=0.9999999511; B=0.500(0); STSI=0.500(-6); STSM=0.450(-6);
> CM=0.500; CY=0.50; MH=0.999(2015091011); S=0.200(2015072901); spf=0.500;
> SC=]
> It is interesting that, in this particular message, 117 of 179 total lines
> are mail header information (31 of them being X-... information lines).
> Unfortunately, the only way McAfee/Intel will whitelist emails is by
> "From: " address or domain. I like the fact that the sender's email address
> shows up as the original sender's address - but the shortsighted
> whitelisting facility means that every forum member may need to be
> whitelisted - a major PITA...
> Since some of my quarantined messages were from people that are frequent
> posters in J Forums, I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed such things
> (perhaps changing in the past few weeks).
> I suspect that some change in forum email processing (or maybe some
> "improvements" at gmail) may have precipitated this change in behavior.
> I may be forced to change my forum email address to one that doesn't go
> through a quarantine service - but I would prefer to avoid that.
> Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions about this?
> - joey
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> For information about J forums see
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