The subject of child porn on Freenet throws me personally into an
interesting position
On one hand, I passionately share the sentiments of totally supporting free
But on the other hand, my wife and I jointly operate a respected
psychotherapy practice, and are responsible for training and evaluation of
other practitioners.

Many of our clients have suffered gravely from sexual and other kinds of
abuse in their lives.
But in our experience, no kind of human abuse or dysfunction can be
genuinely healed through suppression of any kind.

Child abuse has plagued society for at least many thousands of years.
>From our exhaustive research into the subject, one of the principal factors
that perpetuates child abuse is suppression and secrecy.
In other words, suppressive measures such as censorship actually encourage
child abuse!

This is because abusers have almost universally been abused themselves.
Part of what keeps abusive behaviour patterns in place is the abuser's
intense shame, self-judgement, whether conscious or subconscious.
The abuser acts out similar abuse on other kids, in his ego's struggle to
'legitimise' the abuse he himself suffered in childhood and integrate it
into his distorted reality. This is a well-documented ego-defense mechanism,
employed to keep the pain of one's own abuse suppressed in the subconscious.
But all the abuser feels in conscious awareness is an irresistable,
unexplainable 'pull' to act out abuse on children.

We live in a society that (still!) largely promotes punishment and
suppression over openness and healing. Civilised? Hah!
In such a climate, there is little opportunity or support for potential (or
practising) abusers to admit, release and heal their own pain of abuse.

In our practice, we've been privileged to witness deep and profound healings
of child abusers.
Through enormous cathartic release, they (as they learn to trust our
support) ultimately discharge all their pain.
As a result, they undergo profound psychological transformation at great
depth. Their whole being changes.
But this would be impossible if we did not create a totally accepting and
non-judgemental environment, and help them to feel safe to admit all the
abuse they have suffered (and in turn, inflicted).

For instance, we've seen men who had been treated with revulsion by women.
Through work, such men have, in women's perceptions, transformed from
disgusting creeps into irresistable hunks.

In conclusion, I want to say that Freenet can in no way be held accountable
for perpetuating abuse of children.
If anything, Freenet will have a role in healing such abuse.

Abuse of children is actually perpetuated by every man and woman who passes
moral judgement on others.
By every man and woman who pretends to be happy while suppressing their own
emotional pain (and expects others to do the same).

Abuse of children is especially perpetuated by those who advocate censorship
and other forms of suppression and punishment.

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