I have been able to get the basic gist of freenet insertion and 
requesting in a few hours.  No problems there. However, I've been trying 
to find some information on inserting an entire directory from my 
computer to Freenet.

Let's say I have mirrored the recent SDMI paper "Reading Between the 
Lines: Lessons from the SDMI Challenge" in HTML.  This mirrored 
directory simply contains one html file and some images that display 
within the page.

How would I post this to freenet so that I don't have to maintain the 
page like a site (i.e Snarfoo, gj's, etc...) and the images will appear 
properly when the HTML file is requested?  What about if the directory 
contains subdirectories (like an image directory or whatnot)

If you're willing to respond to this email, please walk through even 
what you might consider the relatively simple steps, including 
generation of public and private keys, assuming I am not intimately 
familiar with the jargon, terms, and acronymns such as CSK, MSK, SSK, 
HTL, etc....

Thanks in advance,


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